"DON'T SCAN ME!" This week we are talking about a sequel that took 10 years to get made and was one of the weirdest sequels we will ever cover with Scanners II: The New Order. This sequel had epic SFX, but had such a confusing storyline and the rules for scanners weren't consistent. This one had us talking mannequins, mind fighting, a twist we wish was written into the script, and a ton more. Not a good movie, but it was a great to discuss.
The next sequel we are discussing is Gingerdeadman 3: Saturday Night Cleaver For It, I chatted with actress Junie Hoang. Junie talked about her passion for performing at a young age, tips for self-taping, how some reality shows are staged, and more.
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#Keywords_movie_review #Scanners_II:_The_New_Order #special_effects #overacting #confusing_plot #creepy_doctor #mannequin_warehouse #powers_of_the_scanners #Scanners #movie #scenes #main_character #late #dog_surgery #intense #puppy #relationship #Alice #silent_disco #familiar_faces #powers #questionable_decisions #mix_of_genres #plot_points #absurdity #logic #inconsistencies #mind_battles #origin_of_powers #adoption #long-lost_sister #bond #trapped_girlfriend #flaws #acting