Remember, Israel is not your friend. 😉👍
ОтветитьSince many zionist belive in "promised land"
Here is som interesting clue:
The covenant Allah had made with the Children of Israel has ended when they betrayed Allah. Each time they betrayed the Covenant Allah sent their enemy to punish them.
The first time, they were punished for killing Prophet Zechariah Ben Jehoida and Allah sent the Babylonians to destroy the Temple that Solomon built and carried them into captivity. Then, some of them had repented and Allah gave them another chance by sending the Persians to restore the Temple. Some had returned while some had stayed in Persia until this day.
The second time, they killed prophet Zechariah and his son prophet Yahya or John the Baptist. Since they refused to repent and wanted to kill Jesus, Allah sent the Roman to destroy the Second Temple that Cyrus help built.
The covenant with Allah was terminated as they didn't produce any fruit. The kingdom of God was taken away from them and was given to another nation, the Muslims. This was the Gospel that was preached by Jesus, that was the reason why they wanted to kill him, just to refute Jesus, claiming him as an imposter . But, Allah had save him for later event.
The Jews of today were foreigners to the Middle East and knew nothing about the reality on the ground. They had made enemy with the very people whom God sent and saved them.
Mossad was behind 9-11 and the dancing Israelis ! It all makes sense cause the usa went on a global terrorist rampage with its fabricated war on terror that was conceived by ? Oh what a surprise! Netanyahu
ОтветитьThanks TRT please more and more spreading Truths everywhere in the world and longer docus
ОтветитьAllah is the greatest and ever lasting!
ОтветитьTurkey was supplying them with food and oil during the whole conflict. Spain refused to let a weapons shipment dock at their port on the way to shitsrael, but turkey allowed it to stop dock at their port. The Turkish people are true supporters of the resistance, Erdogan is a putrid traitor.
ОтветитьTRT, the bias channel 🤢🤮
ОтветитьOh and dont forget Kennedy
ОтветитьFree Palestine ❤🇵🇸
ОтветитьThe question is, is America shilling for Israel Nazis or does Israel shill for American Nazis.🎉
ОтветитьThrough Hollywood they infiltrate America and the government.
ОтветитьI am sure, Americans dont even know about it.
ОтветитьThank brother
ОтветитьDon't forget how the stole nuclear material from the us to make their nuclear bomb
ОтветитьSleeve 🐍
ОтветитьThe world knows the world is with Palestine 🇵🇸
ОтветитьAnother president muppet bending for Israel. America controlled by israel and 15+ years ago they call you conspiracy nut... What a joke
ОтветитьHannibal directive.
ОтветитьAmerica stand with Israel
USS Liberty not only had a huge flag, sailors also said the Israelis were intentionally jamming their distress signals
ОтветитьNo surprise given how they treat their own citizens
ОтветитьU didn't even mention th OG terrorist attack on the King David hotel.
ОтветитьKeep them in Alaska why in middleeast?
ОтветитьIsra.el has money and knows who to fund. Thats it
ОтветитьWant to know more?
Christopher Bollyn, James Corbett, Ryan Dawson
Spread the word, the truth is the first and most powerful weapon especially in this information age.
This presenter is good. Clear, objective and endearing. Thanks for this educational piece.
ОтветитьIt is incredible the hold the zionist have on the west!!
ОтветитьYou left out how lbj made an aircraft carrier recal its planes that were going to protect the liberty. You left out how jfk was outed seven days after he announced isreal had to register as foreign agents in America.
ОтветитьThe zios has choked the US, no matter who is the president or what, they will always serve their master Israel.
ОтветитьVIVA PALESTINE 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
ОтветитьThis is anti Israel channel
ОтветитьIzahell masters of evil
ОтветитьIsrael is for Israel alone. They are “God’s chosen people” and owe alligence to NO ONE ! The USS Liberty was not a mistake.
ОтветитьJews betrayed Christ
ОтветитьIsrael has no concern for America. It's only concern is the survival of politicians on it's payroll.
ОтветитьNames says 😂
ОтветитьHow Israelis uses that so called world power
ОтветитьAwesome narration
ОтветитьThey betrayed their prophets too, who are we?!
ОтветитьThanks for the propaganda.
Ответитьتحسبهم جميعا وقلوبهم شتى
You think they are all the same, but their hearts are different.
History? Or criminal record?
ОтветитьNow i see why the entire europe didn't like the jews in the 1930s
ОтветитьIf only israelis were good allies like the arab countries😂
ОтветитьThey betrayed Jesus, son of God. You don't think they would betray a mere mortal?? 😂
ОтветитьThey are known for their loyalty throughout History.
ОтветитьYou'd think we would have learned from the past. Instead, "Never Again" is turning into people who are openly proud of their insanity. Riots to free r@pist soldiers. A superiority complex, while also claiming permanent victim-hood. Peace discourse being punished & stifled. Our political & media class gaslighting us, while we watch a g-side streamed daily to our phones & the self proclaimed "most moral" perpetrators of it held unaccountable. Funded by all of us. It's dystopian