Joe Rogan: SHOCKS Roger Waters about EPSTEIN ISLAND.

Joe Rogan: SHOCKS Roger Waters about EPSTEIN ISLAND.

JRE Notes

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@Scholaf_Olz - 06.03.2025 01:35

To all the morons who acuse him of being complicit in the crimes Jeffrey Epstein committed against minors:
The list of celebrities who visited Epstein island is public and Roger is not on it. Stop spreading lies.

@KayleighTV1 - 05.03.2025 23:41

Trump was in charge of the Justice Department ultimately and William Barr just underneath him. Barr's father hired Epstein to teach at an exclusive all-girls prep school. We know Trump and Epstein partied together. It's not hard to figure out why the list isn't coming out.

@jjax39 - 19.02.2025 08:51

Joe wanted to ask him about his trips on Epstein's plane

@SarcasticCharacter - 10.01.2025 01:35

There is a list, we're just not allowed to see it.

@jeaniepecats419 - 05.01.2025 13:37

Let’s talk about Gaza!!!!

@OogaBOOGAHHH - 25.12.2024 09:22

Joe: this is a serious thing and it needs to be discussed.

This dude: yeah.. i dont kno… yeah..

@JH0207 - 10.12.2024 09:21

This is the dumbest fucking comment section ever. Don’t get me wrong Epstein did some shit, but like half of the comment section throws around accusations of “going to the island” for any celebrity they disagree with politically. Waters probably just didn’t know too much about it and didn’t want to go too far into a conspiracy theory that usually leads to insinuating Jews and democrats are all bloodsucking child predators (even tho we have/had republicans in office with dodgy sexual histories). I mean Waters has his fair share of anti semitism accusations with his pro-palestine stances so I doubt he’d want to double up, especially on something with unfortunately a lot of missing proof.

@JH0207 - 10.12.2024 09:20

This is the dumbest fucking comment section ever. Don’t get me wrong Epstein did some shit, but like half of the comment section throws around accusations of “going to the island” for any celebrity they disagree with politically. Waters probably just didn’t know too much about it and didn’t want to go too far into a conspiracy theory that usually leads to insinuating Jews and democrats are all bloodsucking child predators (even tho we have/had republicans in office with dodgy sexual histories). I mean Waters has his fair share of anti semitism accusations with his pro-palestine stances so I doubt he’d want to double up, especially on something with unfortunately a lot of missing proof.

@AnthonyPack-j6b - 26.11.2024 23:13

Mother do you think joe will try to break my balls!! Lol 😆 🤣 😂

@TinyTurboTuna - 12.11.2024 19:11

Trump wished Maxwell, “well”. Hmmmmm? I wonder why Trump didn’t trash talk her like he does every other woman……

@unclebob1959 - 23.09.2024 03:31

Earth to Joe! Roger only likes to talk about himself!

@patrickreilly7256 - 20.09.2024 09:51

I was just having dinner with Jeffy last week in his palatial undisclosed location. Oh! ... You didn't really think he died did you. Silly silly🎉🎉.

@maxdog1299 - 13.09.2024 16:32

Talk about the pictures of you and her together

@anthonytrevino3191 - 31.08.2024 23:50

Dude was a chatter box the whole pod and had very little to say about that. Hm

@hunterward1140 - 17.08.2024 16:50

I don’t care I love Pink Floyd to me he seems like he’s attentive and trying to hear what Rogen has to say the sigh is just him trying to wrap his mind around it all

@dickiebanks - 04.08.2024 04:03

“Mr. Waters would like to assure the public in general, and his fans and activism allies in particular, that reports of his frequenting Jeffrey Epstein’s underage brothels are spurious, possibly slanderous, nonsense,” proclaimed Brammidge. “He took flights on the Epstein jet no more than, say, six times, but probably fewer, and any attempt to paint him as some sort of close friend of a sex-trafficker will be met by legal means.”

Six times tops.

Oh and he calls him Jeffrey.

@brucedickinson12 - 06.07.2024 19:44

Roger knows alright

@wingedinfinity777 - 06.07.2024 06:41

To me this man shows definite behavior / body language of someone immediately recalling memories this case of being on that island .... I could be wrong.

