Just wanted to say, I'm a big fan of your channel and have been watching for months. My dogs are 6-8 mos. Thank you! I was wondering if you can do a second video with other companies featured? There's so many choices out there and it gets overwhelming. I struggle with finding an affordable premade option for feeding three large breed puppies. Currently feeding OC Raw and finding the 18lb case for $70 at one store, but trying to find additional options. I'm in a couple raw feeding groups on fb and I know others with multiple animals, including cats AND dogs, struggle with cost too. DIY isn't an option at this time. I'm in AZ if anyone has suggestions. TY!
ОтветитьCan you feed ziwi peaks and a high quality dog food.
ОтветитьHave you ever tried Albright's raw food and Texas tribe beginner's choice ?
ОтветитьJesus those prices. I'd rather buy it fresh instead of those packages. I started doing healthy for myself a bit and I felt bad for my dog understanding what's in those ingredients. Doing the change for them because they my fur babies
ОтветитьDo you have a video of a list of meats fed for cats and dogs? Like list of protein meat, bone meats? Gizzard? Etc? Much appreciated! Love love your videos!
ОтветитьWhat should I give to my cat to make the meal balanced while feeding them viva raw?
Ответитьhow is viva raw not complete?balanced?
ОтветитьSo cat food can’t be complete without synthetic vitamins and minerals right? Because some can’t come from meat and if you add whole fruits and vegetables, it’s not species appropriate
ОтветитьIs it ok to feed my cats both raw food and Ziwi Peak?
ОтветитьAnswer’s pet now has different people running the business. Do you have any updated thought on them? Billy left Answers because he can no longer agree to the new leadership’s direction according to his Instagram post. Love and appreciate all the research you do👏🏻✨💕
ОтветитьCan you make a more video like this
ОтветитьIs it okay to give my dog ziwi with home cooked diet?
ОтветитьI can buy a whole pack of 6-7 chicken thighs for a bag of frozen sardines for $5, chicken feet, egg yokes, hearts, liver, gizzards each for $2-4 in my area and prep it myself fresh without pasteurization destroying the nutrients (wash the meat in vinegar water to kill extra bacteria and freeze portions and ziplocs). Jars of supplements that I only have to buy once in a blue moon from nutrition Smart; fish oil, cranberry powder, (I make) crushed egg shells, dried kelp, etc. Why am I going to spend more for less again? The freeze dried would be good in case of emergency though.
All it takes is 30 minutes once or twice a month to prep food for your dog or cat. It's just a matter of putting in a little effort. I guess if you want to pay extra for the convenience, if you can afford it by all means.
Could you please do a review. K9 Choice beef fruit and veggie or you can call it K9 choice plus my dogs very much enjoy it but I like to get your view on it too
ОтветитьCan we do a part 2 of this. So many brands I would love to hear your opinion on
ОтветитьWatch out for "vegetarian fed," that means it's typical grocery store meat fed on soy/corn/wheat. Cage free also means nothing, shed chickens are legally "cage free."
ОтветитьI recently ordered the complete meals from Viva Raw. Very impressed decided to go with the chunk version. Max is happy and so am I meals a very complete and he loves them.
ОтветитьThis is an excellent video, and you consistently give absolutely excellent content, happy to subscribe and support your channel !
ОтветитьHow would you balance the viva raw?
Ответитьcan you do this video again with some new brands? specifically naturawls, big country raw, etc. those are some of the main brands available up here in canada
ОтветитьAren’t chicken bones bad for dogs? I thought they were unable to digest them causing issues in their digestive systems?
ОтветитьTotally binge watching your videos! Interested in feeding Raw for our Maltese fur babies, as one of them just got cancer. :( We travel a lot, so these reviews on commercial raw definitely help in times of convenience. SO many new brands coming out, and really hoping you will do more reviews in the future! Thank you for all you do!!!
Ответитьi feed ziwi to my girl and occassionally i'll add veggies and a little more meat just to add a little more freshness
ОтветитьI feed ziwi to my little corg and i feel like she's living the best life than when she was on royal canin. with that food she was at the vet once a month for various reasons
ОтветитьI stopped using Stella and Chewy because of the Sodium Selenite. Same with Honest Kitchen. It is a form not allowed in human food. The natural form you want in supplemented food is "Selenium Yeast" or "Selenium Methionine". The chelated form may be called "Selenium Proteinate" (I'm not sure).
ОтветитьIs the Calcium in Nature's Logic coming from the montmorillonite clay? Label does not mention bone. Just saying.
ОтветитьRosemary is the worst thing you can give a dog yet I have not been able to find any kind of dog food that does not have rosemary in it.
Has anybody run across a RAW product that does not have rosemary and does not undergo high pressure?
Rosemary is the worst thing you can give a dog yet I have not been able to find any kind of dog food that does not have rosemary in it.
Has anybody run across a RAW product that does not have rosemary and does not undergo high pressure?
It’s sooo hard to find a good and healthy pet food.
DYI is best but since a car accident I can’t do it anymore.
Merry Xmas 2022🎉 Would love to know what’s your current thoughts on these companies ( perhaps some new one too) ? :D
ОтветитьIs trichinosis a concern when feeding raw pork?
