Rest on Labor Day? - This Sunday Pastor Paul's sermon is titled "Rest on Labor Day?" Looking at Matthew 11:25-30. In this passage, Jesus extends an invitation that resonates deeply with our modern celebrations of Labor Day: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” As we reflect on the meaning of labor and rest in our lives, especially during this holiday weekend designed to honor work, this sermon will explore the spiritual dimension of rest that Jesus offers. He speaks of a yoke that is easy and a burden that is light, pointing us toward a type of rest that transcends physical relaxation—a rest that rejuvenates the soul and realigns our purposes with God’s.
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0:00 Welcome
0:10 Song - Grateful
3:58 Song - My Help
8:16 Greeting
9:11 Announcements and Pastoral Prayer
16:13 Song - Greater Still
21:18 Sermon - Rest on Labor Day?
56:35 Communion
59:46 Song - King Of Kings
1:04:10 The Apostles Creed and Benediction