What Is A Striga?  - Witcher Lore - Witcher Mythology - Witcher 3 lore

What Is A Striga? - Witcher Lore - Witcher Mythology - Witcher 3 lore


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@resrrasg8881 - 09.03.2025 01:51

We know how it happens, like any other curse, A guy (i dont remember the name) hated ada when she was still in a womb (becose he loved her mother), transforming her, i dont see why any unborn baby couldnt be a striga

@Dasycottus - 27.12.2024 04:07

I had a LOT of hope for the Netflix series with their Striga bit. The conversation on the bridge with Foltest was probably the best scene of the entire series.

If they'd kept it going like that, it would've become something really special.

@ZaricheYruga - 03.12.2024 11:15

Striga females Strigoi males inspired from mitology

@bleach-kun - 16.08.2023 23:57

Foltest was on that Alabama time

@darknessplays30 - 18.02.2023 01:24

So was the striga princess adda or her daughter? Because someone said that she was like a child so was it add or her daughter?

@prophet4097 - 16.01.2023 15:46

"Striga" comes from Romanian. Striga is a type of owl which flies in Romania. They are misterious and looks scary in the same time. The whole story is inspired from the Romanian history. Decebal leader has an army of courageos people and they has many wolves they grew and they were going to fight with them. From here there appeared stories around the world with werewolves and vampires. Proud to be a romanian.

@W47689 - 16.12.2022 01:14

So my ex gf basically was a striga?

@reaper7910 - 10.08.2022 14:37

Geralt in the intro cinematic: scares the hell out of the Striga

Geralt lifting the curse a second time: ring around the coffin

@reymagea1 - 10.01.2022 22:48


@Mak10z - 10.01.2022 20:20

"His Sister.. His Lover.. and his Daughter" wait is this Alabama? j/k they way you said that just mad that pop in to my head

@behel111 - 10.01.2022 00:10

Man that was a great part in the book

@thebingthing8421 - 01.01.2022 21:12

Ada must have been a baddie…..or super cool

@fluffygutts - 29.12.2021 18:33

So a striga is a woman on her period then. Maybe that's just me lol

@NurseGodOfMischief1of24 - 29.12.2021 12:55

The Last Wish implies some more information on Strigas, actually. Chiefly the idea that no two Strigas are necessarily alike: some of them seem to be unaffected (or affected differently) by silver, and in some cases the curse transforming them has to be broken in a different way than Ada's. It's even implied that in some cases the curse in question cannot be broken at all, or at least not without the cursed one's death.
I personally think that those differences are probably dependent on the curse that creates the striga, the method used, the person who uttered it, etc. That would probaby also influence the likelihood of the curse returning.
Also, Ada's behaviour is probably more because of trauma and the fact that she she spend the first fourteen years of her life as essentially an animal. IRL children who during that time spend too much time isolated (examples include being locked away by abusive parents, being raised and socialized by animals rather than humans - mainly wolves, during more medieval times, or dogs - etc.) usually show trouble with language development, especially grammar, have low social skills, in some cases demonstrate animalistic behaviour (barking when excited/stressed, humping to assert dominance, etc.), and are generally usually less able to navigate society and need a lot of specialized care. Those children also usually show significant neuroligical differences in brain scans/imaging, and the chance of them learning or re-learning those social skills to the point non-neglected children possess is usually very low. So Ada would probably be considered "addled" for the rest of her life.

@shrood1 - 02.11.2021 00:32

They should have made a striga contract or something.

@Jnow796 - 30.09.2021 07:51

There's a hidden room in the nilfgaard gardens mentioning a striga curse and a plot to make the girl turn back. You have to use your witcher senses and locate a stone in the wall to open it. Someone whose surname was Vivaldi was behind the conspiracy. watch?v=QaD9TnksAVM

@neros398 - 06.09.2021 01:20

You are teaching us more then school does

@deathmetalpotato - 18.07.2021 13:58

It’s ok to say striga but not strigger

@AsifAli-mz5jl - 05.07.2021 09:01

It's streegah not strigger lol English accents 😁🤣

@saino-d - 15.03.2021 02:32

see? that's why incest is not okay

@lowearthsurfer - 10.12.2020 12:29

Completely butchered the book version.

