"Passion Project" Extracurriculars: The Key to College Acceptance (+ how I published a book in HS)

"Passion Project" Extracurriculars: The Key to College Acceptance (+ how I published a book in HS)

Iris Fu

4 года назад

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@Caroline-ls1gz - 18.07.2020 09:07

Hello, thank you so much for this video, it was very helpful and inspiration! I want to start my passion project and one of my interests are musical theatre and digital art and I really want to become a teacher so I was thinking on making videos with digital animations teaching aspects of musical theatre and I was curious to know if this is a good idea bc I’m not sure if it’s too simple and not impactful enough?

@Rotatingirene - 19.07.2020 08:29

Hi Iris! Loved this video! I’m a rising sophomore in high school, and I was wondering how to get a lab internship. I feel like I’m too young to get one, but would I just have to email a bunch of professors and see if I can intern for them?

@cindyvalian5309 - 21.07.2020 21:42

What if you don´t know exactly what you want to do in the future. How do I chose a "passion project".

@dianacarolinepoma3896 - 24.07.2020 20:07

Thank youuuuu I just need orientation 😭

@sejalpatil814 - 03.08.2020 13:59

Hey! So I had a question - does it matter what book you write? 
I would major in econ/business, so is it essential to write on related to those topics?

@gabyc7160 - 11.08.2020 22:34

hi! if I booked a call with you on bullseye would we be able to discuss passion projects? im having a hard time trying to find one I can do at home

@ernestobaci8623 - 20.08.2020 01:55

Ur amazing!!! Please do a step by step video on how to start an organisation

@popcorncat123454321 - 23.08.2020 12:17

If I'm a senior this year, is it too late lol

@ethanma4140 - 23.08.2020 13:47

I'm Ethan, I'm planning to start a club at my school focusing on spreading awareness of the importance of our organ health through research. Like how this pandemic can affect our organs like our kidneys and more. I also am planning to do this event where my group and I collect food nutrition labels in our community and research what's good and what's bad for our organs and how we can change that for the better. (e.g cutting down portions of certain brands), I'm passionate about the sciences and planning on going into medicine in the future. I also really like graphic design, so I was just wondering if there are any ideas for my idea to stand out more? Or do you have anymore ideas, it would really be a big help

@alinasathani1571 - 23.08.2020 22:31

do you think that it would be a good idea to create an org for the mental wellbeing of cancer patients like we could do things like create care packages and possibly ask local hospitals to help???

@medhavisingh1730 - 31.08.2020 21:27

I’ve been binge watching a lot of your videos and I truly love your energy and how passionate you are about educating all of us and helping us on our path :) coming from an international student, applications are ambiguous but you’ve made it seem a lot simpler, thank you so much!!

@sehungurung2125 - 02.09.2020 05:06

Hi, Iris from Nepal, I wanted to know if I'm not from the USA but I have someone from the USA, and what about using my parent's amazon account and social security number to publish my book?

@soundclubcentral - 27.09.2020 07:45

I love your vids and i’m only a freshman so I still have time. Would creating an app/video game be considered bringing a community together/ go on my transcript?

@momikutum3617 - 13.10.2020 13:59

Hey Iris !
Can you please help me in brainstorming some ideas for passion project ?😭
(My theme is connecting people and different cultures & spreading positivity and self-love and embracing themselves)
~Lots of love ❤️
(I texted you on instagram too)

@p.ktendo1757 - 14.10.2020 21:57

Good stuff

@lucypatalano5828 - 23.12.2020 01:48

hi! i’m a sophomore and i’m really into crocheting and i’m trying to figure out how to work that into a passion project. there are many organizations which crochet blankets for those in need. i was thinking of starting a website that connected crocheters with charity’s that they wouldn’t find normally. any tips on anything else i could do with this?

@surrealcereal948 - 28.03.2021 07:37

Hey, do you think it's fine to write about a topic that others have already wrote about numerous times? I'm very interested in educating people about scientific literacy.

@MrPathorock - 09.04.2021 04:49

Which high school did you attend? I always think attending prestigious high schools is the most important factor

@ngonidzashemaposa7123 - 12.04.2021 17:45

Where exactly in my application should I mention and talk about a passion project?

@hannahzhou7537 - 01.05.2021 15:06

What if I already created an organization but I want to deepen the impact of the people I’m helping? Thanks!

@sarahkapadia3201 - 10.06.2021 18:18

Hi. I am currently in my summer break, transitioning from the 8th to the 9th grade. Do you suggest I start working on any large-scale projects from now as we haven't really been exposed to the entire system by our school and it is really hard figuring everything on my own, especially because I live in India.

