The Ominous Black Paintings of Francisco Goya

The Ominous Black Paintings of Francisco Goya

Blind Dweller

3 года назад

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@brianbrown7982 - 13.11.2024 18:25

love how the first damn line of the video says Peter Paul Rubens painted Saturn Devouring His Son. how TF does that happen

@wytrzeszczwytrzeszcz7739 - 17.11.2024 02:05

fight with cufgets is reffering to old Hispanic tradition where if two mans decided to fight both were put to knees in ground so one can't run out and say bulshit about it

@skiptoacceptancemdarlin - 18.11.2024 16:46

Oops I thought that said black panties. My bad. I’ll see myself out.

@mstwelvedeadlycyns - 05.12.2024 05:22

In contrast to Vincent Van Gogh...😮

@jefferysmith9320 - 07.12.2024 04:30

(1746 > 1828) In Goya's time there was no light bulbs. No LEDs. People then lived in the dark. These images are as things appeared to them. It's simple to me.

@luzserrano6507 - 07.12.2024 05:34

Goya , very informative video ,

@brittanychavez2766 - 07.12.2024 21:20

I feel like Goya was actually experiencing paranormal activity of some sort.

@machinesandthings9641 - 11.12.2024 03:50

Now 2 girls and 1 cup sounds like a Goya painting

Also, artist draw pictures just to draw them. It’s you the observer that creates a meaning or explanation for the work. The speculation of what “reference” may be happening in the painting is just that, a speculation. Stop trying so hard to understand and learn to feel. I say this as an artist myself whom usually chooses dark art as it comes naturally. It’s not a statement or revelation, it’s just a feeling and vision. The same holds true for lyrical artists, often what they say is just a rhyme not a reason and it the observer that gives the meaning not the creator. Just as a paper is blank before I put an image on it, it has a blank meaning until the observer puts a meaning to it. Comprende?

@machinesandthings9641 - 11.12.2024 04:10

Did anyone here know that the original translation of the devils name is actually not satan or Lucifer or devil at all? His original name was morning star

@shakon1618 - 11.12.2024 06:07

How could they be removed from the walls?

@ImDeita - 12.12.2024 09:37

Ngl I didn’t realize how fucked ts was

@zenz69420 - 22.12.2024 15:40

I hate this

@ifearnothing0 - 23.12.2024 02:18

“The men reading” painting is a masterpiece .. the colors and brushstroke style are la perfect combo

@novaca9826 - 27.12.2024 18:59

Art is so overanalyzed by everyone. Trying to find deeper meaning. The artist expressing their deepest regrets and sorrows. Distrust of their government or state of their country. So much assuming and "what we can take this to mean is..." I like to envision that these artists had no motivation at all. They just did it because it looked cool.

@JD-xo3xz - 31.12.2024 04:45

I find most interesting that the woman, and most other characters in the painting of the He-Goat seem to be looking around and not directly at him. Seems as if the He-Goat is a two dimensional overlay and not part of the original painting.

@josephdillon7420 - 06.01.2025 01:42

It seems to me he lost all hope in the future of himself and country. Cannot imagine these paintings as companions in his home and they represent his nightmares in forms of life.

@andreychizov8201 - 09.01.2025 02:30

most likely that's his son paintings.

@andreychizov8201 - 09.01.2025 02:46

Whoever made the paintings, used existed paperwall panno with landscapes. And all these 'darkness' come with years of neglect and poor attempt to restore and transfer paintings from the wall.

@Giraffe-on-a-kite - 13.01.2025 06:25

The theme I feel is repeated more than anything else across all of the paintings is the eyes. They all look so empty and absent, I wonder if he saw his own deteriorating mind as gone.

@marygard4608 - 17.01.2025 03:45

Denise's work is so striking and powerful! The figure seated by the door with eyes watching gave the erie feeling of being a lab rat under observation. Thank you for showing us!

@ericpanissidi6761 - 17.01.2025 04:20

Anybody that lived through the inquisition saw things like this. Fear, suffering, and disease.

@kamikazenights58 - 18.01.2025 18:53

You have made an incredible piece on such a remarkable artist, you delivered everything tastefully and without needless fanfare. You've inspired me to expand more on his paintings, leaning more into the relatable cynicism surrounding the hubris of our kind and the behaviours exhibited in a time of extreme religious conflict; the very word conflict regarding the spectrum between, navigating the fear of unruly, zealous authority and the void where our hope in Gods salvation should have been. It's an age old conflict amongst man, disputing Gods will by asking "how could He let such terrible things happen?" The branching topics and subjects connecting Goya's experience to the world around him, his life's paintings appearing as the wisening of one's mind without the propagation of hope; the loss of naivety without replacing it with love; the sense of apathy pulsing from both the dark spaces and the vivid, haunting expressions of the people Goya painted in Lecturna; 2 of them seemingly reacting to the lack of sense and mercy among their peers jerks at the heart, witnessing the absence of God in Mans collective delirium.
Absolutely evocative and moving. Thank you again for your work.