@BurkeTrue2 - 03.07.2024 16:54

Doesn't Roger love ranting about the evil Jews, Mossad and Israel? He's not that interested in THIS story? Interesting!

@alanniederlitz8630 - 02.07.2024 03:38

WAters couldnt be bothered... 😂😂😂

@alexfanfan205 - 25.06.2024 23:46

Anyone else notice the creator’s unique style?

@BlackSlaveownerHistorymonth - 25.06.2024 19:49

the clickbait title should have been Waters hiding being on the island

@BlackSlaveownerHistorymonth - 25.06.2024 19:45

Waters was probably at the island so he is playing dumb.

@Terry737dwnovrabq - 25.06.2024 06:21

Dude was acting a little sus

@harrisonhamilton7653 - 24.06.2024 10:50

It’s sounds like a conspiring because it was a conspiracy. Trafficking minors to the wealthy requires a secret between 2 or more people I’d assume.

@cubanadiense - 24.06.2024 01:22

And all of the powerful ppl who connected with him should be audited for tax fraud

@kodokoa - 22.06.2024 12:19

ruski parobek!

@lawposse - 21.06.2024 04:12

Seems like Roger has been there.

@FL3MZA - 21.06.2024 02:51

This is super telling of this Roger guy, wow.

@rafadydkiemmacha7543 - 20.06.2024 06:37

I believe Epstein was the master of blackmail. That's the only explanation I find. For some reason you can easily get away with blackmail. In Poland, we have a famous transvestite who is also a prostitute. She's known for blackmailing celebrities and other rich people who used her services. She's recording them and then bizzare things happen, like these cases are quickly silenced. And she's still walking free and doing her thing. Am I right that blackmailing works, because the "victims" don't want to report it, as it would expose themselves?

@hallowtubee - 20.06.2024 06:22

My boy in the hot seat 😂

@christiansmith-of7dt - 19.06.2024 07:12

When i was 16 they told me that chris and ashley were jeremys real parents , but they told me all kinds of other things that werent true so i never really worried about it , its usually better if i dont say anything

@christiansmith-of7dt - 19.06.2024 07:09

What do i want , more than can be justified

@stshack - 19.06.2024 05:36

Former presidents!

@MidnightMouse - 18.06.2024 23:09

“You sound like a conspiracy theorist”

Saying something like that to someone discussing the Epstein situation is disgusting

@gfsfyfy426 - 18.06.2024 22:21


@neohippe1 - 18.06.2024 21:59

“Jizz-Lane Maxwell”
Say it right.

@jdh23h - 18.06.2024 17:46

Whoever gave him money I’d say is probably on the list

@MitchellWiggs - 18.06.2024 09:23

no one has more pics with epstein and maxwell than trump does

@endthisnonsense7202 - 16.06.2024 11:34

John Doe 174 (Donald J. Trump who had the power to shut down the camera in Epstein's cell), Bill Clinton, RFK Jr., Dershowitz, Prince Andrew, Bill Gates, e.a. all need to share a single cell.

@BadBob18 - 14.06.2024 00:32

Roger Waters wrote "The Wall."
He knows about the machinations of society.

@HarpoSoprano - 12.06.2024 20:00

Don't expect much empathy from a posh Englishman

@joeyeatz - 12.06.2024 18:22

Joe Rogan talking to one of them lmao

@timbrady6473 - 12.06.2024 04:39

We’ll find out who killed Kennedy before we find out who Epstein had to his island and were recorded.

@bryandavis135 - 12.06.2024 03:47

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

@neonmoon4016 - 12.06.2024 01:13

Roger seemed verrry uncomfortable.

@DaTo-k1o - 11.06.2024 02:03

Waters is a liberal tool

@joegibson6041 - 10.06.2024 18:51

No , he didn’t hang himself.

@robertanderson2142 - 10.06.2024 18:23

Bill gate's can eat his own meat and bugs

@mabm4310 - 10.06.2024 14:56

It is weird. There are a lot of questions. I mean sex isn’t that good that it’s worth 50 mil. So why would rich people give money to some guy for something they can get for free. It’s all very weird. The list needs to be shown. And everyone needs to be arrested who was involved. Otherwise it is an obvious cover up.
