How To Negotiate a Property Purchase

How To Negotiate a Property Purchase

Saj Hussain

3 года назад

63,596 Просмотров

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@AndreaBeskers - 09.02.2025 03:12

Amazing advice! Thank you! You are very knowledgeable. Have my very first negotiation on Monday...wish me luck! (P.S: I really, really want this property but will try to keep my emotions out of it)

@BobBob-mg3mi - 02.02.2025 06:04

This is all well and good if your agent isn’t a crook. Most agents now are lying manipulative unethical w**kers

@ieremiaenoka3160 - 10.01.2025 04:14

I need to work with someone😊

@annamelton3353 - 28.11.2024 12:44

Thanks so much for this super video! Super informative and your delivery style is great. A natural presenter too! Thanks again

@Naa-ee7nq - 21.11.2024 02:38

I'm impressed. So much fluff on the internet on those topics, but this was pretty straight to the point and full of good insights.

@boomeranguk1 - 21.10.2024 20:53

Nice1 lots of dimonds in creativity lots of bangg on info, Respect🤜🤛🧿 👏👏👏

@boomeranguk1 - 19.10.2024 21:10

Amazin key points excellent👏👏👏

@artbyrobot1 - 17.08.2024 14:06

i am shocked by how complicated and conniving and clever this all was. so complicated. why can't it just be simple. head games, tricks, all kinds of stuff going on. i see alot of this stuff on shark tank

@c46236 - 15.08.2024 20:43

I never do that. I simply go and make an offer on the spot base on the research and what I am willing to offer. If he play on it we negociate and make a deal, if not shake hands and exit. Time is more precious than dealing with owners that are just testing the waters.

@mugstore99 - 16.06.2024 14:33

What if the house price says 'Offers in Excess of £400,000' How mush should i offer?

@AronW4 - 14.06.2024 18:05

love this logical approach about how much is it worth to you. We recently had an offer accepted and here's my justification, it may help someone:

House went on for 350,000 reduced to 335,00 after some time, (owner needs to move out for a bungalow for a better living standard for them.) New price drew in allot of interest to the point It had an offer already which was being considered.

The house is in a good area, lots of land space, off road parking, double garage, good school catchment and matches price mark of other houses that are in worse areas with less of everything. To us we would of paid the asking but to not be too hasty with emotions and to compete with the other offer, I went in at 330,000 with a caveat of a second viewing which they gladly accepted and after that the offer was accepted!

For a while I thought it was too easy and I must have overlooked something but after re-checking everything we believe what we have is amazing for us and there is nothing on the market better in our area for the price. We even took a builder family member with us on the second viewing and they approve.

@davidsmith7047 - 28.04.2024 22:37

Outdated and out of touch advice. 30 minutes covering points that should have taken no more than 1 minute….

@user-oe9gv1nz3t - 07.04.2024 17:50

Great video. How to deal with "Guide price".

@remarastadas1248 - 29.03.2024 12:58

Great tips😊

@kimtutorials3116 - 14.12.2023 23:36

Great video, the only bad thing is the sound in the background

@charlesstevenson3647 - 08.12.2023 12:09

Very value packed. Thank you.

@charlesstevenson3647 - 08.12.2023 12:08

Oooh, crafty! I love the ".... include the curtains..." approach. Very Ninja!

@jasminrahman4378 - 28.11.2023 21:39

Great video. Unfortunately it's not working with me.

@Dr.Cluefinder - 21.07.2023 16:33

Well done mate 👍

@teiubesc1708 - 10.05.2023 11:27

Love your videos.
Thank you for being so open and educational.

@lorenavincent776 - 08.05.2023 15:34

Very good information. Thank you

@cu99460 - 28.04.2023 09:47

Hey, Saj. I'm interested in buying a property. Viewed it yesterday. The agent showed me the house and the owner was at home. I managed to get the owners personal phone number, which the agent wasn't happy about. The owner said to give him a call if I wanted to view the property again with my wife (who was present at the time). Is it a good idea to speak to the owner without the agent there and start a negotiation with the asking price? Please advise. Really love your channel and content. Regards, Mickey.

@neilcharlton - 27.04.2023 01:13

Be great to get an updated version of this for 2023 onwards 😊

@dgngas - 26.04.2023 13:53

A really great video! If you get to see this by chance Saj - Thank you!

I'm a gas engineer from London but at the beginning of my property journey (not started yet - still trying to gather knowledge). Hopefully get to attend a couple of your networking evenings soon.

