CHINA UNVEILED: Are Chinese people all the same?!

CHINA UNVEILED: Are Chinese people all the same?!

Reports on China

1 год назад

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@djinghiskhan9199 - 22.07.2023 13:32

Australia can learn from this ethnic autonomous system as we approach the Aboriginal voice to parliament referendum vote. Baby steps at least.

@isaacstone7899 - 22.07.2023 13:38

All I know they are few thousand ethnicity in China.

@gunnaredman4409 - 22.07.2023 14:15


@perotaccc8732 - 22.07.2023 14:32


@Ming1975 - 22.07.2023 17:36

As a Chinese myself born and living in Asia I never knew anything about "HAN" Chinese, when I first heard of it in the 2000s I thought it's just another Chinese like canton, hokkien, tiewchew and thought what's the big deal? Sadly it seems more like something for the western bigots to use as a divide and conquer weapon.
Funny that Russians, Chinese and Mongols back in the days conquer to unite therefore now has a large nation while in the west it's divide and conquer to conquer divided nations that was conditioned to hate each other.

@hongqingxiang3374 - 22.07.2023 17:37


@Calle5ta - 22.07.2023 19:26

Amazing job, Andy! I like this new series!

@moonsorrow77 - 23.07.2023 00:50

Han Hakka Chinese here,you know about that andy..HAKKA CHINESE PEOPLE..

@Ac_a - 23.07.2023 01:25

The White Supremacist West doesn’t care. They’ll only pretend to care if they can use minorities for Terrorism & Separatism.

@zelenskythegaynazi8680 - 23.07.2023 03:11

Funny how Western hawks keep screaming on Tibetans and Uighurs when majority of them have never been to China let alone understand what is going on there. The only words West love to propagate are authoritarian, police state, genocide, religious freedom, human rights which quite comically sounds pretty much like the West is! And never never forget the last extremely important propaganda LBGTQ

@staffan144 - 23.07.2023 08:49

Having 91.1 % of the majority population is a homogenous population and not diversity (according to the scammers of the world).

And how many of the remaining 8. 9 percent are foreigners born outside of China? (In sweden, sadly, 20 percent of our current population is born outside of Sweden and then moved here. Add to that, also 2nd generation migrants and their children. The Swedish "majority" population in our third largest city is already a minority. In 5-10 years (with current trends) this will happen also to our 2nd largest city. And within 15-20 years (probably sooner) we will also be a minority in our largest city and capital of 'Sweden' (or what's left of it).

@staffan144 - 23.07.2023 09:21

Can you do a video about Mao Zedong and Chinese communism?

@steventan2550 - 23.07.2023 12:38

Yet the western media accuse China of oppression of minority ethnic groups and cultural genocide. They are either ignorant or pretend to be ignorant.

@thomaswayne1852 - 23.07.2023 12:38

You know what they see when they see this? Great! We can divide & rule 'em.

@louiserobinson9776 - 23.07.2023 12:38

Very interesting and informative. Thanks Andy.

@stonechen2480 - 23.07.2023 13:26

Thank you again, Andy. This is one of the hurdles communicating with people outside of China, particularly westerners. When Chinese use the word “Chinese”, they mean “people of China”, ie, all ethnic groups; whereas westerners use the word to mean Han Chinese specifically.

@bobdemott - 23.07.2023 14:51

Hello Andy, an excellent presentation with one small misleading statement. Religion being protected by law, that is only true if they are registered with the government, Christianity is restricted as well by law, bibles for example can only be used if they are printed in China, Christians communication is restricted as well. Christianity is growing despite the government's strict laws to limit its growth. Language is always a problem as it is constantly being modified the words may be written the same the sound is constantly changing. Television has had the greatest impact on stabilizing the spoken word. Some people that lived just 20 miles apart could not understand each other, with one central language and Television it gave people a tool in China to communicate with their neighbors. English as well being taught in China has had a major impact in communication. Before Television the United States had the same problem. Med-western English was chosen as the model and is understood in every state. Overall you did a good job on this.❤

@Alazsel - 23.07.2023 14:57

Fantastic lesson!

@sayingchineselanguage117 - 23.07.2023 18:26

Really appreciate Andy's introduction of the minority groups of China.

@sayingchineselanguage117 - 23.07.2023 18:38

The most amazing thing is, despite comprising as much minority groups as 56, there is no race discrimination in China.

@hpmoxie4660 - 24.07.2023 00:18

In China, children can inherit ethnicity from either parent. if you are unsure(say, orphaned), you can always identify as Han. Here’s the question, what do you call a child with Chinese and Russian parents. A Han (majority) or Russian (minority)?

@balkanleopard9728 - 24.07.2023 09:13

Is Catholicism not just one division of Christianity - like Orthodox and Protestant?

@gotmilk91 - 24.07.2023 09:57

To be more precise; China's official governance recognized the ethnic minority people of China AND afforded them Affirmative Action (优惠政策) benefits which predate the American AA by a decade, and to take it up to another level, China's ethnic minority people are also afforded Liangshaoyikuan (兩少一寬) which is something you'll not see in the U.S. judicial system; imagine less culpability for misdemeanors and even felonies if you're an African-American, Hispanic, Asian-American / Native American etc... that's what China has!