@andrewsullivan2650 - 08.12.2020 07:32

This is awesome still trying to find Witcher 1

@aspenparker5855 - 04.12.2020 22:13

Why did adda have the body of a 14 year old if it had only been 7 years since her mother's death and her birth/death?

@nikhiljoshi7486 - 16.11.2020 21:06

don't knw about witchers and all, but a well placed tranquilizer would have done the job...

@RedBird138 - 14.09.2020 19:07

I've got to be honest, I much prefer the Netflix series rendition of the Striga. That thing was horrifying and grotesque. Much better than how it's portrayed in the first game and described in the book.

@barrybobert9294 - 08.09.2020 01:33


@stephenmemelord2303 - 31.08.2020 23:13

A striga is 5 heavy attacks, a grapeshot, 2 igni, and almost no loot.

@Marchew1200 - 31.07.2020 21:15

I want witcher 1 remake so bad!!!

@bootarokujo8446 - 28.05.2020 06:17

I wrote the books and they we’re amazing.

@sharingame4404 - 23.05.2020 03:01

where can I find striga in the witcher 3? I remember some npc mention it somewhere. but I regret not going for it at that moment

@beckeras8848 - 30.04.2020 01:47

Strigas, Nekkers... what else?

@valley2772 - 18.04.2020 21:27

One things that I hate about English is the words brother and sister (Confused)

@zabeliiulet1 - 18.04.2020 12:02

Striga (Shtriga) comes from Albanian mythology .

@FoltestAnimations - 29.03.2020 11:00

I think the Striga is like the DC Doomsday of Witcher

@GigglesClown - 04.03.2020 22:38

We do have an idea about curses effecting the mind after being lifted, the old woman who collected spoons in Toussaint returned to her human for with not only her old memories but those of what she did as a hag

@rudolfsanchez9855 - 10.02.2020 22:17

this does not sound accurate triga is ancient Latin roman tradition to protect the family and state by keeping a flame alive by becoming a virgin well Rome was protected by the holy mother virgin after chriztos. 500 years before christos.tradition stopped because last virgins were raped and murdered by elite in rome

@gogogoooooooooo - 09.02.2020 19:16

What’s up mah striga?

@patrickmcknight2394 - 08.02.2020 08:47

I know this vid got hella clout after the netflix series dropped. Good job👍👌

@ItsBigOnDatChris8308 - 05.02.2020 21:39

What’s the music used in this video called

@steve75112 - 31.01.2020 00:07

umm its fictitious weirdo

@juneboy7584 - 29.01.2020 21:26

The Witcher ...best series in entire world ...best Henry Cavill 💪💪💪 love from India 💞

@ArtKO171 - 28.01.2020 04:18

Hey 🙂 I've just discovered your channel. And I don't regret it ^^ very great work about the lore. And very dynamics videos.

But I've one question. Can you give the link for the stryga pictures appears in your video? Sorry if my english is not very good. I'm french btw 😂

The pictures on the thumbnail ^^

@heroan-bo7wy - 24.01.2020 06:19

What ep on witcher1 do you fight the striga

@SebaRexBASH - 24.01.2020 05:02

Honestly, when I first heard of it, it sounded like a creepy creature and it's design was pretty cool... But Netflix's Striga is just disturbing and unnerving 😳

@shreyaskadam7633 - 14.01.2020 17:41

Liked this video before even watching it, because u used witcher 1 music

@Christabbaword - 13.01.2020 14:13

Wisdom 1

14 To exist -- for this he created all things; the creatures of the world have health in them, in them is no fatal poison, and Hades has no power over the world:

15 for uprightness is immortal.

16 But the godless call for Death with deed and word, counting him friend, they wear themselves out for him; with him they make a pact, worthy as they are to belong to him.

@ATMNS - 12.01.2020 20:13

Where can I find Geralt Vs Striga theme from the Witcher Netflix series

@Kokombads - 12.01.2020 16:14

Foltest lost his sister, his daughter and niece all in one day

@zacharystewart9790 - 10.01.2020 19:19

Damn Netflix nailed that one perfect

@Feroxing12 - 10.01.2020 18:54

striga generally means witch, its no specific type of monster of something. its just witch. thats how i know it since i was a kid.
