Is independence from Ethiopia the TPLF’s endgame in Tigray? | UpFront

Is independence from Ethiopia the TPLF’s endgame in Tigray? | UpFront

Al Jazeera English

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@consultingengineersplc827 - 09.10.2024 21:32

Getachew is already purged from TPLF, he is no more TPLF
member. After all he is a pathological liar. Pls. ignore him.

@FikreSelasiébezabih-oj9vc - 12.09.2024 22:42

Glory to Ethiopia

@yadetaabduladi - 30.08.2024 00:33

They wanna to regain their energy? MEANINGLESS DREAM....

@AbeReta-ws5bo - 29.03.2024 23:39


@farhanabdulhamid4214 - 15.04.2023 01:03

Wow wow good brother and sister and Family All PEACE and Happiness and Democracy in Femily peace yes and Business Family all PEACE yes Happy

@michaelg.9791 - 01.02.2023 21:54

That's how heartbreaks are made , i'e dreaming the UNATTAINABLE pipe dreams 😁

@kistanit - 15.09.2022 02:35

I hate to say it, since i have tigrayans families and friends, but if Tigrayans separate form the rest of Ethiopia, no gain for them but lose. TPLF can't come back to power. They went war, abused, raped women's, nun's , killed enocent Amharavand people of Afar. The should accept that and let young tigrayans Ethiopians breath peace.

@kistanit - 15.09.2022 02:18

I feel sorry for the young tigrayan Ethiopians who are used for those TPLF leaders while those leaders siblings enjoying a peaceful life and educations abroad. TPLF fight is to come back to power for self gain. Ethiopians said enough is enough.TPLF is hurting poor tigrayans Ethiopians. TPLF was in Power for 27 years but they did not grow Ethiopia but corrupted the whole country. # No More! Ethiopian government fighting for Ethiopians including tigrayans Ethiopians. It is to understand that he does not care about tigrayans life and future. Ethiopian government should Get ride of those group's one and for all, to make sure they are disarmed for future of Ethiopians which include tigrayans.

@MekonenMeteor123 - 03.08.2022 23:43

So the TPLF is completely innocent?

So every little group that wants "independence" from a sovereign nation should be able to do without any pushback for the sake of unity? If that were the case the US would be split up in an instant. You don't promote that here so why don't you think more critically about this issue?

@MekonenMeteor123 - 03.08.2022 23:37

The government of Ethiopia doesn't want to be on Lamonts show so I guess we should believe everything this insurrectionist says 😂.

@yonasgeda2180 - 03.07.2022 15:44

You are evil and your hand is covered with innocent children blood. You are a pathological lier. Your sickness is called pseudologia fantastica it is a chronic behavior of compulsive or habitual lying. Feel sorry for the people of Tigreans even though there is a say by Joseph de Maistre Every people has the government it deserves.

@danieltesfayemamo7458 - 06.01.2022 06:47

Don’t you look for other person that can argue the other side

@yacobhailu8106 - 21.12.2021 16:52

Mama Africa wake up!Let we unite.Come and work hard ,refuse any aid of western's.

@del6834 - 13.12.2021 07:30

Getachew Reda said US told him to overthrow the government of Ethiopia, in Tigray language interview. Why didn't you asked him that?

@Abdulaziz-sf1cm - 07.12.2021 00:49

TPLF is cancer, CANCER

@ethiohollywood598 - 05.12.2021 10:33

fack news

@tornadob6765 - 03.12.2021 17:33

Aljazeera is just a "Middle-Eastern" extention of BBC.
Just like your masters, you are FAKE NEWS.
0.000 Credibility,
Shame on you!

@yetiboysw8933 - 28.11.2021 11:27

I really want you to go! I think Ethiopia is better than without you

@yetiboysw8933 - 28.11.2021 11:19

Over 27 years you have bought friends including the media and the western. They are now helping you although the it hasn't gone as plan. Western and the media are complacent in removing democratically elected prime minister to replace you again. Although you were confident it was going to happen, it hasn't gone as plan so far. All I can say is that God is watch over Ethiopia. The reality is that you brain wash the Tigray people telling them the Ethiopian are coming for you. Eventhough the only people benefit from the 27 years TPLF regime, you had done nothing much to the Tigray nation let alone the Ethiopian. You enjoyed power and place Tigray I higher position around western pltical offices. You form a very good friendship with the USA high diplomatic while you promised to give them anything they ask with no challenge. That is now over because Ethiopian are woke with the help of God! You are now in a tight spot! You made unsolvable hate between the two countries you were suppose to be a close member of family. What are you going to do now! Seek independence! How? Is it even possible! Do you even know what you are doing or you just take it as it comes. Let's say you get your independencey which I personally prefer, then how are you going to make it. You have no border and you don't have fertilile land. I think you are barking mad in a Head on collision course.

@yetiboysw8933 - 28.11.2021 10:59

Aljezeera friends of TPLF! Can't expect honesty on here!

@ilyesibrahim787 - 27.11.2021 07:34

Tigre are a tool for the West Tigre destabilise East Africa specially Somalia by creating 4.5 systems and decisions amongst the people.

@ilyesibrahim787 - 27.11.2021 07:22

I am glad to see you on aljazeera Mark.
Take that cnn!
You are international now.
Salute from Somalia 🇸🇴

@tornadob6765 - 26.11.2021 15:54

Aljazeera is a fake news agency who licks the boots of its masters. You don't have any credibility now, never had since the first day you were on air. Lies, lies and lies. You don't know Ethiopia because you are not journalists. You are out there to take sides with organizations that embezzled billions who may have thrown a few millions to you so that you can spew and spread their lies.
Do you know Getachew Reda??? Do you know what he was doing for the 27 years he was in power? Did you ever try to find out how many Ethiopians were thrown in jail, killed by him and his "party"???
The answer is NO because you are Aljazeera and you are out there to defame countries and people of great history.
Even if you give the TPLF a 24hr coverage, 365 days, you will not be able to force Ethiopia to negotiate with these blood thirsty killer terrorists. Period.
Good luck losers.

