Phones4U Founder Devastates John McDonnell's Plans In British Billionaire Vs The Socialist Row

Phones4U Founder Devastates John McDonnell's Plans In British Billionaire Vs The Socialist Row


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@Threadnaught - 12.12.2019 18:22

£10 minimum wage?
People lost work on a smaller hike demanded by Labour three years ago.

@michaelcurtis5844 - 12.12.2019 19:06

Labour = The party of envy and the "I'm poor and the reason I am is because you have more than me".

@michaelcurtis5844 - 12.12.2019 19:19

Let me tell you something people, if Labour get in, you'll never get them out. Why? Well, look at what our schools are doing to our youth. As a former teacher, I can tell you upfront that teachers are the most dangerous left wingers of all because they indoctrinate our youth. They have our youth. Ever wonder why so many students (uni and college) vote labour. You can thank our teachers for that. Also, Labour will lower the voting age just like the SNP have done, and will also allow migrants to be able to vote. Do you think migrants and students are going to vote for a party that puts the country at large as their top agenda, or do you think they will vote for the one who hands out the most sweeties and freebies. I Labour get in, you might as well look to emigrate and quick.

@smalcolmbrown - 12.12.2019 19:57

Let us just remind ourselves what happened to Phones4U shall we? When its greed and stupidity forced it into administration.

@Contramariah - 12.12.2019 20:10

Look how blood red McDonald’s face is, he knows he’s wrong. Self serving twat !!

@Contramariah - 12.12.2019 20:11

Create a society that’s busting at the fucking seems, with their insane immigration policy

@derekmatthew2921 - 12.12.2019 20:56

What a piece of excrement this tosspot is hell mend you if you vote this traitor into power tomorrow

@Kraken54321 - 12.12.2019 21:15

Same old Labour, the country would be bankrupt again in 5 years if these clowns got in. 🤦‍♂️

- 12.12.2019 21:26

Not wrong there, I would leave the UK if Commie Corybin ever becomes PM. Most people with an active brain cell would be fleeing for their lives. Who in their right mind thinks that stealing someone elses hard earned money is anything other than a criminal offence? Communists start frothing at the mouth of the prospect of robbing other peoples wealth to line their own pockets, all they can see is £ signs and all they can hear is ka-ching.

@morphinmartian6266 - 12.12.2019 21:56

If there are no billionaires where would Socilaism get the money? Labour voters are thick as pig shit

@pondman27 - 12.12.2019 22:00

There are sibstantial key issues not addressed within any of this rhetoric.
Taxation based on fictitious debt raised against gov. bonds. A corrupted for profit statute book and an agenda to destroy families, further impoverish people lower down and the self employed. Health and safety! Give me a break.
Housing inflation
EU regilation
Human trafficking and pedos in high places
Sharia zones

@chinalad1049 - 12.12.2019 23:23

He acts and reminds me of Jack Lemmon in one flew over a cuckoos nest

@Blacknight1812 - 12.12.2019 23:59

if the likes of McDonnell get it via the ballot box, you will only be able to remove them with a bullet, Marxists get elected and then ban all the opposition and turn a country in a Police State. McDonnells hero is Chavez and look what he did to Venezuela. Look at the country now. It's not good.

@neilblockhead - 13.12.2019 02:01

Moronic socialists think they can solve poverty by taxing and making everyone poor - then we´ll all be equally poor. I bet no Labour cabinet members have owned a company.

@malcolmoluwasanmi6398 - 13.12.2019 05:56

The equality of opportunity you hit the nail on the head!

@markusass - 13.12.2019 14:19

McDonnell hides behind platitudes and a deep well of Catholic resentments. He should have gone into the Irish Church all those years ago.

@michaelgrace1298 - 14.12.2019 11:13

What's he on about Scotland road in Liverpool is one of the biggest slums? He's he on another planet

@buysilvergoldbitcoin7270 - 14.12.2019 14:32

only today found this channel its bloody brilliant it shows these's marx out to be who they really are love it

@delazzuro - 14.12.2019 19:51

Thank god this twats policies have now been firmly put in the annals of political obscurity...hope he follows quick sharp.

@thedestroyer3262 - 15.12.2019 00:09

It's like labour forget that these people have more than enough money to move literally anywhere in the world and move every penny of their money to a tax haven over night. They aren't going to stay and get taxed at 70%, 80%, 95% or 95% when they can just move to another country and get taxed less than half that. Then when all the multi millionaires and billionaires have left where are they going to get the money for all these massive spending sprees... oh yeah that's right they would tax the working and middle class at astronomical rates. Capitalism isn't perfect but it's a hell of a lot better than socialism and communism.

@Marcus538 - 15.12.2019 00:59

Im not kefty at all, phone "billionaires" aren't muchas better than crooks like bezos at amazon , lots of billionaures are crooks not businessmen , but labour fucks up

@christineholloway9075 - 15.12.2019 01:54

I agree with the other comments thanks Bert x💜

@andrewganley9016 - 15.12.2019 02:27

Pays 300 million + in taxes,says it all!

@drkRoss89 - 15.12.2019 15:05

You know that shit's bad when a person whose retail business folded in 2014 is calling you out on your socialist bullshit.

@Michael-4 - 15.12.2019 20:49

Can't find this interview anywhere on the BBC YT channel or anywhere really except here.

