The Trump administration sets the stage for large-scale federal worker layoffs in a new memo

The Trump administration sets the stage for large-scale federal worker layoffs in a new memo


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@olddoug8945 - 27.02.2025 07:08

Trumpodsky will go down in history as the most egregious traitor in American history, a bigger traitor than Aaron Burr or Benedict Arnold. Doubtless his name will replace that of Benedict Arnold as the biggest traitor in world history. He and his cabal of traitors will live in infamy throughout the Ages. The name “Trump” will be synonymous with treachery and treason. Stop them now. 30 days will be too late. After he puts his stooges at the top of the military, we are toast.
Believing that a small group of billionaires are suddenly working tirelessly for the benefit of we the people requires a spectacular level of stupidity. Trumpodsky is running the federal government the way he ran his businesses – into bankrutpcy. We are going to wake up on April 16 to find that the Treasury is empty, Fort Knox is empty, the internet does not work, cell phones do not work, the “grid” does not work, Gop senators and representatives and governors are all suddenly billionaires, Muskonikov and Trumpodsky are sharing the Kremlin with Putin, and our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness are gone. Don’t say we weren’t warned. “It Can’t Happen Here,” “1984", “Animal Farm”, Ike’s Farewell Speech, and countless current commentators. “Do not go easy into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” Blink and it is gone.
How is it that republicans can claim to be "conservatives". Exactly what are they "conserving" other than their own positions of power.
if PSYCHOPATH trumpodsky ever uttered the truth or experienced a HUMAN moment, or even a minimally sane moment, the shock to his system would kill him instantly.

@user-curious1984 - 27.02.2025 07:10

trump is starting a war in America

@TT-qo9dv - 27.02.2025 07:10

Nothing like economic chaos

@iceblade207 - 27.02.2025 07:10

I wish he would start layoffs in the postal service. So much waste there.

@jeffchabot4385 - 27.02.2025 07:11

How many did Biden hire?

@CarolynGamble - 27.02.2025 07:11

He is betraying so many people putting them out of work! & He said he would create more jobs!! It was just another lie to get votes. Praying for all federal workers! 🙏🏽 🙏🏽🙏🏽

As a child, I remember people moving to DC to get a job in the federal government . & Happy no matter what kind of job it was. Because the government jobs offered long term stability and great benefits!

It has been said government salaries only make up a a few percentages of the budget.

Firing people and putting them on food stamps. Makes no sense. The cost of housing is expensive in the DMV. He does not care how many people will be getting evicted.
As a result of losing their job, it causes great devastation from a persons home, to tuition for kids, food and utilities. Millions will be… Worrying how they will make it? 🥲

@MichaelQuirk-zg7bv - 27.02.2025 07:11

Decreasing employment, increasing unemployment, raising prices and inflation by a trade/tariff war
Elect a clown, here comes the circus

@savaii4menow - 27.02.2025 07:13

Cut, Cut, Cut. $34 Trillion in Debt.

@roaddogrichard - 27.02.2025 07:21

No more than Bill Clinton fired. Legacy media is so busted.

@marvink7969 - 27.02.2025 07:24

Just for the record terminating 200,000 federal employees saves each and every one of the 350 million Americans 17 cents per day. Please use your windfall wisely.

@casienwhey - 27.02.2025 07:30

I don't have any data on hand but having seen huge bloat at multiple (FOR PROFIT) companies I have worked for over the years, I suspect you could but 50% of the federal workforce with no discernable effect on operations. For every worker that gets things done and is motivated to work hard, I'd bet there are three or four or sit around do essentially nothing.

@miked853 - 27.02.2025 07:32

Stopping bail outs for corporations, taxing corporations, but no they would rather eliminate the checks and balances that protect us in the private sector. Trillions in debt and all of this chaos is coming out to a couple billion while ole boy musk fudges numbers and slashes agencies with no regard. It's cool because the other side of this will not be good and no one will be left to blame but this administration and its followers.

@IamGruntonHGH - 27.02.2025 08:27

Trump is going to kill this country.

@anthonymcgee2295 - 27.02.2025 08:28

Thank the lord

@johndo-p5p - 27.02.2025 09:13

I don't care ..they've never care about me🤷‍♂️

@dloren6183 - 27.02.2025 09:17

Don’t laugh too hard! They will replace them with AI and will audit and come after your money effectively and without conscience

@MARCHp55 - 27.02.2025 10:12

This ain’t new.
Federal Workforce Restructuring Act of 1994- Bill Clinton
“After all the rhetoric about cutting the size and cost of Government, our administration has done the hard work and made the tough choices… I believe the economy will be stronger, and the lives of middle class people will be better, as we drive down the deficit with legislation like this… the plan would enable the reduction of employment by 273,000 people…” Pres. Clinton.

@jorgecampos9659 - 27.02.2025 15:05

It’s a domino effect! It’s only gonna make the economy worst ! It’s almost 3/4 of a million people unemployed. How much is that gonna cost the American tax payer

@hotdognobun - 27.02.2025 18:33

We are witnessing a new generation of homelessness that the future generation will look at us the same way we view the homeless now as criminals, drug users, and those who hate life. Nobody knows other background and we always view based on just what we see

@edwinahoward8070 - 27.02.2025 21:09

Good for President Trump

@jburr2468 - 28.02.2025 02:10

A little tough love never hurt anybody.

@dandathomas6852 - 28.02.2025 03:08


@c.f.okonta8815 - 28.02.2025 03:35

You’re are all fired get over it

@BosBajC - 28.02.2025 06:34

The memo is repetitive and can be written on one page. So this is the efficiency group that America is gloating about? Looks like a sham to me. Why do you need 7 repetitive pages that say the same thing?. So these people are downsizing and complaining but they themselves cannot write proper sentences. And yes, the pages are all repeating the same information. Well, I guess someone failed Writing and English class. Pot calling the kettle black. Looks like it to me.

@ChildofGod3712 - 28.02.2025 07:33

Man has lost his mind smh

@eze2190 - 28.02.2025 15:48

Please fire all the federal employee moochers.

@BosBajC - 28.02.2025 17:41

The memo is 7 pages because the current lawsuits or potential lawsuits are in the Billions.

@northwestgardener5076 - 01.03.2025 04:26

HR departments eveywhere know if they see US government as the previous employer they are reading the application of a person that couldn't complete 5 tasks in a week and respond to HR.

HR is going to only accept digital application because the dumpsters aren't large enough to hold all the worthless resumes,,,, if they could even list there last experiences.

@GalaXy808 - 01.03.2025 05:15

Elon making Robots to do the work? Is that right?

@Queen-eb5jb1qc3s - 04.03.2025 01:50

Why is it so much trouble for Federal Employees to accept the RIF? Private sectors laid off all the time. True, no one like it, but it is what it is.
