Coronavirus Update With Anthony Fauci

Coronavirus Update With Anthony Fauci

JAMA Network

4 года назад

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@SteveRichfield - 09.07.2020 13:06

COVID-19 would be over in ~2 weeks if everyone had and wore N95/KN95 masks. They work against ALL mutations. Where are they? When will we have them?

@m.talmagemoorehead - 09.07.2020 19:02

"You don't want to balance lives against the economy," Fauci says. As if economic forces are not a matter of life and death for billions of hungry malnurished people around the world. We need less of this binary political thinking and more balanced evaluation of hard data from scientists and physicians.

@gloria8027 - 09.07.2020 22:02

We have been told for at least a month to wear a masks by the
medical community. My God , what the hell is wrong with you
people. Are you just so stupid that you can not understand what a doctor will tell you to do. You can not blame anyone but yourselves. Just shut up and wear the masks and let's get this
S--t over. We are all going to die if you do not get with the
program. Don't comment because I am sick of people not
giving a crap about anyone but themselves.

@maxinericheson5478 - 09.07.2020 23:01

Masks 🎭 don’t filter viruses 🦠! If required I wear a double mask 😷!

@cjmeadors - 10.07.2020 01:10

Well, let’s assume 1 out of every thousand have COVID-19. To better understand the odds, make a large deck of 1,000 cards, then put 1 wildcard in the middle. Thoroughly shuffle, then play a game of poker with your friends for a few hours. If somebody draws the deadly wildcard, you all catch the virus, so it's probably best to play outside, wearing masks & social distancing.

@lloydpetry4838 - 10.07.2020 08:18

Pretty thorough minus the politics if only we could though

@asdf6113 - 10.07.2020 15:12

I send a letter to the white house 2 months ago stating that all states should close its borders and do a maximum lockdown for 3 weeks that means noone gets out from home,,,not even to do groceries or get gas. No air travel, nothing. They ignore me, so now you have it. If they would listen to me, the virus would have be over by now. During a lockdown people could still travel from state to state and go to the store...the pandemic still can be defeated if white house will do what i just stated here.

@cher255 - 10.07.2020 22:10

I definitely blame Donald Trump and his administration for ignoring the pandemic protocols which could have prevented the virus from ever leaving China, if we had maintained @CDC s presence in China and other nations at all times, to track and mitigate possible highly infectious diseases. There is blame, and let's please be honest.

@cher255 - 10.07.2020 22:12

DR. Fauci, you are being too kind. I wish you were right, but some people just don't care about others.
That is the very tragic fact of this pandemic.

@ronaldspencer547 - 11.07.2020 03:55

Opening the schools without a vaccine will spread the virus like mad.

@peterblack1639 - 11.07.2020 05:52

I am a little confused by Trumps observation that this guy got a lot wrong. He all along says States should not open until they have met the criteria that was set out by The infectious Disease Task Force....The cases are skyrocketing because not all American are practising social distancing and wearing a mask. You cannot even get the President to wear a mask......which is mind boggling.

@reneeaustin3243 - 11.07.2020 08:18

Please ask Tony this question next time: Regarding pool testing would it not make more sense when you are testing groups of ten that you take two samples from each person so that if the group comes back positive you'll already have the second samples on hand so you don't need to go back and re-sample each one in the group again? Also, I would like to know what is being done to ramp up manufacturing of machines capable of rapid testing, manufacturing of the reagent in the US, and funding for training of lab technicians in order to improve on rapid turner around. Thank you.

@normahernandez355 - 11.07.2020 11:24

America be Smart protect your families, WEAR your Mask stay clean and don’t Congregate!!! Stay home as much as possible!!! Peace

@twochainsandrollies - 11.07.2020 11:51

Such good interviewer

@curelable - 11.07.2020 16:56

If they are cancelling schools the they should cancel my exorbitant property taxes. Lay off the teachers and administrators.

@ccyesornocc7989 - 11.07.2020 18:25

New subbie here 👏👏👏👏👏!

@sandybayes - 11.07.2020 21:12

Just to let you know, Dr Fauci, that your words are heeded by many people. I am 78 and have been isolating since March. I see people of all ages walking by my house and I would say over half are not wearing masks. Mostly young (under 30). I’m wondering that since I am isolating that I am reasonably safe from getting seasonal flu. I know there is some controversy about getting the flu vaccine and a possible increase of contracting other viruses (including Covid-19).

@janellevans878 - 11.07.2020 21:32

He is such a gentle man. Never reproachful, never negative.
He admitted to early on the misinformation about masks and reserving the for healthcare workers. The way he admitted it was for the common good. He never wore masks until we all should. And he always does now. Can't blame him.
Wish we had had Dr Fauci in charge like Denmark. They are opening their borders, but not to the USA.

@janellevans878 - 11.07.2020 21:36

Dr B thank you for providing this time for us to listen to DrF and feeding him the questions for use to learn so much more.

@503stick - 11.07.2020 22:10

Dr Fauci, utter respect for the man. If Trump decides he’s being too truthful and decides to fire him, sure Uk would love him to come and work here..Lion being led by a utter donkey.

@intrepidtomato - 12.07.2020 00:41

The poor man looks like death on wheels. Dr. Fauci, please don't forget to eat and sleep. I know you are doing all you can for your country. I really feel for you.

@fortnitepro8881 - 12.07.2020 02:01

Not even movie theater is open imagine school when there’s more risk to get sick they should open school when there’s no pandemic . Life matter I would not let my kids

@Labgorilla - 12.07.2020 02:59

Why has this got less than 100k views? This is very important.