Ravinder Singh

@Carolinapetroska - 14.04.2023 13:40

Unfortunately in many countries the price at which the property sold for is not published anywhere so nobody knows and seldom the agent wants to make that extra effort to find out on each single property you are interested in buying.

@bodymindgateway2902 - 17.03.2023 17:44

Awesome video Saj. 👌🏽

@johnmcmaster8307 - 08.03.2023 17:19

Absolutely wonderful video from Australia

@BarcellosIgor - 20.02.2023 00:13

I will apply this video while buying my first property this year (I am sure I can find someone desperated to sell it) and if it works expect to receive a thank you at your mail box :)

@lijie2511 - 12.01.2023 23:49

A year later it is a buyers market now. Can you believe when I asked the agents the lowest offer the sellers would be willing to accept, 66% told me if I go over the asking price by 5k then the seller will definitely take it?

P.S.: they know I am a cash buyer.

@angiej4865 - 19.09.2022 22:18

Good advice about dealing with agents....I just want to shout at one agency who have overvalued a property and just don't seem to understand that having no deeds, unconfirmed boundaries and poor condition are detrimental elements....🙄

@mrsupershaf - 02.06.2022 17:55

Great Video Saj. Thank you for your tips

@yasinahmed375 - 02.05.2022 05:03

Thanks Saj, very useful. Hope you have a great eid! I did wonder during the final stages and once surveyor has provided a full report. Is it worth sharing the full report to the seller or estate agent as evidence of issues? Or is it best sending snippets from the report? Thanks

@mohammedbabu6959 - 23.01.2022 23:14

Thank you Saj…👍🏼

@lindokuhleemmanuel4978 - 18.12.2021 22:46

Hello thank you so much for this content ,this is what i was struggling with ,very helpful thank you so much .im from South Africa in Durban,

@Keephopealive2013 - 31.10.2021 02:16

I am a property owner but currently renting in another town due to work move. I have learnt that the property I am renting is about to come to the market for sale. I want to make an offer before the property comes to the market. I have never communicated directly with the landlord. I have only communicated with the agents so far but not with the seller/landlord directly. I do not have the contact of the Landlord but can write a direct letter to their address. I cannot see them under the pretext of a viewing as they dont live in the property. What is the best way to get to speak directly to the owner. I tried to guage what the asking price may be through the agent but they came back to say the owner didnt provide a price yet but is happy to entertain an offer

@Keephopealive2013 - 31.10.2021 02:03

Nice tips

@Dani-qc3th - 23.10.2021 04:09

In theory sound good but end of the day who's pay more is buying the house maybe you have a chance if the offer is same.

@victoredwards3959 - 07.10.2021 21:49

Unfortunately, all this won’t apply in a seller market. In fact right now people want extra money , and agents are now using , guide price or offer over the real price. So this is not applicable right now .

@vinprm - 02.10.2021 14:12

Probably one of your best videos. Great tips and good revision!

@tarakkhandakar - 02.08.2021 01:36

Hi there , me and my wife have offered 248500 on a property that's up for sale for 290000. it's been on the market for 22 months and had no serious offers. owner died and now the daughters own it who both live in the US. 1 property in the same building sold for 260k in December last year and one across the court sold for 245k in March this year. we are cash buyers after the sale of our current property. did we do the right thing?

@jacquelinepaul9731 - 14.07.2021 13:08

Great tip about the cup of 🍵 tea..I'll start accepting from now.

@runumiah2459 - 25.06.2021 14:23

Amazing 👏

@anthonyacquah-ghann8667 - 14.05.2021 19:33

Great video. Really got some quality knowledge from this!

@inforealcare7486 - 09.05.2021 20:38

Thank you.

@pamsimpson3964 - 27.04.2021 18:42

That was absolutely brilliant, Saj. Thank you for your top tip on over offering to secure the deal. I'm certainly going to use it.

@aj7803 - 20.04.2021 13:54

Thanks Saj. A lot of these tips are also useful for FTB'ers. Also when are you going to do another video in cannon hill park? :-)

@David-yn5bs - 17.04.2021 09:49

Tricky question for you Saj, upon registering and views, how does a buyer respond to the agent when asked what their maximum budget/ price they're will to pay? Btw this has been my favourite video!

@Steve-nz6ek - 15.04.2021 18:45

Great video Saj, how frequently would you say you make an offer on a property?

@mogheesmir - 15.04.2021 17:56

Another great video Saj! I have been in sales for the past 15 years and your tips and tricks are definitely transferrable outside of property. The silent pause is a favourite of mine :)
