David Drew: UFOs, Aliens, and all that . . . | Thunderbolts

David Drew: UFOs, Aliens, and all that . . . | Thunderbolts


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@skynet4496 - 16.07.2024 06:14

I used to think UFOs were probable but after reading a book called Daimonic Reality by Harpur now I see them as an archetype. It explains why despite having so many high tech cameras around, we always get blurry videos and photos. You would think one would be caught clearly!?
BTW, why do you sound so muffled?

@tonigillette9217 - 16.07.2024 06:21

When did US hospitals stop referring to IV fluids as "plasma"?

@thomasjones1496 - 16.07.2024 07:28

Why did the Moon not ring like a bell when Apollo 11 released its lander * Minute mark????????????????

@dcorgard - 16.07.2024 09:31

I'm glad someone covered the Hessdalen lights! They're quite an intriguing physical phenomenon.

I tend to lean strongly toward the "battery" hypothesis, based on the underlying geographic make-up and the shape of the terrain.

@jjpc4549 - 16.07.2024 09:44

Aliens = demons

@profile-d4d - 16.07.2024 15:15

total delusional nonsense

@robertbeniston - 16.07.2024 17:04

"If we are alone in the universe its an awful waste of space"
This depends on the reality that you believe that you live in.
If you are atheistic and that this universe is all there is, then yes, but if you are theistic and believe God created the universe then the universe has a population. That population would be spirit and spirit would be the dominant sentient life force.
Belief is one thing evidence that you are correct is another.

@Pavel_Poluian - 16.07.2024 18:15

Some people know the truth. For example, Christopher Buckley's book "Little Green Men" describes a story when the president of the United States finds out that "flying saucers" are secret equipment, and stories about aliens are spread by the US special services. But Buckley would have been a speechwriter for Bush Sr. And it was, if you believe him, in the late 90s. 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎 Secret technology has been developing since the 40s, tested, improved, and used for espionage. There was a huge amount of cover-up misinformation - from the special services. I described all this in the article "UFOs - it's made in the USA" - Google it, there is a video on my channel "UFO Anatomy" The technology of "flying saucers", "triangles", etc. is terrestrial and not at all fantastic (what can be fantastic in propulsion panels with thousands of railgun cells that synchronously fire a discharge plasma with a frequency of up to megahertz - create a motor impulse). But there is an important drawback - strong microwave radiation is not suitable for civilian use. Yes, and for the military - only rare spy missions, otherwise the pilots will die... So the technology is amazing, but not super. And now the espionage mission has disappeared - everything is clear from space and everyone's borders are transparent. Therefore, the declassification process has begun - plasma propulsion panels are well suited for cargo airships - where the cockpit can be removed from radiation sources (plasma panels). And there were a lot of things in history, and the paranormal can happen, probably aliens, ghosts, angels... But most importantly, there is a secret technique of this type.

@intergalacticmeow - 16.07.2024 19:31

Just when I was taking this channel serious well to the junk pile

@Jeffroh - 16.07.2024 23:17

Steven Greer was a mediocre ER doctor in town i grew up in, im doubtful of his "disclosure".

@skiracer - 17.07.2024 05:16

David Drew and Dufus, You doggz know how to make really interesting documentaries for us all to enjoy. Thank you!

@00110000 - 17.07.2024 09:39

Nice to hear TP's take on the discourse. A healthy blend of being open minded and grounded.

Personally, I'm excited by all this. If nothing else, it gets people interested in space science and creates fun discussions 👍

@ivornelsson2238 - 17.07.2024 13:46

Thanks for this video.
Regarding “time”-travelling, I have my money on the ancient and spiritual way of travelling “out-of-body” – in where “time” does not exist at all.
When studying the millions of ancient cultural cave- and rock art images, I don’t accept the cherry-picked handful which is theoretically connected to the modern Plasma Cosmology as evidence for such a connection.

Aside the standing collective mythological amnesia, modern humans have in large also forgot how our ancestors noticed the day- and night scenarios very closely.

Stars, star constellations and even the white contours of the crescent vaulting Milky Way contours was noticed as seemingly revolving around a central point in the night sky.

Wheels or concentric rings was symbolized by our ancestors as this pole axis center, and different constellations was painted or carved as both animals and humanlike figures. Even the very Milky Way contours was mythologized as both animals, human like beings (the so called “Stickman” figure) or even as the modern expression as “ships”.

Planets were/are for our ancestors simply “Wanderings Stars” on the eclipse, hence having the TBP construction of an alien planetary configuration idea of “planets hovering on a line over the Earth´s north pole axis” with references to ancient Myths of Creation, is simply too far out and not consistent with the ancient observations.

