Go classes discount code : 6OP6IQ
0:00 - 0:24 - Recap
0:24 - 1:08 - Introduction
1:08 - 1:24 - How did you get to know about GATE Exam
1:24 - 1:58 - How you managed your GATE preparation with College?
1:58 - 2:21 - Daily Routine
2:21 - 2:36 - How many hours you Studied for GATE along with College?
2:36 - 3:04 - Ideal Study Hours
3:04 - 3:36 - Month wise Preparation Strategy
3:37 - 4:09 - How you managed consistency throughout your Preparation?
4:10 - 4:46 - Syllabus Completion, Revision and Test series
4:46 - 5:19 - How many times you did the PYQs?
5:19 - 5:56 - Approach to solve PYQs
5:56 - 6:06 - When did you solved the PYQs?
6:07 - 6:21 - When did you started the Test Series?
6:21 - 6:42 - Marks in Test Series
6:43 - 6:57 - How you improved your Marks in Tests?
6:58 - 7:16 - How many Tests you have given?
7:16 - 7:51 - Marks in Full Length Mock Tests
7:51 - 8:50 - GATE Vs Placements
8:50 - 9:40 - Friends are getting Placed
9:41 - 10:14 - Resources Followed during GATE preparation
10:14 - 12:02 - How you improved your rank?
12:02 - 12:21 - How many questions you have solved throughout the Preparation
12:21 - 12:35 - Which test series you followed?
12:35 - 14:22 - Role of Test Series
14:22 - 14:42 - Low marks in Tests
14:42 - 15:05 - How you reduced your silly Mistakes?
15:05 - 15:35 - Short Notes
15:35 - 15:55 - Revision
15:56 - 16:17 - How you made the Notes?
16:18 - 16:59 - Exam Day
16:59 - 17:12 - How you felt after giving the exam?
17:12 - 17:39 - Reaction on Result
17:39 - 18:15 - Life after GATE Exam
18:16 - 18:33 - Life at IISc
18:34 - 20:56 - Fun Questions
20:56 - 21:30 - Tips for GATE Aspirants
21:30 - 21:59 : Bloopers
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In this special interview, Piyush Kumar, who achieved AIR 1 in the GATE exam, opens up about his entire strategy for getting top scores. If you’re studying for GATE or curious about what it takes to excel, this conversation is packed with useful information. Piyush discusses his daily routine, how many hours he studied each day, and the methods he used to prepare. He also explains how he stayed motivated and consistent throughout his study period. From tips on organizing your study time to strategies for revising and tackling mock tests, Piyush provides a clear picture of what it takes to succeed in the GATE exam.
Daily Routine: How Piyush organized his day to balance study and college.
Study Hours: The ideal number of hours to study each day.
Preparation Strategy: Month-by-month plan to cover the syllabus effectively.
Consistency: Tips on staying motivated and consistent throughout your preparation.
Syllabus and Revision: How to complete the syllabus, revise efficiently, and use test series.
Previous Year Questions (PYQs): How often to solve them and the best approach.
Test Series: When to start and how to use them to improve your marks.
Handling Low Marks: Strategies to overcome challenges and reduce silly mistakes.
Exam Day: What to expect and how to stay calm.
Piyush also shares his experience with resources, mock tests, and how his life changed after the exam. He answers fun questions and gives final tips for GATE aspirants.
If you’re looking for an online course for your GATE preparation, do check out Go Classes (
www.goclasses.in). I also enrolled in Go Classes for my preparation and found the course really helpful for strengthening my concepts. If you wish to enroll, you can use this code for a discount: 6OP6IQ.
Piyush Kumar AIR 1
AIR 1 Preparation Strategy
AIR 1 Daily Routine
How to get a top rank in GATE exam
GATE preparation Strategy
Tips for GATE Exam
Honest Preparation Journey
GATE CSE Short Notes
GATE Silly Mistakes
GATE Computer Science
Anjali AIR -13
AIR-13 Notes
#GATE2024 #GATEPreparation #GATEExam #TopperInterview #StudyTips #Engineering #GATEExamStrategy #SuccessStory #ExamPreparation #IIScBangalore #GATEAspirant #GATEStrategy #GATEJourney #Motivation #gate2025 #gate #gatecse #gateda #gateece #gatemechanicalengineering #gatecivilengineering #gatecivil #gateair #air1 #iitbombay #iit #iitdelhi #iitguwahati #iitkgp #iitkanpur #iisc #topper #topperinterview #preparationstrategy #journey #iitmadras #gatechemistry #iitjee #iitian #piyushkumarair1 #anjalichauhangate #air13 #SuccessTips #AIR13 #notes #toppersnotes #shortnotes #gateda #gate2025 #gatecse #iisc #iiscbangalore #iit #iitbombay #preparation #preparationstrategy