Rule Beyond The Ring | WWE 2K25 Official Gameplay Trailer | 2K

Rule Beyond The Ring | WWE 2K25 Official Gameplay Trailer | 2K


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@MaxPayneRebirth - 05.03.2025 17:39

@WWE 2K  The game would be much better if the roster selection wasn't picture cutouts. It would be much more satisfying and enjoyable if the selection was 3D animated like UFC 5, Tekken 8, Street Fighter 6, Mortal Kombat 11 & 1 etc. It's supposed to be a modern game yet doesn't have the feel. Also if it was 3D animated as mentioned I would know exactly what attire I was selecting and wouldn't be mislead. The picture cutouts look ridiculous and don't mix well with modern gaming at all. I hope you take this into consideration WWE 2K. I still find the roster selection for WWE 2K18 and WWE 2K19 far better than the picture cutouts we have nowadays!

@darkvipernx - 05.03.2025 06:06

what is the song

@BarryAllenBG - 04.03.2025 23:26

okay i buyed it i hope im not mistaken

@LiloLee29 - 04.03.2025 18:26

Why do you guys refuse to give us a new curb stomp?

@markchapman6621 - 02.03.2025 00:18

One week before and they can't tell us the full list .what a joke

@icicestparis - 01.03.2025 19:45

Brock lesnar in it ??

@Darealriah - 28.02.2025 08:35

We need the WCW GOLDBERG

@markreiser-p2t - 27.02.2025 20:53

need more storyline with more wrestlers. mind. 2 kampagnen- storylines of 2 wrestlers, or a special 2k wwe game with standard people like doink,luna vachon, bambam, tatanka, bushwackers ,owen hart und co inside more of old wwf ära stars...... not extra per pay at shop or fancreated..

@Goldnfoxx - 26.02.2025 17:47

If I buy this game and still can't connect to my friend in a private server, I will never buy another 2K game again.
Just saying.

@jeremy.govender - 26.02.2025 15:14

2ks POV while fighting sucks, most of the screen is covered by the ropes, got back to the good old THQ days

@Dylandis - 26.02.2025 09:46

Fix the servers

@tisat07 - 26.02.2025 08:57

Amazing 😊

@m.sboros - 26.02.2025 06:16

Looks amazing.. but to bring a real super complete game of all times ever, You should integrate the option to choose the commentator stuff... including Carlos Cabrera, Hugo Savinovich, Jerry Soto and Marcelo Rodríguez... among many others (Taz, Jerry the King Lawler, M. Cole, Pat Macafee, etc..)🤘🏻😈🤘🏻 Greetings to all the 2k stuff this game looks really amazing. It would be wonderful to see and receive an expansion pack for this game with the Hispanic commentary team. including the classic and unforgettable Carlos Cabrera and Hugo Sabinovich.

@mateuszwwex5127 - 26.02.2025 03:59

2025 and 2K still cannot even make good looking hair textures, then asks 70 usd for that, nice

@Christopher-eu8on - 26.02.2025 03:34

Yeah I'll pay again for the same shit from last year. Sure.

Up. Your. Game.

@MohsinMaliq - 26.02.2025 02:34

Same old shit

@Ahmed-og2jm - 21.02.2025 21:03

Really hope they make normal titles intergender too if the person wishes ffs the whole chyna thing happened with the men's ic title 2k I wanna do it with a real belt in universe not some fake a** title

@JayKemp-is2er - 20.02.2025 22:04

Fix the universe mode

@user-zc9zt2vl5s - 18.02.2025 08:30

EFFIN FINALLY! FEMALE VS MALE matches! 2K you should've put this since day 1. Makes the game much more fun. Don't know why it took you this long to do so.

@L4Egaming27 - 17.02.2025 13:27

They NEED to change out Byron Saxton man! Makes the game instantly feel kind of dated. Having Pat or Wade would bring more life to the game.Byron's been off commentary for years. If you can't get Barrett or Pat then simply just leave Graves and Cole.

@adamkolaites - 15.02.2025 20:45

Just need to add more weapon grapple moves. Ladder grapple that lays your opponent on top for an attack, corner ladder grapples (smackdown SYM), chair moves like DDT and vandamninator, ect.

