2 Stroke vs 4 Stroke Outboard (Why Evinrude Lost, Some History & Predictions)

2 Stroke vs 4 Stroke Outboard (Why Evinrude Lost, Some History & Predictions)

Boat Buyer's Secret Weapon

3 года назад

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@markhall3434 - 05.08.2022 02:54

I thought Direct Injection solved the 2 stroke emissions issues? Adding a small blower on a 2 stroke really makes them sing..

@markhall3434 - 05.08.2022 02:56

Nothing is More Iconic that the smell of an Lawn Boy 2 stroke mower back in the 60's with real yella leaded gas..

@mariusfridlund55 - 10.08.2022 21:46

I have a 1993 yamaha 60 2stroke, cant kill it! 😁

@jonathanblack1416 - 14.08.2022 00:58

I’ll take the smoke any day over more computers and herder to work on engine and high maintenance. Nothing more exhilarating mad exciting than a two stroke power band. Same with motorcycles I have way more high and fun on a two stroke bike. Men today are girls and not men. That’s why 4stroke wins out in my opinion and perspective. They can’t change a tire or they need to get their nails done early. Men are fading away. They think they go to gym and that’s a man. Way wrong. A real man needs no mechanic or hairdresser. He’s self reliant and self sustainable. That’s why women Amy’s love a man that could provide in life and security but that’s shifted to a new way of irrational understanding.

@busboy262 - 19.08.2022 20:13

I'm likely on the older end of your demo, so I have a lot of experience with both 2 and 4 strokes. As a tech, I even worked on 2 stroke diesels years ago. I can do any repairs or maintenance myself with either 2 or 4.

Whether snowmobiling or boating, 2 strokes were a pain in my ass. So years ago when given the choice between a 2 or 4, even when the 2 stroke was a higher HP, I chose the 4 stroke. I would make the same choice today if that choice still existed.

I think that all of the manufacturers did a great job at adapting. Even Evinrude. But there are differences inherent in the 2 models that make the 4 stroke the objective winner.

@DirtyCoastYakFishing - 29.08.2022 17:16

I think we all appreciate you attempting to clarify some of your statements.. but even in your effort pt2 you are still spreading false info regarding the 2stroke-4stroke conversation. You seem to be bias towards 4strokes and maybe you own one. But have you truly researched 2stroke engines. And as for Australia.. they still sell ETEC engines. Bc the Etec is cleaner emissions than any 4stroke. 4stroke runs the market in America for certain, and that was because by the time evinrude got their model out, the states had already been steered to 4strokes bc of emissions.
The newer 4 strokes will never match weight to power with 2 strokes. They mechanically don’t work that way. It’s not possible. You mentioned the fuel efficiency…. Do the homework my guy. You talk opinion often. Bottom line is that both engines have the great points. Performance goes to two stroke.. “Todays 2strokes”. But 4 strokes win bc marketing was without a doubt.. won by 4stroke bc of emissions. But the ETEC is a better motor in my personal experience. And I can only speak Yamaha v Etec. Best gas consumption at Etec over Yami. Reliability comes in to play with all the motors. Yamahas rust out and always have to be in the shop. My Etec is an 08-G1 version and I’ve yet to have any major service calls. Impeller lower unit and plugs have been it. Turn key starts and maintains gas consumption. Evinrude fell behind at coming out with something new before the 4 strokes took over the market with great marketing. Either way you go, the engines today aren’t what we grew up on. So 2-stroke or 4-stroke, they are all better engines.

@jasoncavallaro3803 - 11.09.2022 01:35

Hey everyone!! I too loved the 2 strokes ever since I was a kid but I just repowered from a evinrude 150 to a brand new 2022 Suzuki 140 and it’s a game changer I loved the 2 stroke scream but hated coming back from a 15 minute ride around the lake and the cloud is still there ! The Suzuki is heavier but it’s faster than my old 150 overall and out of the hole and a 5 year factory warranty it’s hard to beat

@michaelogden5958 - 13.10.2022 17:46

I have a question. I'm retired and thinking about buying a boat for recreational bass fishing. Seems like there is an odd fixation on the so-called Hole Shot. Assuming I'm not a pro basser, what difference does it make if it takes me a FEW seconds longer to get up on plane? I'm thinking more about the dependability of an outboard than flat-out performance. Thanks in advance! Cheers!

@ZoneTelevision - 29.10.2022 19:02

Lies. This is disgusting. The Evinrude G2 is far in advance of the competition and far ahead of it's time and got a totally bad rap. I would buy one right now.

