CCNA Course for Beginners - Full Course 10.5 Hours (Part 1)

CCNA Course for Beginners - Full Course 10.5 Hours (Part 1)

Naj Qazi

2 года назад

160,343 Просмотров

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@HeyJaredHowYaDoin - 09.05.2024 13:58

Got my CCNA last August, start my new job soon and am watching this as an awesome refresher. Thanks!!

@msafirijaffary7089 - 17.05.2024 13:05

Hi Naj,
I am so eager to be atleast somewhere in this field could youd pls help me on this at least to archieve some certifications?

@rohailahmed21 - 22.05.2024 14:52

recently started it, Thank GOD I found this video, its super helpful, thanks a ton sir!

@furqantarique3484 - 23.05.2024 09:07

CCNA jobs I want to get in Canada

@Leo-uy4qv - 23.05.2024 16:58

my favorite mnemonic for OSI model is from layer 1: P-D-N-T-S-P-A

@shinchanaddicts3572 - 30.05.2024 16:11

Its a great course and also im grateful to learn from you sir i have a doubt whether labs used in this course is enough or do i need to do more labs can you guide me further ❤

@madman9185 - 01.06.2024 16:38

i luv u

@Faisal-qd1jc - 19.06.2024 01:08

VTP stands for Vlan Trunking Protocol not Virtual Trunking Protocol.

@TruePakistani-od3uf - 19.06.2024 06:49

1. Is it possible to upload slides and provide a link in the description? If so, share slides.

2. What about CCNP & CCIE course are you planning to make its courses.

Your way of explaining concept is exceptional and to the point. 👍👍👍

@BarnigoWilliams - 28.06.2024 03:30

Sir.first i wanna appreciate you for everything you have done here.May God in His infinite and majestic love and grace continue to be with you and yours.please i do have a question. Can i be able to take the cisco exam after taking this course?

@dragosrosu1184 - 05.07.2024 15:37

Dear Naj,
Thank you so much for sharing. I just love your course and the way you present it.
The ONLY ONE on planet Earth who did not knew vlan1 is default vlan. (you made my day with this one)

@MariaGomez-lg2ug - 20.07.2024 23:00

When I see Packet Tracer labs, they often show networks with five to ten routers. I understand this is for learning about routing, but in a campus network design for a large company, is it really necessary to have that many routers? Wouldn't it be more common to have just one or two routers and use more switches and other devices to manage the network?

For example, would a company like a hotel really need as many routers as we see in Packet Tracer labs? I understand that an ISP would, but would a company need that many?

@RenjithMukri - 26.07.2024 10:21

Hi Naj Thanks for your videos . This is one of the best or the best training video I came across. You explain so well that anyone could understand. Your help is very much appreciated. Keep up the good work my friend.

@ap5763 - 26.07.2024 22:42

Thank you so much for the Course !

@mohammedadil672 - 28.07.2024 02:06

Hi bro, I am looking for a CCNA& CCNP training.

@RenjithMukri - 28.07.2024 06:16

Hi Naj I am going through the course. You are the best man. You have the knowledge and experience to be the best instructor in the field and most of all you have the generosity and willingness to help others free. Not many people will do that. I appreciate and thank you whole heartedly. The world need people like you.

@fouadfarid1163 - 28.07.2024 21:29

Excellent Very much appreciated

@fatimasaidu8183 - 30.07.2024 16:04

You are one of the best tutors.keep up the good work.God bless you

@scorpio_1312 - 09.08.2024 16:13

I'm finally understanding topics that were impossible to grasp before, thank you!!! Are you planning to do CCNP level courses? I am interested in buying it, I think it will worth every penny :)

@Bozzigmupp - 13.08.2024 16:10

What are headers in encapulations?

@colinnewington5011 - 16.08.2024 00:21

Fantastic reasource you have posted. Very easy to understand and the fact you put such a detailed training course up for the benefit of others, is very generous. Thank you for doing so.

@hlubradio2318 - 23.08.2024 06:52

You made the right decision. I'm the proof.

@thegolfingtrucker850 - 27.08.2024 08:28

This course is extremely underrated IMHO... Great work.. Thank you!

@roclboa - 28.08.2024 17:21

@najqazi Cannot thank you enough for this. Amazing work done. Naj, it will be very kind of you if you can share the slides of this video

@MarcosBitencourt-z8e - 30.08.2024 08:39

Thank you for the free and quality teaching.

Obrigado pelo ensino gratuito e de qualidade.

@Rahulhandsom5598 - 03.09.2024 22:16

Sir What do you mean by ccna for beginners? is there an advanced version as well?

@ITSupportOdisha - 04.09.2024 10:21

Great course, Thanx a lot

@donkorleoni8176 - 17.09.2024 05:03

Best video so far. Your explanation make it simple to understand. Thanks

@РодионЧаускин - 25.09.2024 20:20

Harris Michael Perez Michael Taylor William

@aiapaimei - 16.10.2024 23:15

I'm going to go through this course to get my certification back. I have a few years of experience networking so I think it will stick in my brain much better than the first time. Thank you so much for posting this video. God Bless your heart!

@bit-oliver - 23.10.2024 01:30


@marcusjanssonn - 23.10.2024 17:48

My teacher is so bad. This is an incredible upgrade. Thank you so much for this. I can finally understand things.

@OzVillaVilla - 25.10.2024 01:16

New subscriber here, I feel ready for the CCNP Encore, but I want to renew my CCNA first. I apricate your dedication and time. Thank you. Regards from Mexico 🤓

@predatortamizha2918 - 18.11.2024 15:45

i m fresher and i have basic knowledge in networking and i can learn this course easy or not ? and write exam

@youngwolf1009 - 19.11.2024 11:10

The course sounds like free college its goog for beginners as for professionals as a refresher, but me as a beginner in ccna do i have to memorize evrything ? Like the course is rich in details and i'm afraid if i can't remember evrything in specific details

@mantid83 - 25.11.2024 10:52

Going to watch this!

@kunoochoo - 05.12.2024 07:43

@najqazi Hello, I want to start off by telling you how much I appreciate the free course. I do have a question in your first model where you talk about a switch creating the LAN and the router creating a WAN . I have done residential and commercial installs as my primary career for an isp. From my understanding, the router creates the LAN, and the modem/ont creates the wan connection. I also understand that managed switches have the ability to create LAN. Is your example reflecting this because this is how cisco's topology typically function's ?

@ZeroDash_YT - 30.12.2024 20:22

You decided to post the course for FREE. There are so many services selling thouse courses. I truly appreciate your compassion and generosity, thank you for your time and proffesional knowledge. 💌

@mjthoughtsinkannada4823 - 10.01.2025 10:54

nice, one no one can teach like this thanks you sir

@nelsonnelson31 - 13.01.2025 20:39

Damn dude this is reallllly goooooood

@Selling-b9d - 17.01.2025 06:39

better than jeremy it lab. that dude overcompllicates things for no reason. ty for being straight to the point

@joejoe2452 - 18.01.2025 05:27

Is this updated for CCNA 200-301?

@joejoe2452 - 21.01.2025 11:39

So if I have a small company with 30 pc which tier to use? How many switches if different departments like sales, account, printing and HR. Do I get 4 different access switches for the departments and 1 extra switch for core/distribution and 1 router or just use L3 core switch with no router and just use the isp router?

@RodolfoTeruel - 29.01.2025 06:06

Am watching it at 4:05 a.m.
Thanks for the video

@TechHelpclub - 11.03.2025 18:15

Very Nice explanation .