@richardkuehn7015 - 15.12.2019 21:09

My pa was a director in the seventies and he told me labour taxes choked off innovation. He became a CEO once these lefty parasites where sorted.

@ogstopper - 15.12.2019 22:08

McDonnell is afflicted by Pseudologia Fantastica. He's a sociopathic compulsive liar. IMHO.

@yorkshiremgtow1773 - 15.12.2019 23:19

Liberals: 'The Laffer curve is optimum at 55% tax'.
Conservatives: 'The Laffer curve is optimum at 40% tax.'
Socialists: 'What's the Laffer curve?'

@superbad1585 - 16.12.2019 02:23

Laa laa land

@mik310s - 16.12.2019 02:32

I'm poor and labour scars the hell out of me, I would benefit more in the short term but I know I would suffer in the long term and I cant in good conscious vote for what they represent

@MrWeAllAreOne - 16.12.2019 11:04

John is an absolute cretin.

@michaelthomasshields - 16.12.2019 19:50

"I am a marxist." - John McDonnell

Yeah buddy, marxism really gives incentives for business eh? What a fucking clown this guy is to think that anyone with a bit of wealth wants labour communism.

@burpleronnie - 17.12.2019 00:40

I assume none of you have actually read the manifesto or it's costing document. The only notable changes to tax policy are to close tax loopholes, remove the separate taxation of capital gains and lower the tax free threshold on inheritance from a million to about half a million. Not really very scary.

@horsesense6173 - 17.12.2019 17:24

The Marxists are determined to kill the goose.

@horiboyablemgtow7842 - 17.12.2019 17:40

You can NEVER allow direct taxation because it always becomes abusive, ALWAYS

@CriticalRoleHighlights - 20.12.2019 05:20

John McDonnell: "we want a fair society by making it unfair".

Socialists in a nutshell.

@stewartyeff - 21.12.2019 01:26

McDonnell (like the song) should now get a farm! Every day when he feeds the animals he can fantasize that it isn't a farm in Devon, but a prison camp in Siberia for Tory dissidents who were arrested personally by him and Jeremy before forcing the British judiciary (which they now controlled!) to give them all 25 years hard labour for 'Failing to embrace Socialism!' "With a Karl Marx here and a Karl Marx there!" Marx Marx...Marx Marx...everywhere Karl Marx Marx!

@stewartyeff - 21.12.2019 01:39

A headstone should now be erected in Highgate Cemetery next to the incredibly ugly one commemorating Karl Marx! On it beautifully chiselled should be cut the words..."RIP BRITISH LABOUR PARTY!" 1900-2019...Then...(out of respect!) Once a year...we should have a one minute silence for it!

@MrScumwhisperer - 21.12.2019 17:29

Corbyn and McDonnell and their ilk have always been parasites feeding off the working class- their early" jobs" as advisors and reseachers in Trade Union movements for industries in which they never actually did any hands on work show where these privately educated, "prolier than thou" fuckwits are coming from.

@MorfiusRacing - 22.12.2019 15:12

John Mcdonald is a slimy lying jealous turd💩

@GC-mu5dq - 25.12.2019 01:11

Labour are in a mess due to Momentum and their puppets including Mcdonnell..untill Momentum and Lansman are marginalised the Labour Party have no hope

@nrqed - 02.01.2020 03:35

He complains about levels of poverty he never thought we would see return again.
And yet the left wants to keep bringing in hundreds of thousands of immigrants that need welfare, lodging and healthcare.
Why would one wants that if one was serious about fighting poverty?

@StuFlyboyReay - 12.01.2020 20:37

Yes we have poverty here because you invited the third world into our country

@andy6111 - 14.01.2020 04:13

None of us give a sh*t about John McDonnell's world. He can read his little red book to his misses, and that idiot next to him..

@checkerbr - 18.01.2020 20:55

labour and fair taxation? what a idiot. fair? nothing is fair about that. if they would be honest they had to say: "it is not fair that you have more then the next one" and that has nothing to do with taxation. that is just their method of collecting.
a fair taxation can only look like this: X% for EVERYBODY. that is fair, and only that. everything else is not fair.

@olliefoxx7165 - 10.03.2020 17:00

I've noticed that there are a lot of billionaires pushing this Marxist crap. Very odd. The Dems have at least 5 that have stated they are joining forces to oust Trump and regain the Whitehouse. At face value it would seem counter productive until you remember they want to continue getting rich while screwing the poor.

@funchalflash6994 - 30.04.2020 00:00

The problem with labours they’re all a bunch of liars John McDonald knows that he will not be able to tax the top 5% because the top 5% can pay accountants and lawyers that probably earn £1 million a year and they can say look we pay £1 million a year get me out of paying tax and those accountants and those liars are very good at their jobs so what will happen then he’ll go after the 20% below the 5% not 20% below the 5% might not be able to afford top of the range solicitors or lawyers or accountants to get them out of paying tax but they can employ companies who specialise in things like this....Oh dear so what will he do he can’t to tax the top 5% nor the 25% underneath that building tax and middle classes because the middle classes and the lower classes are the highest payers of taxes so it’s absolutely lies and ridiculous and anyone who votes for labour quite frankly should be put up against a wall unexecuted because technically that’s what they’re doing to the country are executing our country not by firing squad but by socialism

@FullMetalJago316 - 24.06.2021 20:50

A year later he’s made his point