The numerous cultural Creations Myths was/is logically about much more than planetary matters and our ancestors knew that very well.

Otherwise, I have the scientific verifiable Plasma Cosmology and Electric Universe to be very refreshing indeed.

@missfriscowin3606 - 17.07.2024 14:58

Use your fingers in your mouth to whistle a really high pitched whistle at the northern lights and you can make them dance and move. We used to do this as kids all the time.

@madincraft4418 - 17.07.2024 20:19

I hear repeatedly that spooky action at a distance has been verified. How? I never hear how it's done. I need to see the process to believe it.

@ahabwolf7580 - 18.07.2024 01:16

I can't really get on board with E.T.'s being extrasolar. There's just too many variables that need to line up perfectly. They have to exist, be technologically advanced, have ships capable of sustaining life for hundreds of years, have survived the extremely perilous vastness of space and all that entails, have somehow stumbled across our solar system during their travels, or been close enough by to detect us somehow, been brave enough to approach, done so for decades at this point, and somehow maintained a modicum of secrecy in the process.

I have heard theories of E.T.'s being responsible for seeding this planet in the first place, which seems far more plausible given enough of the above requirements were met.

Either way I think it's far more likely that IF (big if) E.T.'s do exist, they are either living on a planet within our solar system, or are not E.T.'s, rather just a rare species of sentient beings who've existed on Earth mostly undetected. Any hollow Earth enthusiasts out there?

@lmwlmw4468 - 18.07.2024 01:47

There is a difference between believing and knowing that they are here, and I know...!!! Great video.

@Luxxotic - 18.07.2024 04:48

The moon is artificial and was put there by the Annunaki

@johnnicholas1488 - 18.07.2024 10:02


@claudebrown7658 - 18.07.2024 15:54

If you don't understand that these entities are dimensional DEMONS you are deceived.

@222Krzycho - 19.07.2024 04:02

Myth of Moon landing still in use. Water memory? Instant conciosnes of solar flares by fauna on Earth? Galaxy and whole universe magnetic connection net? Panspermia hypothesis? Life duration of "aliens".? Building of star systems from more than one system like Saturn, Jupiter, Sun.? You have got very week sources and do not present critical thinking at all. You mentioned only people like Daniken, Sitchin and Clark. I understand you are trying to be old minded , regular english bit forgot to ad so many important informations. Far from real gentleman style. Keep mouth wide close.

@JamesWebbKilledTheBigBangStars - 20.07.2024 20:51

Marvelous video; the "ancient aliens theory" is nothing other than dust in the eyes, a way to detract the public from real archeology.

@RandyFricke - 21.07.2024 05:38

I don't think these beings are traveling through time and distance. I believe they are traveling through dimensions.

I say that because to my way of thinking a civilization that has developed travel beyond light speed would not require craft with running lights?

@SandManMadness - 21.07.2024 17:47

When i here about UFOs all i think is 🤔 what is DARPA/ the CIA up to Now

@SandManMadness - 21.07.2024 18:22

Real or Fake alien invasion thats just going to be interesting. 🤔🤣 Because all i know 🤔 if invading a plant Y would i work with any Government. Like Y it's either getting lie or get Flattened.

@SandManMadness - 21.07.2024 18:29

🤣💯The Only time a 👽 would work with governments. Is Because 👽 needs a work force.

@NotableHeroicFailures - 24.07.2024 12:02

Great stuff! The EU can bring so many different strands together.

@Ready4R - 25.07.2024 02:09

Ummm are we saying the Moon landing was real? I hope not...

@Pavel_Poluian - 25.07.2024 11:04

Некоторые люди знают правду. Например, в книге Кристофера Бакли "Зеленые человечки" описана история, когда президент США узнает, что "летающие тарелки" - секретная техника, а россказни про инопланетян распространяют спецслужбы США. Но Бакли бы спичрайтером Буша-старшего и дело было, если ему верить, в конце 90-х годов.
Секретная технология развивалась с 40-х годов, испытывалась, совершенствовалась, использовалась для шпионажа. Было огромное число дезинформаций прикрытия - от спецслужб. Я все это описал в статье "НЛО - это сделано в США" - погуглите, на моем канале есть видеофильм "Анатомия НЛО" Технология "летающих тарелок", "треугольников" и пр. - земная и совсем не фантастичная (что может быть фантастического в двигательных панелях с тысячами рельсотронных ячеей, которые синхронно стреляют разрядной плазмой с частотой до мегагерц - создают двигательный импульс). Но там есть важный недостаток - сильное микроволновое излучение, для гражданского использования не годится. Да, и для военного - только редкие шпионские миссии, иначе пилотам - смерть... Так что технология удивительная, но не супер. А сейчас и шпионская миссия отпала - из космоса все идно и границы у всех прозрачные. Поэтому начался процесс рассекречивания - плазменные двигательные панели хорошо годятся для грузовых дирижаблей - там кабина пилота может быть удалена от источников излучения (плазменных панелей). А в истории - много чего было, да и паранормальное бывает, наверное, инопланетяне, призраки, ангелы... Но самое главное: секретная техника такого типа есть.

