The Secret to LEARN AND REMEMBER Everything for a Difficult Exam

The Secret to LEARN AND REMEMBER Everything for a Difficult Exam

Santiago AQ

2 года назад

8,863 Просмотров

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@DrAgaKhan - 07.08.2022 18:34

Thanks for Video
I was just struggling with this problem .. Now I got the best solution. Thanks once again.

@TheDasilva1 - 08.08.2022 00:02

Excellent video as always, Santiago. I love both this channel and your first, Spanish-speaking one, "Tutorías Medicina Interna".

HOWEVER, there is a small nitpick which I hate for pointing it out, are pronouncing Skillshare wrong. But don't sweat it, it doesn't take down the video's quality by any means. Keep making content! :D

@TheBasitis3 - 08.08.2022 00:14

Hi Santiago, do you have any tips how to study for specific diseases its clinic, etiology, diagnostics , therapy together
love your vids <3

@siobhanrachel2969 - 10.08.2022 14:09

Just a tip, speak louder. I understand your rythm goes up then down then up again 😁 but I can't hear it properly

@Pkedya2boy - 27.08.2022 07:19

I don't know what it is, but your tips just really make so much sense and have motivated me to be more time efficient with the encoding process of learning. I really appreciate the videos and look forward to more helpful insights!

@javokhirbekravshanbekov4633 - 05.09.2022 15:11

you are amazing bro, i keep coming here to learn

@franklinbernardo9477 - 11.09.2022 00:27

Hola Santiago, gracias por todo el excelente contenido que compartes con todos nosotros. Me gustaría hacerte una pregunta:
Como relacionabas o trabajabas la elaboración de flashcards y los bancos de preguntas que usaste para tu step1? en qué orden lo distribuías?
Gracias de antemano

@ayilkincelik - 07.10.2022 00:08

Love you ❤Thank you very much!!

@danieldonascimentoaraujo3221 - 27.02.2023 00:24

