Crank it upppp! Rock and rollers, Stannington, crash into the pretty pink toilets with tails of pubs, farmers markets and roads. Bleeding a rough and raw sound reminiscent of the 80s punk scene here in the UK. Stannington mirror its jangly soundscape, with their own crunchy riffs, and powerful choruses and lyricism.
We are delighted to have been involved in their first ever public audio and visual recording. Keep a track of these Newcastle based up and comers by following their socials below.
Stannington's Socials
Instagram: @stanningtonband
Produced and owned by Rockwood House Sessions
Video: Callum Casey @caseyphotovideo
Mix: Miki Krawiec @mikikrawiec5170
Audio: Miki Krawic @mikikrawiec | Hattie Blogg @hattie_blogg | Seb Rejahl @sebatron_5000
Director: Zoë Kolinsky @zoobstagramm
Location: @zerox_newcastle