Great review, I bought one of these last year, then sold it and bought two Arrma 6s trucks. Missed the erevo and how it drove so I ended up getting another one. Just a blast to drive, doesn't compare to anything else in my opinion! Great stuff man!!!!
ОтветитьI have a friend looking at one of these right now do you think he should get this or talian EXP
ОтветитьMake your life easier because they made it complicated to begin with so you go and buy their traxxas link. Theres no brand truck out of the box who cant have their brakes, punch settings changed to the user liking. Only traxxas
ОтветитьIt’s basically the Tyco of r/c cars.
ОтветитьThis review is definitely spot on. I dont think i disagreed with any of the points you made.. Curious on which 3s hardpacks your using and also the which tekno turnbuckles your using
ОтветитьI know the truth about E Revo 2 0 says buy me and spends 1000's upgrading cause everything breaks lol
ОтветитьMaybe the two batteries is for balance and the cantilever suspension takes up a bit of
Real estate, plus CG is as low
As possible. Great review I’ve
Never had an issue with any traxxas electrics except servo.
tire performance is 100% subjective..the stock e-revo tires where perfect when i was in florida, however i moved to the midwest and they are absolute trash on the terrain here. it really depends on where you live and the type of terrain you are running.
ОтветитьI can turn mine on and off, every time, no problem
Ответитьadjust a screw and having to turn it a few times to get it to work properly shouldn't warrant below average build quality. Because the rest of the car has very good build quality.
Ответитьyeah... servicing the diffs is not just a 4 screw job. Its more of like a 20 screw job and putting the little clip thing back after taking the front apart is a pain.
ОтветитьBought one sucks shocks bottom out brake to heavy shit started coming apart don't buy sold mine it was a night mare from hell
ОтветитьIt's stupid thier expensive out of box and they still want u to upgrade them. That's bullshit oh ya spend more money
ОтветитьNot a fan of the 2.0, electronics are garbage, should of stuck with the castle system, like they did with the original even tho the car would cost more but it's worth it to me.
ОтветитьThe E-revo 2.0 is a 1/10th scale not 1/8
ОтветитьJust picked up a Max V2 and an E Revo 2.0 both are awesome!
ОтветитьE-Revo 2.0, yes its great car. Thank you for great review. Minor repairs necessary. Jumped high into the sky and survived all. Two servos no problem, super strong, aligned them before first ride and they don perfect until now. 6 month now. Had ARRMA Outcast EXB and Notorious both 6S and newest version. Outcast after 3rd run servo burnt in park, non skate park just on the grass driving with my 3 year old son..,. and at the same time the receiver was also done at same time. We were not even jumping at all. Guarantee was not successful, repaired for lot of money and SOLD! Notorious after every ride something. bent shock towers over and over, the axis connection to the diffs is super small and not sturdy at all, the E-Revo is twice as big and no fails yet. The plastic body is still alive and little cracks, while ARRMA already ate in same time 3 of them... the cleverness how to put the shock absorbers, ARRMAs just bend, E-Revo. NONE. The wheelie bar.. 3 times off the ARRMA, had to upgrade to metal one, because without the whole body smashes in little time... great money making machine for ARRMA. The E-Revo is still working and after several crazy high jumps the wing falls apart, but is still on the wheelie bar. And n, nobody paid me for this comment, I payed so much money for the ARRMA cars, which is one again broken, my girlfriend just drove on street very fast and the axis jumped out of the diff holder.... AAAAAHHHHH ARRMA never ever again. 2000 Euros spent for junk. ARRMA tough, only if you replace and upgrade everything, ok the wheels you can keep and the motor is still working..... but the base plate is bending, the shocks and shock towers, the wheelie bar and wing fly off after firsts altos, axis bend, servo super weak in stock, the E-Revo is su much better in handling in air and on track, the arm mount to the base plate on ARRMA so small screws they go off in a week and all wobbles and falls apart. All the money I spent I could have burnt that instead and would have been same fun. I will buy for my son a Maxx and maybe for my girlfriend Xmaxx and we will live happily ever after. Traxxas seemed overpriced and plastic shit against ARRMA, but reality, man it made all sense how Traxxas built it. Yesterday last run with family, ARRMA after 15min axis from front wheel to diff popped out and she had to carry this monster back to our car. E-Revo was running all day easy. Sorry for this long writing, but one must say the truth. Unsponsored and unbiased.
ОтветитьThanks for the review. I’ve held off from buying one as well because everyone says how fragile. I’m now realizing that people fling it 20 ft in the air! I NEVER will do that on purpose. I like to drive and do moderate jumping but mostly ride in dirt and grassy fields. I guess I’ll never understand enjoying my almost thousand dollar car bottom out on ridiculous jumps. I have a revo 3.3 that looks like it’s never been crashed. Just a little dirty lol.
I’m still torn though between this and the maxx v2. I don’t have time to fool around with nitro.
I have one I love it
ОтветитьAre you sure there is no on off switch like the 1st generation revo?
ОтветитьIt is what is, double servos are a design flaw. Just buy one servo and you'll be good. Amazing how people moan and groan about this small issue.
ОтветитьReplace ESC with a max6 ESC..comes with off on switch and better made..sell stock on eBay to kid that don't know better... 😂
Ответитьonly problem i have is the front pivot balls keep getting loose after big jumps, even with blue lock tight glue.
ОтветитьAnother great review! Have a great day!👍😃👍
ОтветитьWhat lipo batteries can I use with it
ОтветитьThat's awesome review bout Traxxas I got the xmas but never go jumped like your revo, I just wanna know where is that area,thanks I like the way you jump.
