The Clever Way Bethesda Punishes It's Criminal NPC's

The Clever Way Bethesda Punishes It's Criminal NPC's

The Cantina

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@apex3d595 - 11.01.2021 06:45

My dads primary punishment is also HEEEIIRRGLURAHH

@ericstaples7220 - 13.01.2021 22:20

Build a stockade in each town. If a stockade is vacant, send a criminal offender to it. Kill them if the stockade is full. No need to create an elaborate prison system.

@JW07TS - 15.01.2021 13:03

Lets sign a petition in 2030 about a new oblivian a remasterd version

@GabbyJFS_02 - 15.01.2021 14:39

What if ES6 is taking so long because they're trying to do this exact thing

@thetallgamer7275 - 15.01.2021 20:13

Easy answer programs

@ronansmith9148 - 26.01.2021 00:02

With the old ai, bears went looking for food... In the cities.

@varrusprimo2722 - 29.01.2021 15:15

But why can the corrupt imperial guard can be visited in prison after his warrant?

@hidan407 - 01.02.2021 14:26

So will there ever be a elder scrolls game that has more advanced radiant AI and a effective jail system for the npcs without breaking the game? He really has been answering questions I always wondered about and now realize just how difficult it would be.

@immortaldeath4172 - 06.02.2021 16:58

Feel bad for the Marie Elena crewmates, they are not necessary to die.

@jalomount - 08.02.2021 19:27

Their favorite punishment is: hurlururl

@youngoutlaw5150 - 11.02.2021 06:07

I think game that got guards should get from spells and abilities that paralyzes Criminal for there could be arrested but there law enforcement system is based on America law enforcement shoot-first-ask-questions-later

@harveywalker325 - 15.02.2021 06:01

2/21 he's literally just explained the over crowded prison problem😂🤭

@trinstonmichaels7062 - 18.02.2021 14:07

.trinston was here

@infernaldaedra - 20.02.2021 04:01

Oblivion has more cut content tham most games have at release nowadays.

@muskatDR - 16.03.2021 22:26

"Before that npc basicly the same crap all day and all night"
Sounds like skyrim

@connectyours - 18.03.2021 05:07

oblivion npcs says acab

@jek__ - 29.03.2021 22:09

Lol I love the intro as a metaphor for how messed up our attitude regarding criminals in real life is. People who think of themselves as good people who haven't pushed through much hardship often don't even begin to imagine how a normal and reasonable person could be pushed to an extreme, and then they treat them like subhumans

@JustAGroundhog - 08.04.2021 14:37

I once had a glitch or I think it was a glitch. Long story short, i lost an axe latter I was in the imperial city and an Argonian comes charging out of no where swinging my axe. Now this was surprising but I was happy to have my axe back, the odd thing is that the guards began to attack me when he attacked me. Stranger still the citizens began attacking the guards. Once the guards were dead in the market district the remaining civilians all began to convert on the white gold tower I followed most of the people fand out to fight the guards there outside the palace 3 of them went inside I followed one was cut down as we entered I and the other two killed the remaining guards to find an unkillable Chancellor. It was like a Coup of some kind and I'm not sure how or why this happened really.

@sirpiddlefartiii - 09.04.2021 22:50

I've used DuggeDank's "Arrest NPC Beta" mod. It works, but is buggy. It takes a long time for guards to walk NPCs to jail. My game's pirates are constantly in jail for attacking people, and a lot of low-responsibility NPCs are constantly in jail for stealing food lol.

@serijas737 - 21.04.2021 05:18

"You'd have to make an exception to every single NPC - and that's a lot."
No it's not.
From a programming perspective, just cut the jail option off for specific factions the NPCs belong to. A citizen will get the option for jail time, while an npc in a "villian" faction will only get death.

@diamondlords5014 - 23.07.2021 00:05

Good to see the justice system is now fixed.

@The_Sharktocrab - 24.07.2021 10:17

When you said "this is the part" I automatically filled it in with "where you fall down and bleed to death"

@artzlynx1215 - 03.09.2021 14:28

I mean they could make it so that if the prison is filled up, the criminal just has no choice but to either pay up, resist arrest, or maybe even flee the city for a day or two (And to save storage and prevent bugs, you wouldn't be able to find the criminal outside the city. They would just leave and go to the "void"), and then after that respawn and return to their daily lives. (to prevent problems with quests and such)

But since npc's don't do much crime anymore, that probably would never have to happen.

