Brewing Rare Gokou Single Origin Matcha by Pure Matcha #shorts #matcha #gokou #tea #howtomake #asmr

Brewing Rare Gokou Single Origin Matcha by Pure Matcha #shorts #matcha #gokou #tea #howtomake #asmr


54 года назад

207 Просмотров

Gokou is a rare variant of the Camellia Sinensis tea plant. Unlike other cultivar variants, it is only picked once a year which in turn limits its supply and availability. When brewed, the Gokou has a roasty earthiness that lingers on after drinking. We love the distinct and unique flavour of this Gokou single-origin organic matcha tea! @Purematchateas
#shorts #matcha #gokou #tea #howtomake #asmr #organic #purematchateas


#Gokou #matcha #macha
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