@joebolt8873 - 03.11.2022 12:20

just depends on the prop size on 4-sroke even on the 2-stroke

@c.c.hiliner1065 - 26.12.2022 17:45

My 1998 200 OceanPro, 1993 25 and 1973 25, still run beautifully.
4 strokes are heavy, no styling, and all look alike.
My motors are all faster too.
After 50+ years, I see no reason to accept mediocrity.

@johneast6101 - 03.02.2023 19:30

Conforming to your government tyranny will only end up shooting yourself in the face why do you people even comply….

@blaster-zy7xx - 06.02.2023 15:41

One thing not on your comparison graph is noise. I’m more familiar with the older designs, but I always hated the rattletrap noise and blue smoke of the two strokes.

@dang5553 - 25.03.2023 15:05

Evinrude lost BRP cashed in when they found out the fed was giving out money

@stevenlukowski562 - 15.04.2023 08:42


@dreed7312 - 27.04.2023 16:13

Oh well. 😂 This is easily one of the most informative boating channels, especially for smaller craft.

The motors I have a problem with are the ones that don't start when it's time to return to the dock.

@stevel1451 - 12.05.2023 13:47

Never heard a 2 stroke brasher like you. I swapped a 75 merc 2st for a 90efi 4st and went backwards, the extra 55+ kgs didn’t help I guess. Going back to 2st. . . 90 Etec when I can find one

@justinschmidt9180 - 14.05.2023 20:16

Im only interested in reliability and ease of working on it . Being stuck on the water is terrible. Theres a reason model A fords still run and new cars dont

@poseidon5003 - 17.06.2023 20:57

The etec g2 was still a good engine. It just wasn't popular enough to continue production during the covid crisis. Other than that they were fine. They didn't smoke and weren't "too loud". Never mind the haters.

@Huntersprojects - 17.07.2023 01:50

My Yamaha 50 has 4 cylinders as my evinrude only has 2 2 strokes are lighter make more power and are just better engines my question I have a etec sadly we hit a rock and blew up the lower unit the power head only has like 70 hours should I repair it? Unfortunately we all ready repowered our boat with a newer 4 stroke I wanted to say evinrude but we came to the idea we just need to repower it

@rgboyte - 24.07.2023 00:03

Wow !

@hydro_rebel7741 - 30.07.2023 05:36

Not sure about the G2 etec but the g1 etec is super quiet, I start mine and can't even hear it running. At wide open yeah you can tell it's a 2 stroke. And as for starting, you just touch the key and it starts. These four strokes crank over 4 or 5 times just like your car.

@nickpoulos7486 - 04.08.2023 03:42

I don’t think you have any idea what you’re talking about i would give up your media comments

@stanleybest8833 - 15.08.2023 12:36

2 stroke? Dogma. How many gasoline 2 stroke cars do you find? Raw gasoline expelled is a health hazard. 2 strokes don't idle well or long. You have to carry way more gasoline per horsepower hour.

@mrsuarez430 - 21.08.2023 07:14

2 strokers are way more dependable

@andyhowat4624 - 13.09.2023 05:53

E P A Is medalists

@andyhowat4624 - 13.09.2023 05:56

I own a 1984 90 hp T O P mercury and a 115 1995 evenrude intruder. Never sell them . Awesome engines. Blue smoke.

@pantherplatform - 15.09.2023 21:28

The EPA is the worst unelected bureaucratic agency that ever existed. Cafe standards are ruining the planet, not two strokes...

@evertderuiter9300 - 23.09.2023 10:10

I will always love YOU 2STROKE!!!

@russellcole3139 - 24.09.2023 23:57

The Mercury XS pro 225 is lighter than the Evinrude 225 g2. My XS pro 225 is just as strong as my brothers 225 e-tec and does better on fuel consumption. So can we quit with the two strokes are lighter BS. If Evinrude wanted to make them lighter maybe they could have but they didn't, they made them heavier than Mercury or Yamaha four stokes.

@191cane - 05.10.2023 02:34

2 stroke lost due to the EPA,not because of the performance.A 2 stroke can beat a 4 stroke any day!

@billmcpheeters1888 - 09.11.2023 20:49

I love the new 4 strokes, although I've never owned one. All of the 9 outboards I have owned have been older 2 strokes, early 70's to late 90's, that smoke upon start up - which I expect. I have never had to do more than routine maintenance on any of them (carb O/H, plugs, etc...) and I don't have to do anything to winterize them. As long as my current 1995 Johnson 115 continues to run great, I can live with the smoke and sputter!

