Lisa B and Susan Milner [Real Estate Australia vs America]

Lisa B and Susan Milner [Real Estate Australia vs America]

50 Просмотров - Lisa B real estate coach and trainer.
Lisa B talks with Susan Milner. Susan is a broker (our equivalent of a licensee) in Cape Coral - Florida in America.

Hi Susan

Thank you for joining us today

I have been wanting to catch up with you for some time as I have been wanting to go around the world a bit and see what other real estate agents are doing all over the world.

It’s a crazy time at the moment as we are going through Corona Virus lockdowns etc.. but I wanted to find out pre CV, during CV and how you think post CV how your market will hold up.

Firstly.. I want to cover some US terminology

A broker
A closing
In escrow
Seller - vendor

I would also love to discuss licensing, Board of Realtors, MLS etc

Zillow - your thoughts on portals

Some stats for you… there are less than 100,000 real estate agents in Australia and over 2 million agents in America…

In Susan’s area - There are over 20,000 real estate agents within a 30 mile radius.

Tell me about your agency
How many staff you have in your agency..
What's happening in your office PRE, DURING AND POST CV

How are you all working from home? How have things changed - how have you adapted. What are you doing differently? Technology?

Please describe your area - Average selling price - Demographics.. Etc..

What’s your average commission - is it regulated? Explain buyers and sellers and how they pay commission to an agent

You’re in my group Lets Talk about real estate…. What do you know as differences between Australia and America in real estate?

What is a short sale?
This is where the bank forgives a portion of the mortgage when an owner has to sell but the market value will not cover costs/mortgage balance. Susan completed literally hundreds of these type of transaction when her market busted in 2008-2011.

Foreclosures/mortgagee sales. What happens with foreclosures there? What happens when people can’t afford to pay the mortgage?

Packing a gun! I find it so unusual to discuss this in the American real estate groups.

[Australia real estate v's America real estate]
[real estate coach]
[secret agents book]
[real estate training]


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