i'll say it in french . Le Maréchal Murat a reçu une réputation en partie fausse parce que Napoléon pensait que Murat entretenait une relation avec Joséphine. Aussi Napoléon faisait une différentiation parmi ses soldats. Dans l'ensemble le Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène est décrit ce qu'on appelle la "légende noire" de Murat par rapport aux documents historiques qui eux donne la "légende dorée" de Murat. Oui il a ordonné son exécution et les soldats été tellement impressionnés qu'ils ont loupé leur tir. Murat a alors ordonné un second tir avec la fameuse phrase, "visez la cœur, épargnez le visage" et il sera cette fois ci touché par le tir des soldats mais sera toujours en vie. C'est alors qu'un haut gradé il me semble arriva et tira deux balles dans la tête de Murat. Et le plus impressionnant reste la charge de la bataille d'Eylau car on apprend dans les récits des soldats russes que certains d'entre eux ont fait des crises cardiaques devant l'intensité de la scène à laquelle ils assistaient. En bref, Davout est le succès incarné car n'a jamais perdu aux cotés de l'Empereur, Lannes est un des plus mémorable pour ce qu'il a accompli et sa fin tragique. Mais pour moi, mon préféré et meilleur Maréchal de Napoléon est puis restera le Maréchal Murat.
ОтветитьI like the big spike at the Murat timestamp
ОтветитьLove the Epic History videos. Your videos have taught me more than school ever did. Keep up the amazing work.
ОтветитьThis is so Epic. The french have decades of great TV shows. They are sleeping on a treasure trove.
ОтветитьGassendi not Marmont developed how moving the guns into the Alpes. I think, Grouchy, Lefevbre and Mortier are better than Marmont, Marbot Think this Too. Davout, Lannes and Suchet were the best. And Murat is not a fool like Napoleon and others they want to believe to us.
ОтветитьHard to believe some of those marshals lived a quite long life after all the wars and hardship they've been through fighting with their soldiers in those bloody battlefields all over Europe, they were not only great commanders they were really strong men in a era where the life expectancy for civilians was on average 40 years old.
ОтветитьWhat gets me about Napoleon's army is talent on display the number of commanders who rise to the top most of them having such humble backgrounds. Sons of inn keepers, a servant's son or a poor boy running away from home. Lower classes with no wealth. Todays militaries are still dogged by Class and wealth. So many NCOs that are brilliant leaders but will bever advance from the ranks. I doubt the world will ever see a military like this again where talent got you promoted not what University or Private school you went to or if mummy and daddy can buy you a commission. The British military still has a class issue. Today the likelihood of a guy who grew up on a council estate in Britain rising through the ranks if they are incredibly talented is very unlikely. When i served our NCOs we would march with them through the gates of hell if we were asked but most of the officers you wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. Many certainly werent there because of talent.
Ответитьis this the hoi4 soundtrack
ОтветитьWhat a video! Napoleon would had been proud!
I often wonder how many great men walked the same roads as we all do, breath the same as we do, loved cherised worried and had other emotions as we all do. When I think of such men, Lannes and Davout always come to mind, among many others. The deaths of Lannes and Davout always make me emotional, regardless of how many times I watch the video.
PS: I believe Joubert should have an honorable mention at the beginning for having great potential to become a Marshal. Its a pity that his life was cut short at the battle of Novi. What a waste of military talent.
So many consider the battle of Austerlitz as Napoleon's masterpiece , but I conconsider it to be his victory at Dresden , here's why :
Austerlitz = 65,000 French 🆚 90,000 ( 1805 )
Dresden = 100,000 French 🆚 200,000 ( 1813 )
I agree with the top five and their order. I think many military historians, if not indeed most, would agree.
Had Lannes lived longer, he might have outranked Ney.
You will blow up beyond what you already have if you do WW2! I’ve finished every Napoleon video you’ve released, I’m grateful for all the knowledge i’ve learned from you.
