I love Eva
ОтветитьIf the kids are doing better than Eva deserves her pay
ОтветитьAs a liberal teacher I'll tell you that both political parties have contributed, in their uniquely damaging ways, to the current mess.
ОтветитьI would be ashamed to say I was a liberal these days!
ОтветитьTeacher Union needs to be destroyed!!!!
ОтветитьThey're not hostile to the idea of school choice just because they want to perpetuate themselves, they're hostile because the entire purpose of the system that they prop up is social control, and it's been that way since its inception in the mid-1800s by Horace Mann.
ОтветитьRead Jesuit Vatican Tyranny, and read Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte iserbyt.
ОтветитьYeah… they have such success because they kick out the students who are underperforming. The ability to cherry-pick the “smarter” kids will no doubt get the highest scores when testing.
ОтветитьI want to see success academy deal with delinquents.
ОтветитьIt's all fun and games until your kid gets kicked out and denied an education.
ОтветитьUnions only care about the dues that are generated.
ОтветитьDidnt talk anything about the curriculum and other being controlled by state . There is a reason why children are forced to carry heavy book that doesnt teach you anything.
ОтветитьI think getting government out of education would be a great idea but man oh man did she politician her way out of the question about her salary. Just own it, if ppl are willing to voluntarily pay you what you request, that’s fine. With that being said I wonder how much money is funneled to charter schools via the tax rebate that parents get? Lower taxes and get rid of the rebate then her salary will be determined by the market. People without kids should not be forced to subsidize, through taxation, those that have them.
ОтветитьGodspeed to this woman on her way
Ответить...going Charter,
Private or
should be fully
As long as she isn't politically influencing children I'm good.
ОтветитьAbsolute shocker that Randi Weingarten who purports to care for kids learning, does not support this effort.
ОтветитьI work with a child who goes to SA. The curriculum is amazing, honestly, and they actually care about academic proficiency. They do not want an OK education, they want a great one.
ОтветитьWe should expect much more out of our kids. Public education is destroying our country.
ОтветитьShe described a decentralized, private run school system. Ya know, like a libertarian lol
ОтветитьLibtard and demeRATS destroy everything they touch.... The demeRATS keep there CULT brainwashed and delusional.... F$ck JOE BIDEN...
Ответитьit's not rocket science to get the best out of a school.
Just use the old methods restricting influences...
The teacher's union is the epitome of liberals. so think again, lady.
ОтветитьDe Blasio out of office. The best thing to happen to NYC.
ОтветитьI love teachers/schools like this. This is what teaching is about!
ОтветитьAmazing that a country so devoted to freedom has such socialist education policies.
ОтветитьYet another example of why unions should be disbanded through out the US.
ОтветитьEducation should not be a commodity that can be bought or sold. We know she does not do it out of the goddness of her heart. Charter schools are leeches
ОтветитьI wonder how it is now....
Ответитьwhen I was in kindergarden, we had a show and tell.
all the kids brought in their favorite toys, except for 1.
he did long division. none of us really knew how do to anything besides count at that point
our minds were blown.
he said his dad taught him
i think i learned how to do long division in 3rd grade with the public school system.
woman is on to something
I applaud Eva Moskowitz. I regardless wonder HOW she earned 500K last year when she pays all her employees more.
ОтветитьRigor and high expectations helped me. Although in a public school, I was pushed into advanced classes and had college-level classes in HS. Before being pushed to challenging classes where slacking off was impossible, I'd slack off if I happened to get an A and only start studying again if my grade slipped to B-minus.
ОтветитьMy cousin is right
ОтветитьThat s a good thing kids have better outcomes educationally
ОтветитьA progressive liberal who wants smaller government. Entrepreneurship. And recognizes that talent requires a market system where you pay high salaries and benefits to get top talent... Tell me again how this lady is a progressive liberal?
ОтветитьI. Like her...feisty and have my support
ОтветитьPV needs to send an undercover Journalist to keep her honest.
ОтветитьHas she seen the great work of PV?
ОтветитьThe problem is that Marxist have infiltrated public schools all across the nation and they need to be rooted out.
ОтветитьThey need to make a movie about this brave and strong woman who got railroaded 😡😡😡
ОтветитьThe level of rigor today is pathetic. Rigor has been diminishing since the late 60s, when I can remember sitting in most classes and talking about feelings and having honesty sessions that taught nothing except how to waste time. The only way I survived was reading on my own.
ОтветитьThe wonderful results born from the hard work at the Success Academy schools should serve as a testament that answers several questions.
1. Irrespective of their personal packaging (skin color, ethnicity), any student can achieve high marks and reap the rewards, satisfaction & benefits from their effort.
2. Teachers unions and the federal education system are proven overburdened, top heavy, administrative boondoggles. Every year while their budgets increase, students fall further behind the students of competing countries.
It wasn’t a blind date?
ОтветитьGo Eva!
ОтветитьThe UFT purposely undermined school success due to the UFT’s president’s support of the prison industrial complex. At present, the Department of Education wants a permanent underclass via low expectations. Especially Black students.
From the ages of 4 - 8, students are sponges and require a structured, discipline environment to succeed.
Reading books
ОтветитьAmazing! Impressive! Gods protection over this woman.