Super interesting video! Yes, the spoon. I almost didn’t recognize you.
Ответить"InTeLiGeNt dEsIgN"
ОтветитьWe did not have to deal with colds until we domesticated the horse after which our close association with our new servants allowed the cold virus to jump the species barrier.
ОтветитьCould genetic engineering allow the orangutan's nasal system to be duplicated in man?
ОтветитьWe get colds because of rhinoviruses
ОтветитьDepending on how you define virus, up to 46% of our genome is viral remnants. I like the comments pointing out that a lot of traits are the result of trade offs. It may seem a major disadvantage to have 46% of your genome be viral, and there definitely are disadvantages, but it also allows for beneficial mutations that would otherwise be practically impossible.
ОтветитьI never thought Stefan could explain to me why my sinuses are so crap...
ОтветитьThis one video alone debunks every creationist theory lol
ОтветитьCan't we just change our sinuses by surgery to make us better?
ОтветитьEvolutionary history is like the changelog of any enterprise software.
ОтветитьEvolution is God’s tool to slowly shape his design
ОтветитьHaving had a horse ( sucessfully ) operated upon for recurrent laryngeal neuropathy, one has to wonder how giraffe & diplodocus managed with such long necks.
ОтветитьMy sinuses are twice the size of normal ones and I almost never get colds. My dentist first noticed it doing x rays and called it an "unusual mutation"
ОтветитьHow foolish for an image bearer to say there is no creator.
ОтветитьDon't know whether to be happy or sad bout being the pugs of the hominids.
ОтветитьWisdom teeth, coccyx, appendix. Other evolutionary throwbacks?
ОтветитьI've heard (on Neil DeGrasse COSMOS) that mammal eyeballs are basically still fish eyeballs in evolutionary terms, and weren't designed to be out of water.
ОтветитьGreat! Nice to have some shorter videos like this. Also, fascinating. Appreciate it!
ОтветитьEspecially interesting amongst all your interesting videos
ОтветитьI put this on while I prepped and used a neti pot to clear my clogged sinuses. I had no idea what it was going to be about and I burst out laughing when I realized what I had done.
Great video btw
"I don't understand God. Therefore God does not exist."
ОтветитьMy friend got charged 10 dollars for one hot dog with ketchup and mustard no drink in one of those hot dogs stands next to this museum. Lol
Ответитьthis is why I welcome the viltrumite empire
ОтветитьA lot of ignorant assumptions then ever time scientist find out hey the design actually is beneficial for this reason or that reason evolutionist seem to disappear
ОтветитьMaybe thats why speech evoed so the athehisss could complain about everything in which they cant create even a grain of sand
If your honest you will say 99 percent of problems we bring on ourself
If you eat the forbiden fruit you will become like gods well we are not very good gods anymore then we are good servants
You say why did he put the tree there in the first place well after you know good from bad and still smoke drink do drugs run red lights knowing all those things can kill why do athehisss have kids in this land of the forbidden
Badd godz they are
So do apes look at the creature they came from and say it is better then us
By the way what was that creature
Giving birth is dangerous for all placental mammals except the ones that have large litters of very small babies, like pigs.
If our design were intelligent, the designer would have made marsupials the dominant mammal type. Give birth to a tiny embryo, and then gestate it in a pouch on the front of the abdomen with a nice elastic opening and no bones in the way!
Kangaroos are functionally bipedal and quite agile with their hands. The only thing they really can't compete on is brainspace, because their skulls are optimised for aerodynamics rather than thinking.
To think evolution is not part of a grand design negates all that needs to happen before life exists. The perfect positioning of the planet, gravity/atmosphere/Magnetic field - the abundance of water without, no life can exist as far as we know. The medium for life needs to be prepared. When you look into space you lack of prepared mediums/planets. Then the seed of life is sown and even now we can't really explain - bacteria is the beginning of how this happens - Then the seed evolves into a tree . Evolution ( Part of a design) The tree then adapts to the environment - I wonder when we are making genetically modified organisms if those organisms will say the same thing at some stage - "We should have had an extra spout to eat from if we were designed properly or at all." Or the AI that designs the next being. When you tear a piece of paper up it remains in an unordered heap until something eats it and then multiplies.
ОтветитьAnother major one is that women get a period and drain all the blood and tissue out instead of reabsorbing them. Other species reabsorb all that stuff.
ОтветитьAlso, since 'having a cold' is not necessarily lethal, there is no evolutionary 'pressure' for humans to lose this particular configuration of sinuses. And seen from the other side: viruses and bacteria had no conscious decision to 'move in' our sinuses to cause infections, it was just an evolutionary niche for their ancestors to survive and thrive in.
ОтветитьGreetings from my nose. I hate sinuses.
ОтветитьTrue, and the tightest argument against design is that one ends up with a much more mysterious situation than one started with: cosmic superintelligence!
ОтветитьAs an enlightened Christian, I believe that evolution is a process brought about by the creator, a process that has run on it's own for billions of years, and after all we are humans, far from perfect.
Ответитьcan't we just drill another hole?
Ответитьso this isn't so much to do with the design of our sinuses, but one thing that can help you get sick less often is to be sure to cover your nose and mouth when it's cold out, as lower temperatures impair the immune response that starts in your nose. look up "Cold exposure impairs extracellular vesicle swarm–mediated nasal antiviral immunity" published in february 2023.
ОтветитьMatt Baker sent me.
ОтветитьHave you considered that the issues ('quirks') you talk about may make the idea of intelligent design more attractive? First, they humanise God. They make him look just as error-prone and irresponsible as us. So, it is easier to relate to him. Secondly, if we can frame those quirks as design flaws, we can at least complain. We can raise warranty claims or product liability claims against God. We just need to sort the issues of jurisdiction...🙂
ОтветитьAll hail to Stefan Milo, our evolutionary Lord and Savior 😂😂
In other words, I came here from the Matt Baker video.
Easy answer, the designer worked at a software development company and the first thing that worked, after lots of 'debugging" sessions, stuck because of deadlines.
ОтветитьThe Aegyptopythicius was discovered in Aegypticus, ME. But more importantly, you've never seen a dog or cat get a cold? I'm sure there hundreds of YT videos people have taken of the cat or dog sneezing, and looking miserable. And if there's not, then there should be.
But, wait bro, you're leaving the museum? I thought you were there to look at fossilized poop or something? No? Oh, well. I canceled my plans for nothing, I guess.
Evolution is a God's low, the enteligent design people can't understand it.
ОтветитьDoes this mean you could get some kind of stint installed in your sinuses and become dramatically more resistant to sinus infections?
ОтветитьYou're saying if I feel a cold coming on I should hang upside-down?
Ответить"Now I can kind of sympathize with creationists..."
The 2 seconds of you that will be featured in creationist videos for the next ten years.