That was hilarious! I’m in, I’m subscribing!
ОтветитьNice Jimmy Branson reference. Children of the 80's enjoyed that.
ОтветитьHaha very funny, thank you
ОтветитьGreat work, thanks.
ОтветитьHILARIOUS! But a few suggestions...First, I would read a different selection to my plane. It would start out "It was a dark and stormy night..." Secondly, the purpose of opening the canopy and putting out your hand in the airstream isn't just to cool off your hand, it's actually a redundant angle of attack indicator. Tilt your hand up and it it pushes your hand up, you know you are climbing and your angle of attack is good. It's also a vertical speed indicator. The harder it pushes your hand up or down indicates your vertical speed.
ОтветитьYour wheel shoes made by Dr. Schools with air cushions? Thanks for the blathe.
ОтветитьYou are brilliant! Thanks
ОтветитьBrian, you are terrific! What a great sense of humor you have! I have to watch and rewatch often.
Ответитьcrap. I thought I was gonna be the first to be make the "ordered a plane on amazon prime while drunken"
ОтветитьHey Mr Brian With A Why, does you do or does you don't know Katie With A Why? She's also from TX.
Y'know: Remember the, uhm, ahh, remember the...Hertz?
Nah. The Budget?
Dern it, I can't memember that TX thing that Davey guy said to...!
I should’ve listened.
I googled Pitot File. Now my FSDO wants to chat.
"It's also really good to have this here in case you wanna throw something out the window, like uh... Water balloons or, cocaine"~ I'm dying
ОтветитьDefinitely going to use "Newton side" when explaining aerodynamics to my family.
Ответитьnot to yellow not to blue
ОтветитьFuck is a zima?
ОтветитьCan you actually afford to run both a Cirrus and a Grumman?
ОтветитьI bought an experimental Aeronca Champ while really barred out and managed to get a Canadian experimental plate for it. Somehow converted it to turboprop, fuel bill went thru the roof. Now I have metabolic syndrome and 60 hours flying all with a BAC of .12 (from beer), don't remember a single second of it, but apparently I fly really well... and I'm still not a licensed pilot.
ОтветитьYou should actually implement a canopy remote...
ОтветитьThe pitot file joke took me a sec
ОтветитьActually, I’m days away from my PPL checkride, I’ll try this preflight on my DPE, — I’ll fail, but just to see his face will be all worth it..., actually, if he has some decency, he should pass me after this,... I’m laughing my brain out..., ok, back to study..., but the temptation will be huge, esp. scooping the fuel out, and stick a balloon to the vertical stabilizer..., I’m dying....
ОтветитьIf I’ll make it to the taxi, doubtful, I’ll light up a cigar.., ha-ha-ha...,
ОтветитьThis is better aviation humor than Rod Machado, or anyone....
ОтветитьThe Bernoulli side Newton side thing was pretty good
ОтветитьWhisper sweet nothings to your Grumman
ОтветитьDude- the. Whole. Cup. Of. Coffee!
ОтветитьI see you have the 1234 knob, but do you have the 710 cap on the engine?? I believe that cap helps the high performance engines with the 710 usage.. I could be wrong of course..
ОтветитьI was hoping to hear something informative about the Muffler Bearings and where to put the blinker fluid. Maybe next time.
ОтветитьThat is a super clean plane.
Ответитьdid you intentionally spill coffee?
ОтветитьI don’t know... that dent on the left wing leading edge looks out out limits ... but it’s a Grumman and I’m sure it can handle that dent.
I think I saw some Cirrus owners pass out as they saw it.
i love how the wind noise in the sped-up segment sounds like you are just cupping your hands around your mouth and making "ssssshhhhcccooooowwwwww" noises
ОтветитьLol Jimmy Branson... wonder if anyone caught the iron eagle reference!!!
ОтветитьThe advice here is the same as concerning your wife: If you feel bad because other people have better airplanes than you, stop looking at other airplanes. Not only will you be happier, but you will have way less bruises on your arm.
ОтветитьI thought those were dog treats you're a great pilot but I'm not going to take your advice
ОтветитьThis is too recent to review. Could you please post something a older? - lol !!
ОтветитьThe 1,2,3,4 knob 🤣
ОтветитьYou forgot to say to suck the stall tab.
ОтветитьI’m going to eat that beef jerky
ОтветитьI thought that the coffee was a nice touch…
Ответить"It's also good to have this here in case you want to throw something out of the plane like water balloons or... cocaine"
Cirrus death trap.
Ответить“The white on the tip is there so you know….” Hahaha
ОтветитьThere was an instrument next to the passenger count instrument called "INOP". Is that like International something? There's one in the Cessna I train in but I have never used it.
ОтветитьDon’t drink and Prime 😁
ОтветитьCan’t stop laughing 🤪
ОтветитьImagine having a plane to fly to your plane!
ОтветитьI need to upgrade my aircraft to have the "lock-up" button, except it will also roll down the hangar door and put in the sliding bolt things.