@lbazemore585 - 12.07.2020 06:18

Fauci needs to lift his eyes to the camera.

@taniaelliott6625 - 13.07.2020 11:42

If asymptomatic pp could get tested, they might be more responsible.

@thebiffer100 - 13.07.2020 14:28

The civilized world promotes "flattening the curve". America is REALLY saying "FAN THE FLAMES". Once again witness greed and business take over such as ...opening Disney??????? Just a small example, it takes more than masks to fight the virus. I wish Americans would grow a brain.

@traiandanciu8139 - 13.07.2020 16:33

Plastic shields can protect against hipercontagium

@zoegrace5472 - 14.07.2020 02:23

Remember The President Fired The Task Force Without Even Telling Them, Very Early On, He Had To Reinstate Them r/t public Outcry !!!

@drewetpa - 14.07.2020 04:53

Thankyou for having a gentleman on your programme. He doesn't say 'we're doing a great job' or 'it's 99% harmless' or 'drink disinfectant' or 'it'll be gone by Easter'.

@MrKen59 - 14.07.2020 06:08

What concerns me is this. Numbers and stats can show anything you want, but people are dying and cocky leadership is driving it. Personally I think we should not have locked down, but found a way to get people to wear masks and learn how to was hands. Right now we need good n95 masks, and people need to be able to go to Lowe’s and buy a pack. We can work, we can shop if we protect ourselves and others. Regular surgical masks are fine as week.

@y23t248 - 14.07.2020 07:08

Thank you JAMA. Thank you Dr Fauci. We desperately need you.

@michaelesq.atpcfii.9862 - 14.07.2020 11:02

the solution are heavy fines and loss of license, if you get caught without a mask in any building, or if you own a business and you allow employees/customers not to wear a mask, you pay a heavy fine. People are selfish and ignorant, that's why we have laws and consequences.

@secondotranquilli3973 - 14.07.2020 18:03

I'm confused! Why is this not great news? More infections and barely any dead.
More infections, more than ample hospitalization capacity, minimal rise in deaths without any spiking. Hurrah for flattening the curve. This all caused by the REOPENING, nor by the PEACEFUL protesters. This would seem to move towards herd immunity. Infections began to rise a month ago, just how much lagging does all that "science" tell us is reasonable.
How long before the rising crest in the death count. Are they refusing to die?

@grayceparshley8704 - 16.07.2020 01:54

Dr Fauci thank you for your work under the most difficult of circumstances. Please stay strong for us. We know you are right!!

@idastersmoen2342 - 16.07.2020 17:28

Hi Anthony Fauci ! I send and message to president Trump and my entire article to The New York Times. I have experiences with the coronavirus that I think can help people. And I NEVER SEE people do what I experienced saved my life this spring. Not ever do I see people take the right actions on TV. I can not fint your mail ? That is why I did not send it to you yesterday. I have done what I can to help by writing this article.

@idastersmoen2342 - 16.07.2020 17:34

1. C-vitamin helps. 2. Drinking a lot of water, even once in the middel of the night. 3. Keep warm at all times. 4. Lung physiotherapy 5. Have good food. This takes weeks. You have to stay strong to fight this.

@bethsharma4766 - 16.07.2020 21:38

I support and applaud Dr Fauci!

@jeffg7478 - 16.07.2020 23:53

Can someone please cite the scientific research that states garden variety masks prevent one from contracting covid and that universal public masking prevents infected individuals from spreading it to others. Thanks.

@juliemartin815 - 17.07.2020 06:01

Are you seeing this in high numbers in patient high and low acuity mental health institutions in Colorado?

@jettryker - 18.07.2020 08:41

Fauci is a saint and quite frankly the only person I trust when it comes to this stuff!

@debgriffin-wamser2548 - 20.07.2020 12:21

People need to listen and do what is necessary to take all measures to stop infection! How much more proof do they need? This is not some government conspiracy! This is a very lethal (deadly) virus!!

@liv4motox - 20.07.2020 13:34

Yeah thanks for telling people not to wear a mask at the beginning of this outbreak! Well the public took your advice stupid prick!

@topcopy98 - 25.07.2020 22:22

What do you say to people who point out that both the flu pandemics in 1959 in 1968 killed many more people worldwide than COVID-19, but without the drastic measures that have led to disruption, unemployment, bankruptcies, chaos, etc. we've experienced today?

@Girlgamssilver - 28.07.2020 18:29

Adult tactfulness

@raymondlogan3279 - 09.08.2020 04:11

Im glad Fauci is in charge of this shit.....i wouldnt want his job right now.....

@t.s.k.7210 - 13.08.2020 15:38

Thank you very much for the wonderful interview!
“You want to be a part of the solution.”
Absolutely. Let us fight on together!

@noahbody9782 - 27.08.2020 16:16

After nine months of the pandemic 0.3% of the World’s population has at some stage been reported as infected with covid-19. Assuming a recovery period of 14-days, on average at any given time over the last nine months 0.016% of the World’s population would have been actively infected. As a comparison this is a direct quote from the NIH “Estimates of the international prevalence of schizophrenia among non-institutionalized persons is 0.33% to 0.75%”. Schizophrenia alone is up to 46 times more prevalent than covid-19. The virus has been linked to 0.01036% of the population dying worldwide over this period, approximately 3000 people per day. This represents about 2% of the global daily death rate from all causes of death. As time goes on this percentage will diminish as the number of people dying each day from covid-19 will diminish but the global daily death rate will remain approximately the same.

@matthewgreen6202 - 17.09.2020 15:28

Get reliable testing?
