DARK vs SHIN: Grand Finals | OlimoLeague Nov (Bo7 ZvZ) - StarCraft 2

DARK vs SHIN: Grand Finals | OlimoLeague Nov (Bo7 ZvZ) - StarCraft 2

PiG Casts

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@StraightUpLazy22 - 18.12.2024 16:25

The Whopper. People spent so much on that “flame-grilled disappointment” they couldn’t pay their mortgages.

@anonym1135 - 18.12.2024 16:28

Everyone knows Terran is op and for less good players, don't worry modderatot :P

@auag6284 - 18.12.2024 22:57

Zerg underpowered been real quiet since this dropped

@zeifenar8248 - 18.12.2024 23:25

as soon as game wasnt balanced around zerg it went downhill.

@BullRush4570 - 19.12.2024 03:15

In Texas, we have the Texas Whopper. It's a traditional Whopper with jalapeno peppers on it.

@scottbruce7423 - 19.12.2024 04:39

Swapped over to carjitsu real quick. I cannot believe thats a real thing 😂

@DoctOrdre-x9u - 19.12.2024 05:30

Shin vs dark? Whats next elbow vs reynor?

@DoctOrdre-x9u - 19.12.2024 06:00

I think dark is so good because he is so unpredicatable, you can practice all you want against ling flood, but when it comes 30sec earlier or 45sec later than supposed, it's not the same. "oh the roach timing has gone, i can drone now" and here comes dark with some completely bullshit timing :D On top of him being a micro god obv.

@nidao11 - 22.12.2024 07:52

Love your casting!

I haven't played SC2 in a minute but its amazing to see the game evolve and watch players figure out the new patch/seasonal meta.

btw can the observer UI display larva? is it not used because its distracting? I'm always very interested in how many larva zerg have but its difficult to tell in pretty much all casts.

@Qichar - 12.01.2025 14:45

Shin feels like he kind of gave up near the end of game 4. He kept firing biles and then running his units into his own biles. That and his refusal to deal with tunning claws seemed to indicate tilt.