@cosmicHalArizona - 26.07.2024 11:45

Ok look like sprites in form

@Fractal379 - 28.07.2024 12:41

This is why it's sometimes best to stick to what you're best at.
Granted, you probably haven't devoted as much time to the in-depth study of all subjects & sources as you have the EU, but therein lies the rub.

@loweedwards7807 - 28.07.2024 22:53

Just to note, not all "UAPs" can explained away as plasma fireballs. Look at the Grangemouth UFO incident. The witness said it look like a reddish (plasma) ball of light, and managed to take a photo right underneath it. In the photo when zoomed in, can see it has a solid defined (saucer) shape with glowing plasma surrounding the craft. This is the age of photographic film, seems this is the era where clearest UFO pictures were taken. In the new age of cameras with CMOS sensors, it has become less clearer. Likely because CMOS sensors are also sensitive to IR radiation, which these objects also likely emit.

@onlyonewhyphy - 30.07.2024 02:00

Yeah, I did used to believe, until the government blah blah and so on...

Not joking.

@QueenSlanderQ - 30.07.2024 06:45

Groovy. Thanks

@cliftondozier7822 - 01.08.2024 15:35

hay yall . love your show . I think skinwalker ranch in Utah has proven the electric Univers theory . s2e3 .

@YouriCarma - 02.08.2024 23:31

I would recommend Paul A. LaViolette's book 'Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion - Tesla, UFOs, and Classified Aerospace Technology' to get some ideas on how some of this antigravity technology might work.

@DissonantDragon23 - 03.08.2024 16:32

A true thunderbolt of a video!

@ddally8851 - 04.08.2024 01:54

I will believe in aliens when I see Jay Leno driving a UAP.

@fictitiousart6410 - 04.08.2024 09:44

I’ve never met an alien lifeform that wasn’t a figure of my own imagination.

@VladimirGamzunov - 14.08.2024 17:36

It's all bullshit . Wake up. The truth is so easy to understand & right in front of your noses....
You need a hint? What is inertia? ....

@csmooney - 15.08.2024 21:42

When I first heard the quote from former Lockheed Skunkworks CEO Ben Rich, it was "Today we have the ability for ET to phone home. In 30 years, we will have the ability to take ET home." ..... It was also reported that he made this statement to a group in San Diego after recently finding out that he had Stage 4 cancer and that he had not disclosed that circumstance.

@torussaga3428 - 19.08.2024 02:05

Gee...I have a three and a half minute video of a white sphere stationary in the sky on a windy day. It was the third time I had seen a sphere. The first time it remained stationary in the sky for twenty six minutes. Being and avid astronomer, weather watcher, and aircraft watcher, one confirms the white sphere was none of these...particularly a weather balloon as they cannot remain stationary as clouds rush by at times obscuring the view of the sphere, only then to move on and reveal the sphere in the same position.

@ThatGrungeKdd - 03.09.2024 19:49

I really believe our government and the Mil industrial complex are so evil in the fact that they are the creators of the UAP/UFO's tech and are using "aliens and ultra terrestrials as a strawman to deflect that they had unbelievable tech the entire time. They would definintly clone humans and mess with dna throw these drones into craft to hide the advancements they themselves had the entire time. We live in a fake future were our infrastructure is from the 60s and 70s and nothing has improved because of secrecy and subverting of the public. I look around and ask "why is nothing seemingly getting better when we have come so far with our sciences" Holding out advancements to subvert the will of the people and they WILL create a drone army underground "clone army" just to remain on top.

@enkilugal3282 - 04.09.2024 01:52

Everyone should read the books by Zecharia Sitchin. Start with "The Lost Book Of ENKI". Enjoy.

@SpopatineVehap - 06.09.2024 23:02

Zachariah Sitchin,people mocked him. He's a great gift to us!

@OneCrazyDanish - 08.10.2024 15:09

As someone who has been privately involved in "UFO Disclosure" for almost 30 years, I can certainly agree there are stunning parallels between the science and technology of UFOs as revealed by certain (very credible) military and corporate whistleblowers, engineers, scientists, and Plasma Cosmology/EU theory.

@RobertMStahl - 12.10.2024 03:52

hbar [magnetism, Poynting] = h [gravity, Planck] / 2pi X-ACTly

Thus, hydrino.