@ShinanTR - 15.02.2025 05:28

why are the audience and atmosphere the same? there is no development of the audience and atmosphere. only the faces are a little better. the lights, shadows and graphics are still shit. this game is worthless.

@spookybenjamin3344 - 14.02.2025 21:43

Why not just let the loser stay on stage in after match victories scene?That would make the game more realistic😢

@harshsandhu_376 - 14.02.2025 10:11


@SonnyOLR - 13.02.2025 20:01


@ETG715 - 13.02.2025 07:36

I still don't get why they brought back chained wrestling holds when everyone who played 2k16 to 2k20 they hated that feature

@a1ghosty - 13.02.2025 02:48

Get rid of My Faction completely

@aardmanmmg6987 - 12.02.2025 23:29

Man... Now I NEED to have this game. 😀

@tanzianimations - 12.02.2025 21:57

how many custom superstars we can make in this game ?

@wjlee2301 - 12.02.2025 21:47

rhea ripley finish fix what you are currently using

@J_sat11 - 12.02.2025 18:51

open world like nba carrier

@MhdFajir - 12.02.2025 16:47

Mobile version?

@НагибГаражело - 12.02.2025 14:29

What song?

@StacieTarrance - 12.02.2025 12:28

I want them to add the Royal rumble Alexa Bliss in the game

@StacieTarrance - 12.02.2025 12:27

I’ve been wanting to see all these women designs and I’m so happy they’re here

@Adreesf - 12.02.2025 08:36

What the song name

@laurenw.8178 - 12.02.2025 05:22

Omg this looks like it might just be the best WWE 2K yet!

@disneyvideocollector - 12.02.2025 03:25

As a way of paying tribute Legends they should add Viscera, Droz, Crash Holly, Rosey, Test, The Road Warriors, Stu Hart, Lou Thez, Gorgeous George, Junkyard Dog, The Von Erichs, Ken Patera, Pat Patterson, Jack and Jerry Briscoe, Al Snow, Steve Blackman, Scotty 2 Hotty and Grand Master Sexay, etc.

@nolastname2386 - 12.02.2025 03:07

Can an old dork waiting for a ❤️ heart transplant 🚑 get that delisted WWE 2K20 dlc?

@adonay-n5q - 11.02.2025 23:57

yo can you make wwe2k25 for free on all devices (except ps5) please 😢

@Lovelytiger556 - 11.02.2025 20:12

Wwe 2k mobile 📱 please 😢😢😢

@BlueDip_3 - 11.02.2025 05:35

If you look at some of the myrise collectables it looks like your going on a matt hardy acid trip

@lifewithchuckie562 - 11.02.2025 03:25

Hey 2k you know what feature I would love more than anything the ability to import our characters from previous games to the new one so we don’t have to waste time making a character all over again and wasting hours and hours.

@maximus4468 - 11.02.2025 00:09

I hope we get Jacqueline and Ivory back.

@Gamer12833 - 10.02.2025 19:19

Please release wwe 2k Netflix Mobile trailer

@MaxPayneRebirth - 10.02.2025 17:11

@WWE 2K What we need is more attires for each superstar at least 2 or 3 each. It gets boring playing with the same attires all the time. Also some of them are identical to previous games so it's like playing the same game. Also the the grind and price to unlock packs and persona cards is insane, unrealistic and way to much. I would prefer it the prices and grind for MFP was dropped. I have so many other games and their seasons to complete and work in the mix it's impossible achieve anything in WWE games. At the end of the day a game is played to be enjoyed and grinding 1 hour to earn just about 12,000 MFP points is ridiculous. Also purchasing a card from the card market for 260,000 MFP is unrealistic and ridiculous. You should at least be able to earn 20,000 MFP per hour and the highest a card from the card market should be no more than 120,000 MFP. I hope you take this in consideration if you want WWE games to be fun again!

@Achtland44 - 10.02.2025 16:05

Footage captured on PC because it looks the best but the island is not on pc yet you pay the whole price for it xdd

@CodyPrickett - 10.02.2025 15:45

They re uploaded the trailer
