Is this ar normal first time I notice this !!???  #radicalfirearms

Is this ar normal first time I notice this !!??? #radicalfirearms

Matty badd

4 месяца назад

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@larrybranam2182 - 18.07.2024 12:44

Its your gastube. Its shape is fine

@caseyroberts1171 - 18.07.2024 12:47

Totally normal... That's your gas impingement tube. The hot gas that forces the bullet down the barrel follow it. There's a pinhole in the barrel that this tube connects to that scavenges gas to push the bolt carrier back, disengaging the locking lugs and extracting the cartridge casing to be ejected. That tube is essentially what separates your automatically loading rifle from a bolt action.

@Longpoles_in_catholes - 18.07.2024 13:37

Radical arms firearms amazing rifles 😍
