今天跟大家介紹一下我們自己的品牌 ” DEEN ”
DEEN 成立於2000年12月
為日本知名優質工具專賣店“ Factory Gear”創的品牌
Factory Gear 在日本有13間分店 海外3間
這就是“ DEEN”
DEEN 結合日本人的獨特性及個性的同時,帶著日本風格的美感
★ 直接對工廠
設計者,銷售者,工廠直接交換意見 ,生產出符合市場需求的工具
★ 替客戶著想
DEEN 開發工具並非站在製造者立場,而是站在消費者立場來考慮。
★ 瘋狂工具迷團隊
DEEN 由一群工具迷團隊去開發,即使可能銷量不佳,也敢於挑戰製造商。
瘋狂團隊聚集各個工具迷的想法,使 DEEN 充滿工具迷的愛。
DEEN 聽取客戶的想法去開發工具。
DEEN J 就是初開發產品,用來測試市場性,市場若反應不錯,即可升級為DEEN
DEEN 只在 Factory Gear 出售,不只省下分銷費用並實現價格合理
目前台灣的分店只有台中 DEEN Style TOKYO 一家
DEEN was established in December 2000.
At the time, people said it was reckless for FACTORY GEAR, which had only three branches nationwide, to attempt to create a new tool brand. This is because manufacturing low cost tools requires large-scale lots, and it was thought that it would be impossible to mass market the tools with only three branches.
Moreover, Japanese users are exposed to tools made by famous tool manufacturers from the United States, Germany, and around the world, so they have discerning tastes; even novel tools will disappear from the market if they are poorly crafted. It takes a lot of time and effort in the productionprocess to give form to the feedback from these choosy customers. But it is this time and effort that produces DEEN tools, which have both a delicate beauty characteristic of Japan and a functionality suited to the unique sensibility and p-ersonality of the Japanese people.
The reason that DEEN is sold in the FACTORY GEAR shops, rather than through common tool distribution channels is not only to offer carefully built tools at reasonable prices. It is also so that we can develop new tools and quickly use feedback from users about our existing tools to make them even more functi-onal. DEEN continues to be reborn and evolve alongside Japanese tool fans.
營業時間:11:00-01:00 週四 公休
[email protected]
☑️DEEN Style TOKYO :
#上質工具 #TOOL #FACTORY_GEAR #台中 #DEEN_Style_TOKYO #ファクトリーギア #DEEN #日本