ОтветитьThank you for the review!! I just have a quick question: I recently purchased Darwin's Natural Pet Food since they have a pretty crazy first-time purchase promotion ( $15 dollars for 10lbs of chicken and turkey). I was wondering what you think of Darwin's? Thanks!
ОтветитьThanks for sharing such an informative video, get best dog food at the best price online from VetSupply
ОтветитьGreat video! Can you make a video of great freeze dried raw food as I am not confident in doing diy raw for my dog. What are your thoughts on we feed raw?
ОтветитьSomething is very questionable about primal why is it the only food I can find that most of the pet stores 🤔.. trying to steer clear of it something is fishy
ОтветитьCats and dogs are carnivores, not omnivores.
Ответитьdid nature's logic discontinue their raw stuff?? I went to their website to check them out and I see 0 raw stuff anywhere.
And another question: Is viva still not completely balanced? There is a an FAQ on their website, and under 'do I need to add anything to your food?' it says: "Nope! Just thaw and feed 🙌
Our food is Complete & Balanced for cats (of all life stages)." (same answer under the dog food as well)
Please review Maev! It isnt ground. Its actually chunks of frozen meat, fruit and vegetables. I would love to see your review!!!
ОтветитьHave you reviewed Smallbatch? I haven’t found a video about them yet on your channel
ОтветитьViva raw has complete diets now. Not sure if you covered this already.
ОтветитьHi, can you make a video on raw food brands like big country raw. I use BCR but recently quality the company seems to have started adding ingredients that I would consider unnecessary. Not required and unhelpful in the different foods
ОтветитьCould you please do a review on BJ’s Raw?
ОтветитьYou need to do a new video on primal. As of this year Jan 2023 they changed their formula and added yeast and down sized the meat. Look at front of bags it shows meat was 90 now it's 81. The food is making many dogs including mine very sick. Vomiting and diarrhea. I no longer buy it and use small batch, Z J raw pet and my pet carnivore. Buyer beware nor on primal. Charging a lot and quulity way down hill 😢
ОтветитьI categorize the commercial raw frozen/or freeze dried, balanced dog foods in two categories: Human grade or Feed Grade. I only feed human grade. Of the human grade foods, there are two major categories: Those that are formulated to be balanced using whole foods for all if not most of the nutrients and Those that dump in a vitamin/mineral premix. A major problem with Stella and Chewy besides being mostly feed-grade is that they add a mineral premix to all their formulas. Adding more copper to a poultry liver containing formula might be fine but I hate seeing this premix dumped into their formulas that contain beef or lamb liver. These ruminant livers are loaded with copper. it seems to me that they just dump in the mineral pre-mix to all without accounting for this high copper in ruminant liver and that is Very Troubling in my opinion because there is systemic problem with US dogs having high copper values in the liver and a new recognition that this is leading to liver disease in an increasing number of dogs. Please see the copper article put out by Cornell Vet school last year and Dana Scotts discussion of that on her utube channel (DogsNaturallyMagazine). I am not an expert on dog nutrition like Mariah but I am very well read on the subject. I have noticed that Mariah, on this channel/her channel has dropped ruminant liver to 2% in most of her recipes instead of the standard 5%. I believe she has poultry liver at 5%. Many other raw feeders and home cookers still have beef liver up at 10% in a recipe. In my opinion, this is risky for copper. But, I am most concerned about copper sulfate and/or copper "proteinate" added to commercial foods and especially in Stella and Chewy's formulas that have both ruminant liver and the copper supplement. Open Farm and Northwest Naturals also have some formulas with beef liver plus the copper supplement. It may be that they titrate the amount of supplement added to each different formula depending on the amount of liver. I personally doubt that but hopefully I am wrong. Before picking a food, call the company and get percentages and batch testing, average amounts of things like copper. Steves Real Food for Dogs and Small Batch are two raw companies that formulate with whole foods and use only a couple of supplements. Two gently cooked brands that also don't rely on supplements to get balance are RaisedRight and Evermore. All four of these companies are verified, human grade on Susan Thixton's list, THE LIST (she is a pet food consumer advocate and her site is Truth in Pet Food).
ОтветитьOnly thing i can find in the Netherlands is Ziwi peak, a small bag for like €42! 😢
ОтветитьI bought Stella & Chewy, one bag Duck, one bag Beef, one bag Rabbit. My cats hate it and will leave anything mixed with it uneaten. Short of starving them (and they are stubborn), I just wasted a ton of money.
ОтветитьThis video makes me want to try some of feeding Miami Raw’s base meats, particularly the whole prey quail. I do use Dr. Harvey’s base mixes. Would it be nutrition overload to mix Paradigm or Raw Vibrance with the whole prey quail?
Ответитьwhy not mix all
ОтветитьCould you review OC raw brand?? Also I know this video is old but could you review Miami raw again? I see they have grinds on their website that says it’s complete and balanced. I’d love to know if you agree with that??
ОтветитьI used to love Answers and fed them to my dogs all the time. But then once they started getting a few recalls and changed ownership, I stopped trusting it. Does anyone feed their dogs Answers still in 2025?