My IVF injection routine... take a shot with me! | Preparing for egg retrieval with 3 follicles #ivf

My IVF injection routine... take a shot with me! | Preparing for egg retrieval with 3 follicles #ivf


55 лет назад

3,237 Просмотров

Welcome to my morning IVF shot routine just 4 days before my egg retrieval. This cycle, the ultrasound showed 3 follicles, which is less than last year, but I’m staying hopeful and keeping a positive mindset. I'm practicing letting things go, no matter what happens 💕

First, I start with an injection that prevents me from ovulating too early (so we don’t lose any of those hard-earned follicles!). Then, it’s onto the stimulation shot, which is a mix of LH and FSH. I’ll admit, I’ve had mixed results with this particular medication, but I’m trusting my doctor and giving it another try. 💉

This time around, I’m doing things a little differently, and I thought it’d be nice to just walk you through my 10am shot routine as if you were here with me. Thanks for your support everyone—it means so much to have this community during such a rollercoaster journey.

Let me know in the comments where you’re at in your journey or what shots you are on. Sending love to anyone who’s navigating IVF or fertility treatments! 🫶

#IVFInjections #EggRetrieval #FertilityJourney

00:00 Introduction
00:36 Shot #1 - Centrotide
04:31 Shot #2 - Pergoveris

About me ❤
My name is Hellynn and live in the US, but I've traveled to Korea (where I'm from) to undergo multiple rounds of IVF. Being 40 and trying to bring children into the world is hard, but I also have a condition called diminished ovarian reserve so I'm doing back-to-back IVF egg retrievals.

Navigating this world of infertility is definitely a challenge - a million new acronyms, hormones and protocols to learn - it's a lot. So I thought I'd just talk about everything I've been learning for the women out there who have had similar struggles. I'm also happy to share info with anyone who is interested in traveling to Korea for IVF, since it's much more cost efficient + high success rates here.

I am treating this YT channel as my diary, talking about the ups and downs of my journey to motherhood so that one day, hopefully, my babies will see how they were created... with fierce, enduring strength and love.

I hope you find my videos helpful - thanks for stopping by.

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Thanks for watching! ❤
#infertility #IVFat40 #lowAMH #diminishedovarianreserve
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