Learn the rules to the board game Ms Monopoly quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules. For a refresher of the original rules of Monopoly, check out this video:
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During setup, give each woman $1900 as follows: five 1s; one 5, 20, and 50; two 10s; and three 100s and 500s. Give each man $1500 as follows: five 1s; one 5, 20, and 50; two 10s and 500s; and four 100s. there are no properties. Instead they are called inventions. Whenever a woman lands on or passes go they collect $240 while men only collect $200.
Instead of houses and hotels there are only headquarters. You can build them on complete colored sets as indicated by its price on the card. You can build in-between any player’s turn. You may only have 1 headquarters per invention and you may not sell headquarters back to the bank. If multiple players want to purchase the final headquarters, then it is auctioned off, starting at $10 and increasing in increments at little as $10. When you trade an invention with another player, or sell it back to the bank, and it has a headquarters on it, the building remains where it is. It is okay to split a colored sets this way.
If you go bankrupt you are still eliminated from the game. The game ends when all the inventions have been purchased. Players collect rent from the bank for each invention they have then the player with the most cash wins.
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