"Scanners II" Review by The Good, The Bad, and The Sequel

"Scanners II" Review by The Good, The Bad, and The Sequel

19 Просмотров

"DON'T SCAN ME!" This week we are talking about a sequel that took 10 years to get made and was one of the weirdest sequels we will ever cover with Scanners II: The New Order. This sequel had epic SFX, but had such a confusing storyline and the rules for scanners weren't consistent. This one had us talking mannequins, mind fighting, a twist we wish was written into the script, and a ton more. Not a good movie, but it was a great to discuss.

The next sequel we are discussing is Gingerdeadman 3: Saturday Night Cleaver For It, I chatted with actress Junie Hoang. Junie talked about her passion for performing at a young age, tips for self-taping, how some reality shows are staged, and more.

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#Keywords_movie_review #Scanners_II:_The_New_Order #special_effects #overacting #confusing_plot #creepy_doctor #mannequin_warehouse #powers_of_the_scanners #Scanners #movie #scenes #main_character #late #dog_surgery #intense #puppy #relationship #Alice #silent_disco #familiar_faces #powers #questionable_decisions #mix_of_genres #plot_points #absurdity #logic #inconsistencies #mind_battles #origin_of_powers #adoption #long-lost_sister #bond #trapped_girlfriend #flaws #acting
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