Are chinkes and jappies was beautiful Caucasian more than the original Caucasian !?

Are chinkes and jappies was beautiful Caucasian more than the original Caucasian !?

134 Просмотров

In japs or chinks animes the white race looks like ugly with gigantic nose abd shiny or fat body and the east Asian looks like angle but in reality i see the story looks different , chink's and Japs are super pedophiles who likes lolicon and hentai will this show us they're ugly antihuman people maybe western are not that great today after they controlled by sexual terrorists like sjw LGBTQ and pornography people , but when we talked about the body the West Caucasian was the real life anime you can Google it they had large breasts and golden hair and taller body , unlike chinkes and japs they looks like human vr of fake crash bandicoot
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