Coleman 2 Burner Dual Fuel Camping Stove In Depth Review - Powerhouse Must Have for Campers

Coleman 2 Burner Dual Fuel Camping Stove In Depth Review - Powerhouse Must Have for Campers


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@chadsturgeon4800 - 16.02.2025 02:08

These stoves are not dual fuel as per the red fuel tank. Dual fuel stoves have silver fuel tanks.

@beauparker1854 - 30.01.2025 00:51

Great tutorial. Good DJ or announcer voice!😂

@bensmith4563 - 07.01.2025 05:31

If you're loosing pressure with the pump hole uncovered you need to fix the check valve

@jarrett754 - 13.12.2024 12:54

with the pump, the check valve on the inside will hold all of the pressure that is in the tank. By screwing the needle into the check valve while you have pressure on it, you arent actually gaining anything. That pressure that is against the pump cup will escape either way. It is also more likely that you will damage your pump cup from attempting to screw it back in like that.

I absolutely love the old coleman camp stoves. I have a 426D that I use as my outdoor grill here at the apartment! I couldn't live without it. It is also my heat source during the winter if we are ever without power for much more than a couple hours. I am just starting to get into mantle lamps as well. Coleman has such a long history with these white gas generators. I really wish we could go back to some of this technology. It just plain worked!

Happy holidays!

@stephenharvey5932 - 21.11.2024 20:55

When Colman fuel went to $16.00 gallon. I weened mine to unleaded gas for $3.00 +- a gallon.

@MERRLINN - 10.11.2024 17:39

Isn't all gass unleaded now?

@coltwinchester6124 - 05.10.2024 15:55

Last week my neighbor threw out an old colman model 425D stove. Now I have always use propane stoves, I was always curious of how these stoves worked so I grabbed it. After fiddling with it and a few you tube videos I tried to light it, had old fuel, and that darn thing fired right up. Found date code May 1966 on it. I like these stòves a lot mòre then my propane stoves.
Made in America, and it has lasted over 58 years.
We need to bring back manufacturing to the United States. We can switch shipping port jobs, to manufacturing jobs throughout the country.
China can keep their crap.

@BradinManheim - 16.09.2024 05:35

People who travel third world countries with these stoves burn pump gas for extended periods of time. However, pump gas will clog the generator. These travelers clean the generator regularly, which is easily removed. A rifle bore brush does the trick. In the US I have access to camping white gas so I never burn pump gas. I never have to clean the generator.

@mariovalgamidadez9934 - 09.09.2024 00:05


@mariovalgamidadez9934 - 31.08.2024 03:29

Cant get a blue flame….

@mikemorgan5015 - 21.07.2024 19:35

This is a repost of a comment reply below. Figured I'd post it under the main post for all to read and argue.

I've got a LOT of Coleman stoves and worked on hundreds more of them. I don't believe there's a whisker's difference between a "Dual Fuel" and these. They made the generators a little different, but not much. So little, in fact, that I came to the conclusion long ago that "Dual Fuel" stoves were simply a marketing gimmick to sell more stoves to an already saturated market. I mean just about EVERYONE had a Coleman stove when I grew up. And they will last forever with little maintenance. ALL the original Coleman stoves ran on auto fuel. Some even came with a siphon pump to get fuel from you gas tank. THEN..... I believe, but cannot prove, that one of two things happened, perhaps both. 1. Engines were getting higher in performance and gasoline formulations had to up their game to keep them running right with anti-knock compounds, lead and other additives that weren't so good in lanterns and stoves which created a lot of issues. And/or 2. Coleman saw a marketing bonanza in selling their own brand of "specially made" fuel for their products to keep them running at their best. Regardless of what the real reason was, they sold a lot of both new Dual Fuel stoves and lanterns AND fuel. I see Coleman fuel less and less at higher and higher prices. I get it when I find it cheap.

In my experience, there isn't much difference if you use ethanol free unleaded and store them with the tank dry. Pump gas simply goes bad over time. White gas, on the other hand, will store pretty much indefinitely in the metal can. Not so much in the plastic bottles. I got a full case of "Coleman Premium Fuel" on sale at a crazy bargain price in the plastic quart bottles and put the case on the shelf. A couple of years later, I was out of fuel and got that case down. It felt empty. EVERY SINGLE BOTTLE was bone dry. The cap seals were still intact. Not such a good deal after all. HAHA! The main issue with pump gas, in my opinion, is the smell. Pump gas stinks. And it stinks long after it's evaporated. That lingering smell from even a small spill is a big turnoff for me. Your mileage may vary.