ОтветитьMine sucks.. every time I take this thing out a rock blows out the gearing or the driveline. One little teeny pebble will work its way down into something and ruin this car every time I drive it it's amazing... I highly recommend staying off gravel roads pavement and dirt only.
ОтветитьCan't run my 2.0 for more than 10 minutes without breaking something. Haven't jumped more than two or three feet high. Haven't hit anything.
ОтветитьYep. It is a special car. It flexes on the terrain, kinda wobbles on it and I like that I can choose to carve or to drift with the controls. I also like the way it flies, but when I jump more then 8m. and don't land well, something on this unusual suspension breaks. these days I break the rocker bolts a lot. It is a pain to get them out. I love it. I even have the Mini VXL and that thing is crazy fast, durable and fun. Both my Revos are fully upgraded and it is because they need it to perform.
ОтветитьDem kann ich leider ganz und gar nicht zustimmen.
Der Revo ist eine Fahrmaschine. Es gibt kein anderes RTR RC-Car am Markt, das out of the Box so gut und verzeihend fährt, wie der Revo. Die Elektronik ist abgesehen von den Servos recht brauchbar, benötigt aber 6s. Ein Anfänger sollte KEIN RC-Car an 6s fahren und an 4s kann man den Revo sehr gut als Anfänger fahren.
Mein Revo hatte nur ein Montagefehler vom Werk aus, weshalb mir 2 Pivotballs aus dem Gewinde gerissen sind. Seit der Revo 2.0 mit den dickeren Stahlstangen für die Federung kommt, ist das Teil für den nächsten Atomkrieg gesichert. Lediglich die hintere Aluplatte über den Dämpfern sollte man kaufen und daran die Federwegsbegrenzung von Hot Racing montieren, das reicht an Tuning.
In Deutschland sind die Corally, Arrma und Tekno Teile alle ähnlich teuer, wie der Revo, da kann ich also keine schlechtere Wertung für geben.
If this is not best in class, what would then recommend?
ОтветитьYou need a fun to drive category
ОтветитьIt handles Awsome!
ОтветитьThe tires are Awsome! All so
ОтветитьPut one metal gear servo done!👍
Ответитьrecently buy and used E Revo roller for $329 Ebay is a bargain, just waiting to put the electronics, and yes I will use only one servo no 2 that will be mess up
ОтветитьI do like the e revo they are a breed of thair own. Thairs nothing I have tried that really handles or flys the same. I like traxxas a lot. But I hate traxxas electronics I have had the worst luck with thair electronics. I have had ecs not work right out of the box I have had thair esc on fire. I had the transmitters stop working for no good reason, a week old. The servo now the only one's I really I had problems with are the Micro servos thraxxas makes but thats because of the plastic gear. I have had exceptional customer service with traxxas they have allways worked with me to fix my problems. So this is why I keep purchasing thair products.
ОтветитьI've been looking on a erevo for a while now, but yoy said that traxxas over charge you, is it worth buying the erevo or should I look for something else?
ОтветитьI think you did a bit of a disservice to Traxxas giving a 1-star rating for value, especially after talking about the phenomenal support Traxxas offers it’s customers. Why doesn’t that figure into the value? Other than that, tho, very well thought out and structured review, with good points supporting your take on each section. Thanks!
ОтветитьIv been watching erevo reviews for over 10 years now. This is the first guy I’ve seen to basically be like “eh” over the erevo. Lol idk if he’s biased or what.
ОтветитьThis is definitely not my kind of video I’m more into rc enthusiasts that know what they’re talking about
ОтветитьI'm disappointed in the company. Take those servos for example they've been subpar for how many years? they are old stock… You review by the way one of the most honest I've ever seen and accurate. Your point of view though which is natural comes from an expert driver. This car in the hands of a rookie would be a money pit beyond belief. You did say for them to stay away. Yes it's overpriced for just a bunch of plastic. My favorite part of the car is the design it looks cool but it would be better to have something else I think. Anyway was so refreshing to see this top quality video you did a fantastic job … Thanks a lot
Ответитьits not 1/8 its 1/10 if your talking about the
This says it is a 1/8th scale. Isn't it 1/10th scale?
ОтветитьHad around 30 RC cars in last 16 years,Revo hands down out of the box compared to all other RCs i had and none was under 600 usd...
ОтветитьHey Mark. I love the traxxas Erevo 2.0. I went like you and had the problem with the rod ends popping off. I have tried different things to fix it. Finally I found a video online with the shock bump stop installed inside. This fixed all those problems. Even to the point I would say this Erevo is stronger then the wide Maxx I own
ОтветитьVxl 6s esc power off by holding down the button
ОтветитьNice job Razor! I know this is old, as is the E Revo, I thought TRX discontinued it, but not sure. Anyhow, I just received one as a gift from my brother, bone stock, in pretty good shape. TRX calls these 1/10 scale although it is physically the size of a 1/8 truggy. Now that I've started working on it I see why TRX calls it 1/10, because many components are actually only 1/10 size, such as pivot balls, hubs and 3mm hinge pins, LOL. So my first effort will be suspension tuning for track, I have lowered the upper hinge pins, ride height, next up is shocks/rockers. Ordered progression 2 and 3 rockers, push rods and going 50wt on the shocks. See what I got. I have noticed it is top heavy with the high mounted motor/esc/trans.. excited to see what I can improve upon with it, then race it against my brother, he still has an E Revo 2.0.
ОтветитьNo wonder it has been Discontinued 🤔
The problem with the Revo is the unconventional nature of the build renders it a misfit for Racing /Bashing /Stunting 👀👎🏾
Is it Speed capable? Yup Skatepark capable?🤔 Two servos for Track👀 Full sending her like the BIG Bro Xmaxx 😂 good luck with parts support 💯👍🏾