How much did I earn as a small scale Farmer? | Farmer Mags

How much did I earn as a small scale Farmer? | Farmer Mags

276 Просмотров

It's time to sum up the income on my small farm, but would it be enough money to live a modern life on?

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About the series:
Magnus Marthinsen is a hard working mechanic chasing success as a wilderness explorer and a carbuilder. Combining that with a normal 9-5 job, he feels the stress creeping up on him.
But when his dog, a 9-year old Alaskan Malamute named Lakota, gets badly injured in a automobile accident - caused by Magnus, his life gets turned upside down and he is forced to slow down and take care of his beloved dog.
Yet, this drastic turn of events will show to be a blessing in disguise. Because returning back to the soil, could actually be the ultimate way of success.

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