@MyGunzBurst - 16.11.2023 16:49

I’ll keep my Evinrude XP 150 until it dies then I’m gonna get another newer Evinrude.

@joeythedime1838 - 17.11.2023 18:08

My boat is a 2016 Boston Whaler 210 Montauk and I had a 2016 E-TEC 200HO G2. I needed about $5k worth of work and support in my area was difficult so I decided to repower instead.

I looked at going with a Suzuki or Yamaha 200 inline 4 and the Mercury Four Stroke 200 V6, I couldn't justify the higher price of the Yamaha (not to mention the $2k charge for white paint) and I just couldn't get comfortable with the concerns around Mercury's reliability. So I went with the Suzuki.

The Suzuki is amazingly quiet. At idle it's difficult to hear it running. But I gave up a good amount of low-end grunt (noticeable when tubing and pulling up two water skiers) and I lost a few MPH on the top-end. Going from a two stroke V6 to a four stroke inline 4 as you would imagine changes the power and torque curves. One of the biggest differences is that Suzuki has a 2.50:1 gear ratio compared to the E-TEC's 1.85:1. This made the Suzuki a little more difficult to prop correctly.

I stayed with a drive-by-wire control configuration and also needed to have a steering ram installed as the E-TEC had internal steering.

I keep my boat on a lift on a saltwater canal so I do miss the ease of maintenance, no oil changes, easy winterization when I wasn't going to use the boat for an extended time and the longer 3 year general service interval.

@DustinKeating-yk3vq - 27.11.2023 14:02

The direct injection 2 stroke doesn't wast gas it cant scavage because they dont have intake ports a carb motor was gas because the intake port and exhaust ports are open at the dame time for a fraction of a second and unburned fule gets out the exhaust port then into water

@sjsisdhdjdkssosjdhxnx - 17.01.2024 04:28

4 Strokes are quieter, more fuel efficient, more reliable and longer lasting and cleaner than any 2 stroke. If you like a 2 stroke over a 4 stroke then you are an idiot.

@stevemino142 - 18.02.2024 05:21

Evinrude was and still is best in outboard motors 4 strokes are heavy and slow its well documented in terms of acceleration and simplicity 2 stroke is where its at

@shperax - 13.03.2024 19:31

4 strokes are also easy to work on. Not AS easy but still easy. For the most part. Simple maintenance and valve adjustments are all you need to make them go 4ever.

@waynedaub1889 - 17.03.2024 00:11

G 2

@aflarry - 26.03.2024 06:16

2 stroke didn't lose, they were banned!

@tundrabasser - 29.03.2024 03:32

Man, ive had a merc 300x and now have a merc 300r and the R has more power and torque. I never thought 4 strokes would outdo them but they did.

@ronsteitz4535 - 22.04.2024 08:10

I owned a 1995 Suzuki 25 hp oil injected three cyl ,three carb 2 stroke for 26 yrs. I had zero issues with this engine. In 2023 I bought a 2023 Suzuki 25 hp 4-stroke fuel injected and put it on my boat.. No comparison on how well it planed my boat which is disappointing at best. My 2-stoke popped the boat out of water right now.. plus pulling my grandchildren on tube was so much better. Gas mileage usage and quietness is the only advantage.I see. I bought three different props for my 25hp 4 stroke now trying to equal performance of my old 25 hp 2-stroke. I was worried parts might become hard to get for a 2-stroke was the only reason for trading it in. Not so sure I did the right thing now.🤔

@jonroberts6518 - 19.06.2024 06:56

Now one question will you keep your 2 strokes or four strokes compared to the electrical outboard systems?

@Wildcard258 - 07.07.2024 19:16

Honda was one of the first with 4 stroke

@Kyle-bb9zp - 09.07.2024 19:17

Keep sacrifice performance America e-tec was the best built outboard ever 4 strokes would not even compare. I have never bought a 4 stroke and i never will. Waste of money

@cindykeselowski899 - 12.09.2024 14:41

I was under impression that the Evinrude etec 2 stroke emitted less emissions than the 4 strokes?! Is it a bad idea to buy a used (2015) Evinrude etec?

@sopasadena1499 - 30.09.2024 18:47

Would you buy a used evinrude etec today in Southern California over a 4 stroke?

@imickyjuicepro - 22.10.2024 12:13

One word black motor ? 🎉
