Cyber Systems Operator interview "Whats it like?" |Tech School|Bmt|Asvab

Cyber Systems Operator interview "Whats it like?" |Tech School|Bmt|Asvab

Shakur May

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@daijourcalloway616 - 24.01.2019 20:37

Damn @shakur may that's the cleanest I've seen your room like ever😂😂😂

@wizk04 - 27.01.2019 18:16

This is the field I want, I got 70 on electrical which is the minimum for this jobs, I scored low on General "49" and "45" administrative, mainly because English is not my first language. Overall percentile of "46". My recruiter is forcing me to take mechanical field. I'm currently on DEP.

@TheExaltedPharaoh - 23.04.2019 23:25

I got a 51😂

@MamaSanogo - 29.04.2019 15:45

Definitely do more videos like this! Can you also ask them what would their job transfer to in the civilian world ?

@khadras9850 - 18.05.2019 23:30

Leaving for BMT July 23rd and got my first choice too!!! Cyber Systems Operations!

@Sathea - 28.06.2019 15:59

I scored 87 in electronics and 64 in general. What are my chances of getting cyber transport?

@lilSchoen - 25.07.2019 12:17

Good luck to y'all I swore in last Monday hoping to land a job in cyber systems operations. Great video bro.

@jacoblopez2995 - 08.08.2019 13:17

I want that job too but it’s seems difficult to get. What was your score on the elections? Was the it difficult?

@mikesdailygaming - 24.09.2019 02:34

Great info, I'm currently thinking about joining the AFR or ANG, thinking either 3D1X2 or 3D0X2

@alyssamariemhm - 15.10.2019 17:36

I'm cyber transport but they told me I have to have my clearance done before I can even go to tech school?

@BakerClan - 26.10.2019 15:07

I got an 84 Idk what to pick

@elliottroca - 08.12.2019 08:23

Why is you’re already out of tech school did you still dorm with a suite mate? Is it cause you’re full time not reserve and live on base?

@DWEthiopia - 02.01.2020 01:17

I am someone who wants to be a cyber operations specialist 17C. However, I don't want any other job. Is it possible for me to think as a prospective soldier that I can only accept that MOS (17C) and nothing else? I really don't want to do anything outside of my desired career field.

@demyraselby3316 - 04.04.2020 18:21

If you already have a Security + Certificate before entering Cyber Systems Operations do you get to leave tech school early?

@Nibblerz13 - 07.04.2020 12:13

Did he see any prior service in his tech school? I’m a Marine who gets out pretty soon but I’m trying to move over to the Air Force to have a job like this.

@jr8147 - 24.04.2020 01:47

Would you have to move to other countries?

@jr8147 - 12.05.2020 20:08

Does this job go to foreign countries?

@novimad77 - 09.07.2020 14:53

Can someone ask if you can be a Cyber system operator being a permanent resident and not a citizen.

@smurfunkown6774 - 29.07.2020 19:14


@smurfunkown6774 - 30.07.2020 15:06

Your not old enough to understand its impossible to comprehend my passion ~1€€£

@edwardjaycocks5497 - 05.08.2020 01:09

Great video.....Sounds like blue teaming..... i’ve been in the cyber security space a very long time , security plus ummmm,,,,ya.....Good starting point that’s all I’ll say.... keep it up good video:)

@LauderdaleJoeM - 17.08.2020 05:30

Your boy Jake is cool, but you gotta feed that boy better. He may sit indoors with OpSec stuff, but damn before the boy gets naked with anyone, put some meat on his bones (though I was the same out of Tech School @ Keesler too), so I ain't pickin on him - he's got looks, so all hope ain't

@porkbelly4745 - 25.08.2020 03:06

do you use programming language for your job?

@deewill8915 - 06.09.2020 05:07

Thank you for this video! I got an 83 on my Asvab and I’m tryin to go into some computer job similar to your friend here.

@oceantree1911 - 11.09.2020 23:12

Question: does the contract start in basic training?

@jacksoncorleone - 06.10.2020 03:33

Im currently in AFROTC and planning on going into a 17XX AFSC. Do you have any info regarding this or could you point me to a place where I can learn more about this?
Thank you

@FeydHarkon666 - 31.10.2020 05:41

Do you need to be some IT diploma graduate to learn this trade? Just know basic PC building and network setup

@allaboutthebrowns2016 - 31.10.2020 12:32

Do you have to have Pryor computer experience for certain typing Speed because I have no computer experience or typing speed at all

And do spelling make or break you in this career field because I can read really good but spelling not so much

@zacharymar3992 - 16.01.2021 23:28

what is pipeline courses

@calebpaz8568 - 05.06.2021 19:01

What ASVAB score do you need?

@hellothere8318 - 06.12.2021 03:41

I got through meps and they put this on the job list, hope I get it, seems legit. However I gotta ask, how transferable is this mos

@danielf4136 - 28.12.2021 09:26

Its be nice if he could finish his train of thought. Was looking forward to hearing more about cyber systems but kept getting interrupted

@meika858 - 31.08.2022 15:59

does this job deploy a lot?

@Eidenbites - 15.09.2022 11:52

All the cyber is outsourced to civilians lol

@ZeebaasDude850 - 01.11.2022 05:25

I understand you need to pass CompTIA Security+ certification. Does anyone know the latest edition so I can review it while I still live a civilian life

@MansaBoogLive - 06.03.2023 22:50

Hey what’s up Jake! Jake was my roommate in Tech School!

@dgod52 - 26.07.2023 23:51

Always wanted to know, is there a free firing range on bases to go to?

@SourStrawberrys - 29.07.2023 22:32

I really wish you wouldnt have continuously interrupt him. You kept cutting him off at important points I wanted to hear.

@estherguity34 - 28.08.2023 00:27

Did you get to see your family during tech school?

@Utsusemi - 04.09.2023 15:14

He had to be a janitor due to lack of instructors.

@Abandoned2377 - 16.01.2024 02:45

The is frustrating why are so many people unfamiliar with computers but i hear a lot of people who want it dont get it. Im better off working as a civilian.

@MarcusVsEveryone - 07.02.2024 08:00

I’m between client systems and cyber systems operations.

@k.o6715 - 10.02.2024 22:08

If I join with a bachelor's degree in IT for this job cyber systems operator what rank will I get from the beginning?

@ScottyDidGood - 07.03.2024 21:53

My asvab was a 100 😑. I have a feeling they lied to me and just needed people for my job at that time.