@MsGhoulz - 30.03.2022 22:56

"Did you hear that? The guards are coming. For you!" laughs

open console and type kill

@Hello-hz7gj - 31.03.2022 12:18

Respawn NPCs is the easiest solution.

@normanmccollum6082 - 31.03.2022 18:54

I can actually remember, I think it was on my XBOX 360 in fact, that the kind old lady in the Imperial City ended up getting killed, pretty sure by guards. I found that rather sad. I gave coins to her frequently. I had also found a situation in the wild where it seems a woman got killed by a bear while traveling the roads. Such an awesome game... blew me away back in 2006-7. Especially when I got it on PC and learned to mod so that there's hunger/thirst/sleepiness and the fatigue actually diminishes if you sprint. I love me some extra realism :)

@itsmellslikeupdoginhere5756 - 06.04.2022 10:14

Just use NECROMANCY! Simplest solution!

@OneOnOne1162 - 14.04.2022 20:52

It's worth the cost.

@luv-lost - 07.05.2022 06:57

Just found you while binging some Elder Scrolls lore.
You make some awesome content man, you have a new sub.
Keep it up! You will grow for sure. I think the subjects you talk about all of us Elders Scrolls fans think about.
And that is not to downplay your other videos, I like that you have a mix up.
I'm happy I found your channel and can't wait to watch through the back catalog tonight!

@hawks-wings - 17.06.2022 11:53

Ah yes. Oblivion AI.

As in Artificial Idiocy, not Artificial Intelligence.

@spacewargamer4181 - 08.07.2022 17:22

6 min of loop conversation to tell us something that we already knew

@spacewargamer4181 - 08.07.2022 17:28

Some of those things are not as hard as you say, time consuming yes, I get that part.

@jaceydurland9098 - 07.08.2022 00:00

I'd like to hear M'aiq's take on the prison system in Cyrodiil.

@technodrome_band - 27.09.2022 06:46

“not for npcs like you” ummmm this guy knows what npc means right

@bushturkey798 - 06.02.2023 04:10

You could just make and assign personality traits. So one NPC with a more passive trait will often pay a fine or serve their sentence.

Whilst an NPC with a more bellicose personality would prefer to pay with their blood.

@chahinebourenane6291 - 12.04.2023 20:00

Wow! i didn't know that they could do that!

@sulkycatissulky1 - 31.05.2023 04:32


@medalgearsalad1419 - 15.09.2023 09:59

I'm sorry for the khajjit that went around pickpocketing the other NPCs had me 💀

@LearnEnglishCanada - 18.11.2023 22:54

I wish they had built in a “mercy” setting where town NPCs only get beaten until they’re knocked down, and not dead.

@FreeAimDog - 03.12.2023 10:57

i have oblivion on my steam list but never played it before, wow it looks almost better than skyrim in terms of gameplay.

@micketm3 - 22.12.2023 18:48

Its simple: make the NPC pay the fine, when no more money go to jail. (or stop crime action)

When jail full, NPC will still pay the fines, but if no more money, and jail being full, NPC will no longer commit crime :)

If they're rly naughty :)) just add imprisonment cages outside... 🤔 jail grounds... somewhere.😅😂 (or chained individually in cell/ dungeon😂)

And in case of a accidental attack on guard, other NPC, they should have the option to pay fine, jail... or sorry 😂 my bad !!😂 heat of battle you know 😂

@topdamagewizard - 10.01.2024 17:53

Bethesda didnt make a game. They proved the "paperclip AI" hypothesis

@Jcecil17 - 11.07.2024 03:02

Don’t look at bitcoin that’s for sure.

@santanahutton3787 - 28.09.2024 04:13

Low I always try to play that damn when I was younger Evie single MPC killed one another so I found a new method dupe a bunch of food and leave it in a barrel in every single town 😅

@ColiasPalaeno - 06.11.2024 19:47

As someone who has made an npc mod for skyrim with an actual schedule, one thing i found out about skyrim specifically is that skyrim npcs don't necessarily need a food item to eat, they'll just pull out a pretend loaf bread and take pretend bites out of the pretend bread and take pretend sips out of an empty pretend tankard, but as far as i know, this either doesn't exist in oblivion or isn't used as often, specially since poisoned apples are a thing in that game, and the npcs do need to find a food item to eat, unless their schedule doesn't include finding said food or attempting to consume food.

@DisKorruptd - 04.12.2024 08:22

Okay, hear me out: simple solution to the "Why don't citizens just ALWAYS go to prison" and overcrowding problem... citizens may fill any "unreserved" cells, when the reserved cells are occupied, then citizens are forced to resist arrest.
