How Rich People Talk Compared to Poor People

How Rich People Talk Compared to Poor People

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@mrcapitalist2285 - 07.04.2022 07:26

Why does the makers of some videos assume everyone wants to hear repetitive music in the background while trying to listen to the speaker ?? I just don't get it ?

@nathanpieterse6644 - 07.04.2022 08:03


@MarcJent - 07.04.2022 08:34

Life is fair because it's unfair to everyone

@reach4thestars67 - 07.04.2022 20:28

I have had poor people tell me, they do not do different things because they do not want to dream. Dreaming will cause them to think they are better than their other family members.

@anarizmoore - 08.04.2022 00:26

A poor man sets an expiration date on their lives 🤯 SO TRUE!

@m.donahue6085 - 09.04.2022 02:10

Met rich, they lie constantly.

@jensgustafsson5255 - 09.04.2022 08:30

I like to talk about different topics.

@ebonyivory283 - 10.04.2022 04:07

Never stop believing that you can do that dreams, hoping

@ApollonianShy18 - 10.04.2022 15:44

Wisdom is Power

@site_is_down - 11.04.2022 06:17

I agree everything said about the mindset - this is what really separates the rich from the poor. The rich always expands their wealth, while the poor always expands their spending habit.

@dorissteve912 - 11.04.2022 19:09

There might be an economical turmoil but there is no doubt that this is still the best time to invest.

@derrickricketts7843 - 11.04.2022 21:49

Keep up the good work bro these advises are great

@brucenicholls213 - 13.04.2022 22:47

Who’s watching in Ukraine ?🤔😄😳

@serasebilo - 14.04.2022 11:47

Positive mind is the mind that will always propel..,wonederful sesssion, profound and interesting thank you very much...........GOD BLESS YOU

@dynamics9000 - 15.04.2022 19:14

A beautiful day starts with watching wonderful videos like this. I have enjoyed watching, thanks for sharing . a fellow creator

@zsoltpapp3363 - 15.04.2022 21:15

Bill Gates actually came from a rich family, his father was a good friend of the potus. So no, he was not poor not middle class not ordinary in any way. That said, dont complain and do your thing!

@dadgfds3738 - 18.04.2022 15:06

Vừa vào đã nổi cả da gà 藍giọng a Phúc hayyy quá, mong sẽ tiếp tục cover ạ ❤

@geoffreyharris5931 - 18.04.2022 19:50

This looks interesting.

@sdd6528 - 24.04.2022 08:09

This video is a bunch of bullshit.

@groveavenue - 24.04.2022 11:32

My advice: Think "I am fortunate in every way" to yourself frequently; even write it down - scripting - for maximum effect :)

@desimo147 - 24.04.2022 15:59

Poor people will constantly complain about the high gas prices. Why? Because they are stretched so tight with all their debt payments, that any price increase causes immediate financial pain. Poor people will say things like, "I need to buy it right now, before it goes up in price some more." No, prices are super high right now. Wait until the next recession and buy the item from a poor person at 1/3rd the price they paid. They'll be desperate for cash then. Poor people will constantly talk about the next new thing they are doing. Buying a new car, fixing up the house, the next vacation, the new pool, it's endless. They literally can not even go one month without some new big, expensive thing being signed up for.

@corrijackson - 24.04.2022 18:12

Once you stop believing you're done don't stop !!

@corrijackson - 24.04.2022 18:24

I complain all the time but I feel better afterwards and it makes it easier to find a once I get the frustration off my chest I can think lol.

@jeanettelopez8223 - 25.04.2022 05:16

Yes most broke people talk about non essential things that aren't about money. But even people with money talk about a barrage of things, having a very diverse conversation .most rich people are laid back and not always wearing polo shirts, tennis shorts and talking about who made the top spot in Forbes magazine.

@samanthahardy9903 - 29.04.2022 14:38

The rich have more time because they pay poor people on minimum wage to do the stuff they don't want to waste time on.

@bodybailout - 01.05.2022 13:47

Dave Ramsey help me to become totally debt free and i have 3 homes.

@dannyc.jewell8788 - 01.05.2022 17:40

Try this say , I want to make big bucks trading the stock market , or selling health food products or any number of thing's ,ambition drives this , after throwing your money away for say ten year's you realize you would be a lot better off if you hadn't been so ambious

@seymorefact4333 - 02.05.2022 17:31

🤣😂 please.... rich people gossip way more! To the point of defamation. Rich people face defamation lawsuits 10 times more.

@rhaacke - 04.05.2022 18:40

It is interesting that this video could also have been about the differences between socialists and capitalists.

@KKKkiri - 06.07.2022 07:18

I despise people complaining and criticizing others. Poor people.