@CuppiecakesxD - 25.06.2021 11:08

Great advice ! How do you advise people not to only create passion projects/organizations solely for college apps. I’ve seen too many projects and organizations that were great but when the student got into college, they completely drop/abandon it.

@sameenrahman9593 - 08.07.2021 01:58

How old were you when you started to writing your book?

@avamarinos2318 - 26.10.2021 05:37

what was your passion project?

@inscseeker401 - 20.11.2021 02:14

Is it still possible to do a passion project for a senior who is planning to apply (may apply) again after a gap year?

@triciahallknaut6932 - 24.12.2021 00:53

Iris, I am an adult wanting to pursue my doctorate & I appreciate you so much! You are delightful & remind me of my niece! thank you because you have validated some of the ideas I am trying to organize to help inspire passion in others! Kudos!

@kathrynjackson9223 - 22.01.2022 21:15

Hi Iris!! Thank you so much for this video it’s really helpful! I’m a sophomore in high school. I have a plan to start my own passion project and I’m following your steps! When starting your organization, did you get a team to do it with you or did you start alone and build from there? Also, how did you appropriately approach mentors for help? Thank you so much again!!

@okma4720 - 02.07.2022 02:21

doing lots of independent projects, such as my brothers film, my town’s documentary, my town’s workbook, 2 independent research projects, 1 research assistant, independent blog + pastimes -> side hustle pipeline

@happyhai1659 - 24.10.2022 19:24

Anyone can recommend an advisor for passion project ? Thank you

@christianestrada5498 - 24.10.2022 23:51

OMG that's so funny! I'm applying to boarding school (high school), and I did the same thing I called "passion projects" outside of school\extracurriculars.

@goofyahhslimjackson1942 - 01.11.2022 20:07

This is a very bad video! I ca barely understand whats happening, the mic is terrible, the speech is incoherent, how the heck did she write a book? Maybe she's the Peppa Pig author! Really speaks words that fools like this get into Stanford, its all corrupt publicity! The channel has been deceased for 2 years, maybe she died of Covid, good riddance!

@goofyahhslimjackson1942 - 01.11.2022 20:10

Bro my grandma when drunk could articulate like Edgar Poe compared to this idiot !

@zahrak7 - 08.11.2022 05:29

Hey Iris fu! I was wondering how you presented your passion project to colleges?

@hannah333 - 12.12.2022 10:51

what about getting a group of fellow actors and going to a childrens hospital to entertain them, or teaching drama at schools? maybe to expose students to new things, and help them find passions, feel less anxious ect

@sofiyapatel - 22.12.2022 22:20

Hi Iris! Im currently in 8th Grade, going into high school. I plan on starting my own club in highschool for girls in computer science. I want to make a difference, but I dont think I can go far with my little idea. How can I grow my idea and make it go global?

@lifewithdevika_ - 10.01.2023 21:16

omg this video is amazing!!!! Thank you so much for sharing girl. You're amazing!!!! <3

@dude_mude3366 - 18.03.2023 13:44

Rn im in high school and i realised i gotta do something special, and this is an amazing idea!!!

@ale.kara7522 - 05.04.2023 18:49

best channel fr

@zoe_ewi - 08.06.2023 06:33

Hello! I don’t know if you still respond to comments but I just want to say how much this inspired me to create one of my own! I’m still young (currently a minor) yet I’ve always wanted to create something that could potentially changed the world or at least it’s perspective. I have this idea that with the help of social media and my school could come to life. I just don’t really know where to star, so if you are still active I’ll like to ask how could I start this project and how could I pitch it to my peers? Thank you if you get to answer :)

@justjuliafiedd - 09.07.2023 12:47

Hi, I'm a high schooler looking for a partner to help me create an initiative focusing on equity and health in women's athletics. I have some ideas already, reply if you're interested!

@darby3762 - 15.10.2023 20:40

What a breath of fresh air this is. Most content these days is so full of fanfare that it makes me dizzy.

@aadritadasgupta3607 - 16.01.2024 10:14

I have a question (sorry I can’t get on call) but if I’m really passionate about writing fiction will self-publishing be enough? I don’t think news presses will want to cover a fantasy or sci-fi book.

@samonroll5427 - 23.06.2024 17:30

when including your passion project in your application, would you include it in your EC’s? sorry i’m not sure if this is a stupid question i’m kind of navigating college apps alone 😓

@Christian-ql4vw - 04.12.2024 04:06


@lailamckisic2392 - 12.02.2025 03:43

This inspired me to create a club at my school. I'm thinking of it being a College Prep club. Something that will inform members of good programs, college tours, advise, that I really needed as a freshman. Hopefully everything works out! I'm going to start on a PowerPoint to pitch to my schools senior advisor!
