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截至7月17日星期三,东北费城华人协会(NEPCA)已加入了大费城文化信托基金会成为该公司的的财政担保成员。我们新的合法名字是 Northeast Philadelphia Chinese Association of Culture Trust of Greater Philadelphia 或NEPCA of CultureTrust (NEPCA-CT)。我们现在是501(c)(3) 非盈利公司的成员。 我们的中文名字翻译成大费城文化信托基金会之东北费城华人协会,简称还是 东北费城华人协会或 东北费华协。文化信托基金会将负责我们的所有行政职能并承担各种法律责任。这个选择主要是免去处理内部行政事务的人力管理和时间花费,让我们可以把更多的时间和精力用来服务社区。我们仍将履行与前NEPCA相同的宗旨,目标和服务。
NEPCA-CT和其他费城两百多家非营利组织在文化信托的帐下共存,分享资讯。每个组织被命名为一个项目(Project),会长/主席成为项目总监(Project Director)。不过,除了英文名称变更和行政工作转移到CultureTrust之外,我们的服务不但保持不变, 还能节省费用,并得到更多的指导来发挥更大的功能为社区服务。
随着法律身份的转变,我们注册和过去使用的Northeast Philadelphia Chinese Association 东北费城华人协会(NEPCA) 组织在法律上已经进入休眠状态和没有了合法董事局。取而代之,我们新生命有一个顾问董事局(advisory board) 来代替部分前董事会的功能。本人是东北费城华人协会NEPCA 和 NEPCA-CT的合法代表并管理两个组织所有事项. 我们将招募能够为本会提供时间和经济支持的志愿者来建立顾问董事局。在告别过去,我向协会前临时董事会人员过去一年的服务表示最深切的谢意。我在此兹聘请协会的前董事会成员为名誉董事, 名单如下:
名誉董事长:劉德榕; 副名誉董事长:鍾望臨; 名誉董事: 浦靜芳, 林應章,王玉明 期望荣誉董事会成员继续支持我们的社区工作,为民众带来希望和幸福。 NEPCA咨询委员会在NEPCA的发展过程有做出极大的贡献。 它将继续给NEPCA-CT提供指导。 提到他们,我在心里充满感恩了和敬意。 协会的咨询委员会成员有:Jared Solomon (State Representative), Andrew Dalzell (Jared's Chief of Staff), Anita Lyndaker-Studer (former OCCCDA CEO), Quyen Le (Indochinese American Council CEO), 和新加入的成员王怡康先生James Wang (Asian Bank CEO). 我更向我们的志愿者,社区合作团体,和华人媒体等表示最高的谢意,你们与我一起为社区提供服务和关怀。 没有你们的付出和支持就没有协会今天的成就。 也不忘感恩华人微信群上的大家庭,和幕后英雄们,每天群上分享资讯,彼此关怀。 最后祈愿,人人安居乐业,慈心关怀周边邻里,共同营造平安祥和的社区! 感谢您的关注!
大费城文化信托协会 之 东北费城华人协会(NEPCA-CT), 项目总监 东北费城华人协会(NEPCA), 会长 黄明珠Mingchu Pearl Huynh 邮寄地址:6331 Shelbourne St.,Philadelphia,PA 19111; 电话:215-839-6108; 电子邮件:[email protected] 给我们的捐赠现在可以低税。支票写给“NEPCA of CultureTrust” 并邮寄至 6331 Shelbourne St.,Philadelphia,PA 19111。

Public Announcement - NEPCA becomes NEPCA of CultureTrust
As of Wednesday, July 17th, Northeast Philadelphia Chinese Association (NEPCA) has been fiscally sponsored by CultureTrust of Greater Philadelphia (CT). Our new name is Northeast Philadelphia Chinese Association of CultureTrust of Greater Philadelphia or NEPCA of CultureTrust (NEPCA-CT). We are now a member of a 501(c)(3) non-profit company. CultureTrust will take care all of our administrative function and cover liability. This would free our time resource to help our community. We will still carry out the same mission, objectives and services as the original NEPCA. NEPCA-CT will be peering with other two hundred plus non-profit organizations under Culture Trust. Each is named as a project and the president become the project director. However, other than English name changes and administrative works being transferred to Culture Trust, our services to the community are not only remain the same, we will save cost, and get more help to enhance our services. As this legal change takes place, our former NEPCA legal entity is entered into a dormant stage and NEPCA legal board of director is ceased to exit. In place, we will have an advisory board performing part of the board of director’s duty. I, Mingchu Pearl Huynh is the legal representative of both NEPCA and NEPCA-CT and I will be building up my advisory board with volunteers who be able to give time and financial support to NEPCA-CT.
At this time, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to our former NEPCA acting board of directors for their service in the past one year. I would like to honor you to be emeritus board members as follows: Emeritus chairman: Mr. Tommy Liu Emeritus Vice Chairman: Mr. Maranatha Chung Emeritus Board of Directors: Ms. Joyce Ching Fang Pu, Mr. Yingchang Lin, Mr. Yuming Wang. I hope our emeritus board of directors would continue to give support to NEPCA-CT community works to bring joy and hope to our community. NEPCA Advisory Committee has been very instrumental in NEPCA’s growth and deployment to a strong organization as we are today. It would continue to give NEPCA-CT guidance. I mention our advisory Committee Members with high respect and gratitude in my heart. They are: Jared Solomon (State Rep), Andrew Dalzell (Jared's Chief of Staff), Anita Lyndaker-Studer (former OCCCDA CEO), Quyen Le (Indochinese American Council CEO). And we just welcome our new member James Wang (Asian Bank CEO) .
I also take this opportunity to show my deepest gratitude to our volunteers, community partners Wechat friends and the Media that work together with me to bring services and make a difference to our community. Without you, it would not happen. Finally, donation to us is now tax deductible. Check can be written out to “NEPCA of CultureTrust” and mail to 6331 Shelbourne St., Philadelphia, PA 19111. Thank you for your attention.
Mingchu Pearl Huynh Project Director, Northeast Philadelphia Chinese Association of CultureTrust (NEPCA-CT ) President/ CEO, Northeast Philadelphia Chinese Association (NEPCA) Mailing Address: 6331 Shelbourne St., Philadelphia, PA 19111 Phone: 215-839-6108; Email: [email protected]


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