How to make Picric acid

How to make Picric acid


4 года назад

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@1demo1 - 10.04.2024 12:56

What is the strength of the nitric? Will a weaker nitric work?

@alexsnow27 - 05.06.2023 07:33

Is that normal tap water you used like pure water like water you get after you put it through desalination ? I'm curious to know

@Phosphoric1111 - 13.03.2023 02:53

could use use KNO3 instead of the NaNO3?

@christopherko475 - 19.02.2023 10:01

Can we use HCL instead of sulphuric acid? And can we use barium nitrate instead of nitric acid?

@beenwashedup5754 - 23.01.2023 20:30

I heard when it solidify and you screw off the cap off the jar or container boom 💥 a whole block gone

@DoctorSteamYY - 13.12.2022 20:59

So glad I found your channel ; p You got yourself a long-term viewer!

@zinovyrozhestvensky3636 - 09.12.2022 04:38

I would like to try this someday

@tv-pp - 08.09.2022 06:33

thats terrifying

@chemistryofquestionablequa6252 - 22.11.2021 18:46

The worst part about picric acid is that it stains EVERYTHING

@marcosazzi7788 - 01.10.2021 03:51

like I mean what concentration of nitric acid was used

@alekescalante2010 - 01.08.2021 01:44

Just curious as to how u deal with left over solutions of picric.

@alekescalante2010 - 30.07.2021 23:44

How long did the entire procedure take

@polishchemist9793 - 15.05.2021 17:36

Where have you bought your hot plate? I wanna buy one which is reliable and won't stop heating or stirring after a few reactions

@shannondove9029 - 07.05.2021 02:57

Can you show us how to make it from spider web?

@Andrew-my1cp - 04.07.2020 08:00

Lol I've made picric acid before and I used KNO3. The nitration was shit. There were sooo many lower nitrate ahaha. I'm revisiting it with NH4NO3 soon to make some sweet dunnite to play with.

@ThePodSpotlight - 02.07.2020 21:58

Could potassium nitrate be used instead of sodium nitrate?

@laiyemoboys9255 - 22.06.2020 04:25

Keep in mind that dry picric acid is highly explosive. It should be stored under water to prevent dentonation.

@joeestes8114 - 26.05.2020 05:13

Friggen beautiful crystals! The best I've seen!

@foc2241 - 05.05.2020 20:11

In case you wanna write it down - like that :D

@Andrew-my1cp - 13.03.2020 19:33

The one time I tried this synthesis it was horrible. There was a very noticeable amount of mononitrophenol at the bottom of my beaker during recrystallization indicating my nitration was shit. I used KNO3 as my nitric acid source. I have about 8 grams of impure bright yellow picric acid stored under water in a bucket full of sand but sadly I think I'll convert it all to the sodium salt and burn it gram by gram to get rid of it. Not my favorite energetic material. I wanted it to make lead picrate but picric acid is just too toxic (not too bad honestly just more toxic than most things I work with), staining, forms salts too easily, and too hard to detonate. It'll detonate high order under strong confinement but anyone who knows a bit about this subject knows that's a bad idea. I want some primaries to test. So I gave up on lead picrate (although I might reattempt on a far smaller scale because I don't want more than 5 grams max of picric in storage) but I am moving on to exploring acetylides. I'm trying copper acetylide first since it's not very powerful and then I'll try silver acetylide to get some nice tests. I'll likely stick to <50mg on the first runs and then go up to max of 250mg and use it all by the end of the day because I don't want to store something that sensitive. So we'll see how those synthesis go. Good job on your video btw I enjoyed it.

@henryrenyz7232 - 11.01.2020 15:17

I just repeated the synthesis today but use the drain cleaner directly instead of conc.H2SO4. The drain cleaner I used has some muriatic acid added which gives a weird smell, it also has a dark reddish color nearly black. The precipitates in the first vacuum filtration are awful light greenish slurry, which means the picric acid is heavily contaminated by unwanted side products, but picric acid could be separated by dissolving it into acetone or ethanol and then filtered, evaporated and recrystallized. However, it's a bad experience, maybe I have to remove the red dye in acid first.

@MinhTran-gk1xc - 26.12.2019 03:58

I also tried on this one. I've done twice and both were kind of failed. Everything went well before recrystallization, but I always got ugly crestal and it didn't look like picric acid at all. The crystal I got was organeish dark yellow, long slab shape, pretty thin. I did the flame test and it burned very fast and sometime detonated ant the end. I felt I got something else, but everything seemed right in previous steps. I have no idea what happened. I saw your video, your solution also turns to orange in heated but it turned back at the end. But you didn't show it right before putting in to the fridge. Was it orange or yellow at that point?

@BackYardScience2000 - 30.10.2019 16:08

Hey man, I've noticed that you don't have any videos on phosphorus. Is that because you don't have any? Or are you saving it for future videos? If you need some just let me know and I can send you some to experiment with.

@ericlaster3645 - 28.10.2019 04:29

Forbidden raw spaghetti noodles

@RedBloodCat1 - 26.10.2019 23:34

nice m8

@hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzit9185 - 26.10.2019 20:04

Nice crystals! No explosions tho :/