ОтветитьDidn't Napoleon have anything better to speak about Oudinot ? He is a badass guy, and his introduction in the video was lame(Not the fault of the narrator of course)
ОтветитьThe quote of Napoleon to Macdonald hit me hard. "I did not know you well; I was prejudiced against you. I have done so much for so many others who've abandoned me. AND YOU, WHO OWE ME NOTHING, HAVE REMAINED FAITHFUL.
ОтветитьNapoleon threw his best general in prison out of jealousy. Probably would have been the Marshall he could always trust. Dumas.
ОтветитьI LOVE the fact that Moncey got by being an average general and a generally chill dude
ОтветитьThis bond of friendship between these people and emperor is very unique and attractive I love this and this is why I love napoleonic wars more than any other wars
ОтветитьThe re-watchability is insane of these videos, so much info crammed over it...
ОтветитьI think the best non marshal commander of the napoleonic wars was moreau
ОтветитьThe real title: Napoleon's backstabbing murderers and the incompetent gang.
ОтветитьThis narrator is pure gold...
ОтветитьDavout 💔
ОтветитьLa Victoire Est a Nous !
Ney 💔
Great series!
ОтветитьNey retreating from Moscow by Adam Zamoysky: "When he reached Kovno with his dwindling rearguard, a ragbag of depleted units, Ney took up defensive positions outside the city in order to allows as many stragglers as possible to pass through it, pick up supplies and get across the Niemen. It was a slow business, as, although the river was now frozen hard and could be crossed anywhere, everyone was crowding onto the bridge, and the ensuing bottleneck caused the usual fights and casualties.
Ney soon found himself threatened with encirclement by cossacks and was bombarded by artillery brought up by regular Russian cavalry. He had a few guns, including some of those Major Noel and he kept had so unnecessarily brought all the way to Ponary, and he kept the Russians at bay for a time. But his troops were melting away. A company of Germans from Anhalt-Lippe gave up when they saw their Captain, who had been wounded, put a pistol to his head and shoot himself. In the end Ney was left with only a handful of French infantry so he began falling back carrying out a fighting withdrawal through the town and over the bridge. A soldier's musket in his hand, he remained in the front rank of his diminishing force, commanding them and encouraging them to the last. As he reached the western end of the bridge he discharged one last shot at the Russians and then flung his musket into the frozen bed of the Niemen before turning and trudging off."
This is my nighttime ASMR, I can't believe I can listen to it for free every night. Epic History, I hope you go very far!
ОтветитьThis is the best documentary I have ever seen.
ОтветитьI enjoy these Napoleonic videos 100000x more than that Awful Ridley Scott film. THANK YOU 🙏🏻
Ответитьcall me crazy, Napoleon gets the honor and remembered through history, but it's Berthier who is the true mastermind and genius of them all
ОтветитьI'm not sure who said it, but it may have been one of the Napoleons: "One mediocre Marshal is better than two brilliant ones."
The point being that you could rely on the one to get the job done but two or more marvellous prima donnas would take up all your damn time mediating between them -- let alone letting the enemy come up the middle between them...
Masterpiece 👏🏻
ОтветитьYou know, women in yoga pants today might get noticed for their 🐪 🦶
Or 🫎 👊
But these guys pants don’t leave a whole lot left to the imagination.
This was excellent. Well done!
ОтветитьMurat gang rise up
ОтветитьWhere is Junot at?
ОтветитьBattle of Leipzig and berthier😡
ОтветитьIf I want to watch all these napoleon episodes, which one should I start with? Just saw the Egyptian one… all parts. Can someone please guide me in chronological order. Merci
ОтветитьWhat about something more then just a mention about General Suvorov, or something about Fyodor Ushakov? Or maybe about Admiral Blas de Lezo?
ОтветитьIf they didn't give davout the top spot, it would boggle my mind... This guy fought hard and won big
ОтветитьIs this my 20th re-watch? 21st coming soon.
ОтветитьFrance Notorious in Killing it's heroes !
Joan d' Arc , Lally-Tollendal , ..
These are some of the finest Military Documentaries ever put to film. Thank you so much for your work.
ОтветитьTrue legend !!!!
ОтветитьMurat's intro is so badass
ОтветитьEpic History I beg you do a video on Alexanders generals