@Hew.Jarsol - 24.07.2023 10:39

It's the same as in Britain... Welsh, Irish, English, Scottish and now half of Eastern Europe!

@goldenknowledge5914 - 24.07.2023 13:41

Real diversity. Not just some corporate rubbish agenda pushing

@unveiledeyes6558 - 24.07.2023 18:41

And I guess West is gonna take the reduction of Yi to just 22 tribes as evidence of cultural genocide... LOL. Great report, please keep it up, thx

@BenjiSun - 24.07.2023 21:25

yeah, don't you know? me and Clint Eastwood are both just squinty eyed people. 🤣

@maniaouri2146 - 24.07.2023 23:54

Thanks Andy

@hongyeeseah8663 - 26.07.2023 14:07

Just to put the whole thing into perspective, I feel the whole race thing is really kind of different in the Chinese context. Concept of ethnicity among Chinese (including, and perhaps especially among those in the Chinese diaspora) is more of a cultural thing. Being Han Chinese really is a self-identification for the most part. Being Chinese is really a cultural identification. Which is why I believe why Martin Jacques calls china a civilisation state. Han, strictly speaking are people who descended from the core group in Han dynasty. However, historically, there had bean many people outside of central plain that invaded and ultimately assimilated and adopted the Han culture. Notice southern and northern Chinese actually can look significantly different from one another. Interestingly enough, the word for Chinatown in places outside of China is really called Tang Town (唐人街), again, refer to people of a long dead dynasty. In fact in south east Asia, ethnic Chinese dialect there often refer to ethnic Chinese as Tang People rather than Han People. Russian word for Chinese actually refer to another long dead dynasty for a people that were almost completely assimilated that it doesn’t even exit as part of the 56 official nationalities. In any case I feel the whole 56 official nationalities is probably an outdated way of classifying people. Take for example, in 2006 a group of people descended from an invading Nepali army from a few hundred years ago were granted Chinese citizenship, because there are no Nepali among the 56 officially recognised group they were classified as Tibetans. As china become more developed, there bound to be more inward migration, and eventually China will need to grant citizenship to people that has no official classifications. For example, hypothetically speaking, if one day you were granted a PRC citizenship, will you just be randomly assigned one of the officially recognised white people in china given that there are no official classification for Kiwi or English. You might well be classified as a Russian.

@garyjohnstone6422 - 27.07.2023 14:21

Highly racist. Fiercely nationalistic. Thoroughly brain washed. Prone to rudeness. Hygiene a problem. Yep, pretty much the same.

@lancewood1410 - 27.07.2023 17:09

Which Chinese? From where? LOL

@lancewood1410 - 27.07.2023 17:14

YOUR knowledge exceed me as an 'ethnic' Chinese diversity. Thumbs Up.

@chickaboomboom2726 - 27.07.2023 20:02


@MP-wb5yd - 28.07.2023 15:40

Can you tell us more about Qin Gang ? I know CCP makes him disapeared even erasing all mentions of him in a typical communist fashion. But now they start to reappear, kinda of funny, since you are directly connected to CCP I thought you might have some insights about this pathetic move ?

@tiffanykushner821 - 31.07.2023 05:20

Wow! There's northern and southern Han! 56 minorities.

@sandrajones1609 - 08.08.2023 00:43

Much Gratitude For Your Diplomatic Endeavors Mr Andy Boreham ✌️🇺🇸💫

@seanburns3862 - 14.08.2023 13:38


@FranZweig - 16.08.2023 08:15

Yet Western media still assume there is human rights problem in Xinjiang, despite the Uygur and the other 54 minorities all grow faster than the Han majority.

@deoclicianookssipinvieira5858 - 17.08.2023 23:52

Africans must learn from this.

@ПИЦКВлад - 29.08.2023 07:38

❤❤❤❤Thank you Andy,🌷🌷🌷🙏🙏🙏㊗️🀄️🇳🇿🈶🈵🉐🧧🌺

@gaweil2301 - 31.08.2023 11:43

@DefensisIndus - 22.09.2023 03:07

I Definitely knew not all Chinese are the same, just as not all people in USA are the same! 🤙❤️‍🔥

@claudiocarrera9552 - 01.10.2023 06:17

Yes, tehy are all brainwashed by the ccp dogs

@airabanmarak2318 - 12.01.2024 17:00

👍So our North-East India is belong to CHINA from the begining

@Cid-4-Cid - 22.01.2024 13:03


@CrazyMurica - 25.02.2024 10:58

Isn’t Catholicism and Christianity the same thing

@mandyreviews - 08.03.2024 15:35

My dna test shows that I am from all parts of China from western minority to northern minority to Korean to Vietnamese on the south! OMG

@SusanLiu-r1m - 14.10.2024 07:55

China was not always the large country it is today. In the past, it was made up of hundreds of small states, each governed by different emperors and own difference languages. These states were often engaged in conflict, as each kingdom sought to become the dominant power. This historical background explains why there are so many languages spoken among the Chinese people today.

@Hellomhk - 08.11.2024 14:56

Do you know how many languages or dialects the han speak?