My personal take is that if you are camping for extended periods and running through a lot of fuel, use ethanol free unleaded and be very careful not to spill any of it. If you don't use them much, use camping fuel/white gas/naphtha. If you DO use pump gas, it's critical to store them dry or with camp fuel in them to avoid varnishing in the tank.

My long winded 2 cents. Have a super week!

@RGK147 - 04.07.2024 22:07

1978 to 2024 is older than 30 years was strike 1 and calling a 1 litre bottle of fuel a gallon was strike 2 and 3. Good day sir!

@sjwilson1079 - 24.05.2024 10:01

I have the three burner with the stand and I love it. They are such simple machines

@TheIrishAmish - 09.05.2024 04:32

1973 was 50 years ago dude, not 30,,,,,,,,,it just seems like 30 years ago,,,,,.

@ushillbillies - 26.02.2024 22:47

So ,interesting video.. YES ,they are incredible and also my favorite cooking stove.
I just purchased another one to add to the 10 or 12 I already have for 5.00 dollars , and yes it works ,it isn't pretty but it works fine.
Singer sewing machine go way back to before the 19 hundreds and wonderful pieces of workmanship and manufactured by the 1000s..
GOOD video

@BriansAutoService-wd3oe - 18.02.2024 06:02


@gud2go50 - 17.02.2024 03:10

You stole those stoves! I just ordered one for $257 from Amazon brand new. Oh well! Thank you for the great review. Hopefully, someone will be a lucky bastard and get mine in an estate sale when I kick the bucket!😅 until then, I will use the stuffing out of it. We had one when I was a kid and I’m 63 now, so lots of good memories! Cheers,😊

@Aceoffroad4x4 - 11.02.2024 00:57

Thanks man
That helps me alot

@OliveDrabAlliance - 28.10.2023 07:25

They do have a date stamp on them.
You just don't know enough about them.

@adventurebloc - 30.09.2023 15:53

You can find the indelible production stamp on your 413G by looking under the fuel tank tabs.

@scottperson9487 - 22.09.2023 15:05

Neither of these stoves are dual fuel per Coleman although unleaded will work in a pinch. Dual fuel stoves generally have a silver tank and it is suggested to use methanol free fuel. Using unleaded gas in a non dual fuel will clog the generator over time costing more to replace the generator than having used camp fuel in the first place.

@ZPDSurvival - 20.09.2023 03:38

It;s been four years since I picked up my stove for $10. The 413G 1977. We talked four years ago on the video you made. I finally started to work on mine last Sunday and got it running. I love it. Today I went to the antique store and found a Coleman 502 single burner with the heat can for $40. Made in 1966. I didn't even put fuel in it and It fired up. I am now in the process of cleaning both stoves and a 1974 APC Army two burner medical stove. I have been subscribed to your channel for 4 years. Cheers. Great Video.

@bladeduffer - 26.08.2023 18:17

Got my 424 (2014 model) 7 years ago and it just works. I also have a 533(2014 model). Same deal and you are so right. I'm betting that they will easily outlive me. Seriously, I switched to predominantly white gas stoves 9 years ago and love their reliability. Thanks!

@googlesbitch - 09.06.2023 09:53

Both stoves are older then you mentioned, the one on the left is past 50+ years old and the one on the right is 40+ years old. As for the pump priming procedure of holding your finger when attempting to close valve, it isn't necessary due to an internal check valve but if it does leak then the valve is stuck and can be cleaned out. A special screw driver is recommended to remove this check valve instead of using a regular screw driver because of the internal brass parts that can be stripped. Mineral oil is the best oil to help reseal the priming cup seal and leaves no residue.

@theed365 - 22.04.2023 01:43

If you have to hold your finger over the hole while you're turning the valve stem, likely your check valve at the bottom of your pump tube is getting gummed up. The tool is around $40 bucks. It's worth it if you have multiple stoves.

@johnbailey9682 - 10.03.2023 03:54

Tri fuel not duel fuel .

@Poorboychickencoop - 02.03.2023 12:47

On the 413g flip the fuel tank over and the tabs on bottom that lock into stove the date will be on there. Mine is 02/68.

@deriusnorris4463 - 15.01.2023 17:14

Now to get one to ZA.

@FranciscoRodriguez-ur2ql - 21.12.2022 06:51

bore very bore ...