@anamarijamarinovic4922 - 19.07.2022 08:19

Bill Gates is a monster and an idiot, not an example for anyone. He propagates the idea of not having a college degree and becoming a millionaire, just because he is a dropout who was not able to achieve it. And what about people like Brian Tracy, Warren Buffet or Donald Trump who do have a college degree and are billionaires? Bill Gates washes people's brains with his frugal life, whereas he wastes millions of dollars on suspicious vaccines, the idea of dimming the sun above Groenland and more stupidities... So, don't tell me that he is a successful person with a happy life and do not recommend him as a model for everyone. Did you hear him talking? It is just "The planet is overpopulated", "The world is in danger", "Cows produce gases and it is forbidden to eat meat, it is better to use lab-made products", "It is not ecological to have children", and he has three... What kind of an optimistic and positive talk is this? He just talks about hate, control of people and their actions and behavior, killing... So, je is a moron, just as are those who follow him.

@orianaramirez6040 - 20.07.2022 00:30

It is important to instruct young people so that they have a good financial education, so that they have a base to have an economy that is as stable as possible, excellent video, it is very good.

@n0tarat - 19.08.2022 01:38

why does he sound like a robot

@JJ-co6dr - 19.09.2022 23:07

This is really garbage. I know rich people and they do all the same things as poor people. People are people.

@Iquey - 24.10.2022 08:29

I agree with most of these except for "a poor person has the same chance in life as a rich kid". That is just factually incorrect.

@MrHousecup - 01.11.2022 17:28

I can think of a dozen people with a positive mindset and are still poor. So cut the “rah” “rah” “rah” bullshit and teach me some technique! I think that’s how the wealthy distract us when they “teach” people how to be rich. They convince us it’s all about mindset, but their methods can only fill a few pages.

@parakidd - 21.11.2022 10:31

Bill Gates is a poor example to use. He may have co founded Microsoft but the deal was supposed to go to another individual who missed the literal phone call of a life time and had no interest in calling back. Bill Gates took this opportunity and jumped on the deal instead. The other guy later commented suicide. Bill Gates is a tyrannical leech.

@mrs210 - 28.11.2022 16:01

This is not correct, bill,G ,Elon, zujernarg were children of wealthy people raised with entitlement and security and with no restrain of ethics in cases of ( using) others

@MidnightMoonProductions - 23.12.2022 04:58

Thankful I am going to be wealthy.

@uhohotdog3483 - 08.01.2023 15:46

I concur now I'm going to Roll Harder 🥰

@princessp1361 - 10.01.2023 18:52

This is so true because I never said I can't I always said I can and this been in my mind since a child 🚸

@theintrovertedaspie9095 - 25.02.2023 20:14

Your words often speak louder than your actions.

@sabatrol666 - 16.05.2023 14:06

A lot of wealthy people i know don't talk too much and get more work done.

@rogiervantilburg3440 - 25.05.2023 06:40

Very true!

@nicangeles5912 - 16.08.2023 18:04


@Ckawauchi35 - 24.08.2023 22:21

This reminds me of a friend who gets continually abused by her daughter and has developed different kinds of illnesses from all the stress. I try to help by instilling a positive mindset, developing the courage to get out of her comfort zone, and having more passion for knowledge. But she always has an excuse for why she can't accomplish things and just be complacent. I have washed my hands of this situation. I will remain her geographically distant friend while she rots in a house that her daughter has virtually stolen fr her, getting emotionally abused, and running out of money. In the meantime, I will continue applying factors that I believe make me successful, content, and financially secure.

@celestinoedubas - 05.09.2023 19:04

Thank you

@neilc.2045 - 11.02.2024 20:28

From knowing a few rich people, I would say that the way they talk and how they dress is a good gievaway. They usually use perfect grammar, have manners and are usually well groomed and well-dressed and unassuming. In other words, they are not "shoving" their wealth down your throat. Really, all thinsg with time and the proper resources, you can use. Also, in the meantime, go read the Robb report so you can see how the other half lives.

@Guido_Sarducci007 - 17.07.2024 20:00

I look for opportunities to mentor others, carefully and slowly for each case. This has worked MUCH better with younger people. To start w/ someone, I will say "Heres $40 thousand dollars. Would you like to buy a new car, or would you like to invest this money?" Most gravitate toward
the new car. I then say "this will be worth $13 thousand in five years". Some are blank and others are shocked. Moving forward, I ask how much would that investment be worth today (@ 5.5%)? Some will take a stab at a number. I then ask them to compare that $52279. amount to $13000. Then the lights come on and we can move forward. Feels great!

@ivobiancucci4528 - 01.08.2024 11:47

Rich people look down at poor people behind their backs
