Why was he killed off in the first I cried my self to sleep, like I was actually mourning his death
That's okay, I didn't need my heart anyways!
Ответитьone of the most heart-breaking character deaths ever.
ОтветитьSammy did not deserve to die
ОтветитьWho's still crying over this in 2021? 🙋🏻♀️💔
Almost a decade and it still breaks my heart.
Seeing Kat, Ollie and Abigail all crying over Sammy is something I will never get over.
ОтветитьWhat a horrible tragedy that school went through! So sad! 😭😭😭😭
ОтветитьTara is more self absorbed than Elena
Ответитьtbh a lot of the time i just watch the show ignoring the fact that he dies, and then when he's not in season 3 i imagine him on vacation or something. it's way too hard to accept that he's actually gone.
ОтветитьI’m still raw over this
ОтветитьThe music in the last 20 seconds was not well placed
Ответитьi’ll never stop crying about sammy.
ОтветитьReminding that this happening in realife to person ☹️
ОтветитьSammy was the character that truly connected everyone together. he really was the glue and heart of dance academy which made it even more heartbreaking.
ОтветитьYo this show and this scene in particular traumatised me as a kid and even now in my 20's I can't watch this without tearing up SAMMYYYYYY
ОтветитьLost a friend to a car accident some time around finale of season 1 of Dance Academy aired.
Probably why I will never get over Sammy's death more than ever.
I've seen many deaths of characters (as a tv show fan) for years, but Sammy's death was just something I'll never get over.
The bond he had between family, friends and teachers was very strong and special.
Oh gosh, why am I crying watching this again....gosh Dance Academy....
I’m literally 😢
ОтветитьDid you really die in real life or did he not gonna do the role any more or in the movie died
Ответитьi miss this show so much
ОтветитьWhy does YT remind me of this every 3 years 💔💔💔 I STILL LOVE YOU SAMMY
ОтветитьWhy did I willingly watch this now I'm sobbing everywhere.
I can hold it together until Abigail. Then I lose it.
The memory of this just hit me harder than the car hit Sammy.
Ответить😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 LOLLOPOPOPPLLLLLLLLL 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🙂🙂🤣
ОтветитьThis was Sammy when he got run over 🚶♂️🚑🧎♂️💀💀
ОтветитьDance Academy is foul for putting that emoji in the title bro
ОтветитьIt’s 2022 and I’m still not over his death. He was something else, he was good. Pure. I just loved him so much🤍
ОтветитьI’m not tearing up I’ve just got a bit of dirt in my eye, ok tbh I’m not really the crying type but this made me tear up and it does every time I watch it this is so sad and heartbreaking
ОтветитьThe worst part of the scene was watching Abigail crying in the shower that's when I truly start crying myself.
ОтветитьI watched dance academy as a kid.....
I hated that they killed Sammy off. I didn't feel like the show was the same without him. :/
ОтветитьSeen this so many times and I still get emotional watching Tara comfort everyone and not cry hersfel
ОтветитьAbigail acted that so well
ОтветитьI know that but why? WHHY? So WHO is cutting f*cking onions!🧅💔
ОтветитьWhat season is it in?
Ответитьi've seen this so many times and yet i still ed up balling when it gets to sammy dying😭
Ответитьmade me so cry when I saw Abigail crying.
ОтветитьIt's been ten years and I'm still not over this
ОтветитьEu assisti pela primeira vez aos 14 anos e hoje aos 23 essa cena ainda tem o mesmo impacto em mim. Cruel e absurdamente real o fato do sammy ter morrido do nada, tantos sonhos deixados pra trás...e pensar que acontece na vida real com tanta gente...😢
ОтветитьWhat season and what episode?
ОтветитьMakes me cry every single time.
ОтветитьStill missing sammy
ОтветитьAbigail in the shower BROKE ME
ОтветитьI break down crying everytime I see Abigail crying in the shower. 😢
ОтветитьJust rewatched this vid and cried all over again, especially kat and Abby's reactions 😭😭this is one on screen death that hurt me the most
Ответитьwow watching this back... this looks so bad, the acting is horrible
ОтветитьJ'aime trop cette séries !!!!