@tiatinamo9290 - 26.11.2021 11:57

Getachew reda if the manufacture of fake news

@tiatinamo9290 - 26.11.2021 11:54

The great false propaganda

@orobleh77 - 09.11.2021 05:17

Both sides(The Ethiopian governement and the TPLF) should know that they will not achieve what they want. A compromise will prevail. The western countries and the African Union would not allow an all out civil war. More important, the TPLF should know their glory days of power and control in Ethiopia would not come back.

@girmamoges3449 - 28.10.2021 09:11

tigray defense force is terrorist group they make murder massacre in raya people and afar

@A.D.540 - 28.10.2021 06:26

if was both tigray and ethiopia would find peace fortuntaly tplf goal is to rule ethiopia by being one of political parties that join one of the big party. i hope tigray gain indepandent and tplf not rule ethiopia. they are seriously hate by non-tigrayan in my view unless some oromo and agaw.

@drejegetahun9916 - 30.08.2021 16:40

TPLF tried regular war they failed, they tried terrorism they failed, the have now embarked on a new strategy it's called anarchy and trial by media

@fikresbezabih1039 - 22.08.2021 23:30

à trouver la solutions pour le vivre ensemble nous ethiopien nous somme fort dans tout les domaine avec respect tout est posible

@XeB9701 - 15.08.2021 05:30

this moron doesn't realize Sudan is in our back pocket. they want our electricity and Eritrea is already on our side so they will be fighting a 3 side war

@XeB9701 - 15.08.2021 05:22

an effective resistance 😂😂😂😂😂dying isn't effective besides the attacks are not against the people of tigray but against the TPLF

@jowo6827 - 14.08.2021 09:53

Haha the Ethiopian government shouldn’t talk with the terrorist for sure praise God TPLF is destroyed forever

@melvinnovak2598 - 13.08.2021 22:47

First of all the people of Tigray were excluded from the election therefore Abiy is illegitimate for people of Tigray. Second asking TDF to withdraw while western Tigray is occupied by Amhara militia, Eritrean army and Ethiopian solders is totally unfair question. Third blocking electricity, banking, telecommunication services, and aid blockage is an act of war. Abiy Ahmed unleashed his ethnic cleansing agenda many months ago the people of Tigray will fight tell they become free of potential treats. Abiy Ahmed by supporting one ethic and treating other ethnic unfairly failed as a leader of multiethnic society, Abiy has perused this unjust war now the people of Tigray will fight until they restore their basic rights, you the BBC journalist has no clue do your homework before asking rubbish questions, put yourself in the position of Tigray people see what you would do, Abiy is preventing food aid to kill children and innocent civilians, blocking food aid is an act of genocide. Tigray will prevail. Tigray will put to the end of the barbaric and criminal Abiy regime, all the rapes committed against innocent girls and women will not go unpunished, Tigray was looted everything destroyed , an act of genocide committed by Abiy, Amhara militia and Eritrean solders, we need justice.

@kassegngenetu2688 - 12.08.2021 14:55

before all TPLF is terriers! and getachew reda always chat joking it is not true .

@ለይኩንዘ-ኢትዮጲያ - 11.08.2021 03:21

United Nations 🇺🇳 the @CNN @Aljazira ….are sponsors of Terrorist

@joshjuda769 - 07.08.2021 08:05

Abye is no problame
Problame is Tplf
Tplf is tarrst

@joshjuda769 - 07.08.2021 08:02

Tplf is tarrist

@ziyaadabdi8897 - 06.08.2021 17:58


@shlmel - 04.08.2021 05:58

"It's all about who can controll the new Ethiopian commerce coming through the Ethiopian Dam Project"

@samsonberhanu8025 - 03.08.2021 06:29

This is the person that that is most wanted criminal thst is the cause of the massive come

@diiffarah3663 - 27.07.2021 22:19

The headline is totally wrong

@YNWA442 - 27.07.2021 09:51

The director of WHO must stop providing satellite phones to the rebels group in Ethiopia.

@aidahailu2320 - 26.07.2021 04:16

Interviewer, please do your homework first and know Tigray does not share a border with Sudan but then again you don’t care about the truth.

@think4358 - 25.07.2021 14:32

I wonder why the main stream media is not reporting the real truth. LETS NOT FORGET TPLF WERE IN GOVERNMENT FOR MORE THAN 25 years with a 99% votes. It’s not a small rebel group.

@eminet100 - 24.07.2021 23:59

The whole interview with Red has no meaning, the interviewr obviously runs the interest of third party of TPlF, who paid reda to throw every word of genocide, rap, crime, killing innocent, extera on us. Why is aljezera this moron interviewer backing up TPLF? Why thou? Majority People of Ethiopia tired of TPLF why ?

@Qubanaha_Uurdoox - 24.07.2021 12:16

I'm thinking of the questions were already given to Mr. Reda, I can see how he is prepared, his English wasn't full of intensive vocabulary before.

@Qubanaha_Uurdoox - 24.07.2021 12:02

Isku jaba Ilaahay idamkii

@rediamd875 - 21.07.2021 16:20

Who is this mellow journalist? I want to see Getachew Reda on Hard Talk with Stevin Sacker. Why didn't he ask this guy why TPLF sparked the war; massacred all those solders of the Northern Command in cold blood...then went to boast about it on state media.

@EPSEth - 18.07.2021 16:11

you Have Noting But Lie As always