@austinbunch9136 - 27.01.2025 18:50

he had to have been an incredibly broken man to put such repulsive feeling to paper so well

@EmaCaArte - 28.01.2025 17:17

At least learn how to say it in spanish

@nathanielperigo4660 - 03.02.2025 09:55

To me Saturn looks like hes just been caught in the act of devouring his son, his eyes seem shocked and hurt to me, yet he continues to eat, maybe it could be about how your body can go against your minds wishes?

@MaximMelamed - 07.02.2025 21:48

Wow. I'm feel so uneasy right now. Same feeling I got when looking at Dali paintings. I've seen pics of these before, but I was a lot younger and didn't get it. When I was younger I also thought of Goya as the first surrealist, Ahead of his time. Now I see the difference. While a painter like Dali intended to shock and cause unease by exploring and exposing his subconscious, Goya never meant for these to be seen. That in itself makes these so SO much more disturbing. There are parts of our minds that no one should ever see. Deep inside lie things that we often hide, even from ourselves. Maybe it was his isolation, or loss of hearing, or madness, but Goya opened that door that should always stay shut, and brought out that, which should remain hidden. I do not want to see. I do not want to know, and yet, I do. And something breaks inside.

@michelelentz8230 - 08.02.2025 08:54


@yougood809 - 09.02.2025 11:53

I need to go watch some bob ross now.

@bold810 - 10.02.2025 15:42

I got to See "The Price is Right". I didn't get called. Dicks.

@wwalonzo1157 - 11.02.2025 16:58

Am I only one who can see shadow figure that the dog is looking at, like looking at some kind of hope that you believe is still there but it's really hard to see, maybe there is something like a reference to God and hope, like dog is looking at someone who was told him to help him but at the end it comes out to be his biggest fear, GOD is the best what i can fit in there by definition

@alternateunreleasedshellac505 - 12.02.2025 05:37

I really dislike the unofficial naming of the paintings.

@zmirac - 14.02.2025 05:46

Maybe he saw the world for what it is truly

@zmirac - 14.02.2025 06:14

Interpretation is hugely inaccurate. It's disturbing because your soul recognize the truth and your brain doesn't

@luminousparadox7529 - 14.02.2025 07:19

Ive always seen el perro as a boat on a stormy sea 🤷🏾‍♂️ just cant unsee it.

@maddy6764 - 16.02.2025 07:31

Loved walking through these black paintings! (Mujeres is pronounced “moo-hair-ess”)

@chromebull884 - 17.02.2025 05:53

I have always feared that my last week of life will feel like an eternity of hell like it was for him and Beethoven. These paintings give me the same feeling i had the night i almost killed myself.

@BlCKuT-nv8gv - 19.02.2025 01:21

I am truly... "Inspired?", by these unique and haunting pieces of Art? This Artist has beautifully crafted these Unknown and Untitled murals, directly on the walls of his own home. It was his isolation and alienation, that caused his madness... and gave him the idea of creating these... Horrid, and wonderfully hauntingly delightful masterpieces. It was a blessing for him to be part of the Royal Court of Artists. But, his mind suffered... it was said, that it was his own isolation, and fear... that caused him to be extremely radical over the "Corruption". It made him embrace the Darkness, and he wend mad... Brushing his masterpieces, not on canvases... but the very walls of his own "Prison". Being trapped in his own mind, and he was lost in time.

We need to make sure that Paintings like these, need to be preserved for centuries to come. Without Goya, there wouldn't be the "Pincturas Negras"... or, The Black Paintings.

@ryanellion - 22.02.2025 23:06

Great vid. Eerie painting. Wish he would’ve completed it, would’ve been another masterpiece.

@Sashimiburger - 23.02.2025 08:05

Looks like America will be producing some excellent art in the coming years.

@roberthill799 - 26.02.2025 19:07

I saw it at The Prada about 30 years ago. It’s one of my favorites!

@ttarsi - 28.02.2025 11:27


@meenakumari01-t8m - 28.02.2025 12:05

इमोशनल मत हो, मान

@DeedraUnderwood - 02.03.2025 22:13

I feel like he had a fear of women,that sees them as creatures whom hurt babies,children,innocence.but that his mother dident protect him.he had to be protected from her

@coreycox2345 - 06.03.2025 06:40

He said "The sleep of reason breeds monsters."

@lisaschultz519 - 16.03.2025 22:23

Who owns these paintings? Are they gifted to a museum?
