Oddly, noticed this yesterday and spoke to a new drone operator about it. Interesting stuff. Why is this happening? I have absolutely no clue.
ОтветитьI think it's because we are getting closer to war. It's China and possibly Russia. All these drones that are over military bases both here and USA.
ОтветитьGreat video
ОтветитьNatural England Sites of Special Scientific Interest prohibit huge swaths of coastal and rural England from drone flights, hardly any parks permit drone flights due to by-laws and the landed gentry own most the land. There will be nowhere left to fly soon. I blame auditors and people taking advantage of loopholes.
ОтветитьEither hiding military movements or new migrant camps.
Don't ever believe the nonsense drone story. "Believe us, not your lying eyes"....
I've not checked the list, but a number of the new sites are occupied by USA agencies. Maybe this is a reaction to the concerns about drones over USA military sites?
ОтветитьAny excuse to infringe on our rights.
ОтветитьThanks for the video 😀
ОтветитьThe Grey Arrows Drone Club's Drone Scene is a great tool for locating FRZs, Byelaws, and NOTAMs. Also identifies places where safe flights have been pinned in interesting places.
Ответитьi have seen people flying in notam areas while in effect and posting footage on their you tube channels , i have followed the rules but they do not care
ОтветитьTBH, I wouldn't fly a drone Oakhanger because it is a HIRTA, manned aircraft are advised not to fly near there either.
These RATs have been put in because of the fear that hostile states might be using drones to perform intelligence missions on sensitive sites.
I'd argue that it's not really in the spirit of the law to stop casual drone flying in Alton subject to the drone code.
When will people get it NOBODY owns the sky its quite simple stop being controlled and get on with it
ОтветитьThanks for an informative and accurate video. Maybe we are looking at this through the wrong lens? I suspect that the NOTAMS have been put in place to rule them out of the reported UAP (unidentified anonymous phenomena (UFO)) activity over a number of US military bases worldwide recently, including the East coast of the US and in the UK. Unfortunately, this activity has been attributed to "drones" by the government and the press. Eliminating legal UAV flights would in theory make any UAP sightings easier to identify and track the takeoff/landing sites.
ОтветитьJust checked Menwith Hill.. it’s still not listed as an FRZ on Drone Assist. I thought Drone Assist was updated regularly?
ОтветитьFor over 40 years I did not need mandatory training or a licence to play with my toys, only to operate Her Majesty's airbourne weapons and to carry the fare paying public to the other side of this planet. Now every moron thinks he is a pilot and every civil servant with a computer labels pilots morons. Over 60 years ago "pilots" read paper Notams and did not care that the expansion was Notice to Airmen. It has not changed since then except in the minds of those who think GMT is too British and should be UTC, that millibars have been around too long and should be Hectopascals. At least that did not require a third subscale on the altimeter. Suddenly Head Up Displays have become plural HeadS as in Heads Up Displays. In the days when it was a military priviledge to have one only one pilot at a time could use it effectively. That has not changed but while non Native English speakers now have to meet a minimum standard to get commercial licences avation English is getting scruffier. It is one big Monty Python joke, while immigration anarchy, net zero destruction of infrastructure and prosections that selectively persecute are ignored. If your arse does not leave the ground you do not know what a pilot is and when you do you are a hero if you bring home the bacon but must be at fault if anything goes wrong (it is the cheapest option).
Am I exaggerating? Just a little. Success is surviving to enjoy untroubled retirement. Now where is that .Gov App that wants MY permission to pass on the details I have given them to the government body that issued them all to prove I am who I say I am ??????????Wahhhhh
ОтветитьThese FRZ'S aren't new, it started with the secretary of state implementing one over the port of Dover back in 2019 for national security. The port is owned by the Admiralty ie the government, and this FRZ is controlled by the port. It is for UAV'S only, and to get permission to fly in it is an expensive process that takes up to 14 days and £190 just for one flight!
The Gatwick fiasco...which, let's face it, was nothing more than a government exercise, gave the powers that be the excuse to implement the new airport FRZ'S...5k radius with a 1k extension either end of the runways.
These new FRZ'S are implemented by the secretary of state under the national security authority because of another " so called DRONE " problem. That, just so happened to be over military airfields, and didn't impact any of the public airports or passengers.... did we see any definitive proof this time? They said it wasn't consumer UAV'S, and they knew it was larger drones but in the interest of national security we need to impose a blanket security FRZ for all uav only!
So here's a the next few years, all police stations, prisons, hospitals and government sites will fall under these new FRZ'S for national security...that takes care of all UAV'S including sub 250g. In order to fly you will need to ask permission in the same way as the Port of will need insurance, both public liability and sdr, it will need to be for commercial operations only, so will need to show qualifications and type/weight of uav. You will also have to provide detailed risk assessments and plans for the flight, and then pay for the pleasure of them an administration fee to check it all.
This is the future of Lower airspace and this is how the government is going to get it done.
Great video, it's time we started the discussion!
Yes and now all radio controlled helicopters and planes are classified as drones which is ridiculous
ОтветитьDo people actually take notice of these restrictions? 😂
ОтветитьThe new no fly zones are due to the so called drone incursions or should I say upa/ufo
ОтветитьThe airspace over my house is a no-fly zone for drones, enforced by my pump action 12 guage shotgun.
ОтветитьAll the examples cited are MOD sites,which you would normally avoid anyway so what’s the big deal?
ОтветитьAround the time drones were first claimed around Lakenheath i checked notams and there was a large one over east Anglia for unlighted military helicopter ops. Was that to allow the drones to operate. Also many firing ranges were active and flight refuelling north sea. It was like a large mil. op was going on.
ОтветитьHi great video. No Fly Drones has the west of Scotland as a restricted area is that correct. you can't fly a drone there?
ОтветитьMaybe it's to do with controlling the airspaces over the coming Special Economic Zones that they're carving the country up into. To replace all the Council jurisdictions that are going to go bust.
Ответитьthe drone sightings are fack-shite put out soas to slip in restrictions... and the western 'public' have NO say,nor do the supposed elected reps... wank-nation.
Ответить'Inspect' that is a killer for auditors..
Ответитьone can be 'outside' a nofly zone yet still 'inspect' the zone.
ОтветитьDrone sightings, yet nothing on video ?.
The govt trying to kill a model flying hobby. What happened to all drone delivery services......its fell apart.
Like driving, we all have to suffer tougher laws due to a minority of irresponsible, provocative people. See all the posts of drone fliers arguing with police etc. Some think they are entitled to fly over police stations and like to film themselves as if they are victims. Instead, we could do ourselves a favour by simply saying, sorry, and walking away.
The public are not fond of drones and it won’t take much for the authorities to clamp down further.
Cool video
ОтветитьSounds like freedom of information is a good thang
Ответитьwell i am surprised this Oakhanger place was not a no fly zone from the word go.. The drone sighting in the usa are not drones like the average person owns, these are the size of cars, so its obvious they will be reported.. and you have to remember the USA is the most paranoid country in the whole world if not the universe (if there is any little green men that is). i agree with you on the stupidity of restricting the tiny drones like all the dji minis and other makes under the 250g . we have had rc planes for over 70 years in the uk and never once has any of these smashed into a full size plane or helicopter and bought it down. some of the rc planes are 10ft wingspan and weigh around 20 kilko and still not smashed in big planes and killed anyone.... The average mini drone is no stronger than a good paper airplane and not quit as strong as the old balso wood and rubber band planes we got free in comics.. its all just hype and the media do love a bit of hype.
ОтветитьYes, Burghfield to be precise, I am local and noticed the increased FRZ last week, where i used to practice safely is now just inside the FRZ which is frustrating.
Long overdue
ОтветитьI live three miles as the crow fly from a military airbase
When I fly my avata 2 a warning sign come up saying this but when I fly my Neo I have nothing possibly coz of its weight
So why would a child’s drone cause a problem it’s cobblers
Thank you! Literally had a mini pro 4 in my cart ready to go, just searched about labelling saw your other video, thought right I'm ready, then this popped up and bang, around oakhanger was where I wanted to use it! and a little pocket nearer where I live, which also has one, it was fine a couple of weeks ago when I checked. Ah well. I'll guess I'll put my money away for now then. Saved me a ton of disappointment.
ОтветитьYou may prefer the term "Flight Restriction Zone", but none of the Restrictions you mention are FRZs, they are all RA(T)s.
My local airport has on average, 2 unauthorised drones in the FRZ every week, as detected by the airport Counter-UAS system, and this number is on the rise. To pretend there is not an increasing issue with Drones being flown irresponsibly and illegally is just sticking your head in the sand tbh.
Councils are using pspo’s to stop drone flights !