I Got Schooled by the Best BBQ Joint in East Texas

I Got Schooled by the Best BBQ Joint in East Texas

Behind The Food TV

55 лет назад

153,466 Просмотров

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Welcome to Behind The Food TV! On this channel I document my journey to become a better cook, but more importantly I introduce you to the people I meet along the way and do my best to tell their stories.. I travel to meet chefs and pitmasters at the top of their game - and somehow convince them to teach me the techniques that make their food special. I enjoy getting to know them, their families, and their communities - and I hope you enjoy it all just as much!


❤️ Make sure you’re subscribed to BOTH of my channels!

This channel - Behind The Food TV - My Journey to become a better cook: https://emv4.me/BTFSubscribe

My BBQ Cooking Channel: https://emv4.me/EMVSubscribe


Watch lots of my videos - seriously that’s the biggest thing you can do is be engaged!
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↓↓↓↓ More Links and 💰💰💰💰💰DISCOUNTS 💰💰💰💰💰 below ↓↓↓↓


Welcome to the Secrets of the Masters video series from Behind The Food TV (formerly Eat More Vegans Carnivore BBQ)! In this series it’s my turn to learn. The best chefs and pitmasters in the world have agreed to teach me…..and you the secrets that make their food so good! You can watch the whole series here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5_wF98ziP9bYget0OX_Bqt506xsb5Mzx

🔴 If you liked this video, you’re going to LOVE these!:

🎥 I Got Schooled by Sam Jones - King of Eastern NC BBQ https://youtu.be/TnDHqMCQlI4

🎥 I Got Schooled by the Coal Miner Pioneering Eastern KY BBQ https://youtu.be/LAg3HjkwAOI

🎥 I Got Schooled by The Best New BBQ Joint in Texas - Bar-A-BBQ https://youtu.be/yikFjsxYyZM

🎥 I Got Schooled by Goldee's BBQ - the #1 BBQ in Texas https://youtu.be/K0EejEN1r04

🎥 I Got Schooled by the OG Texas Brisket Master Barrett Black https://youtu.be/mG79YjLp1Ns


Here's where you can get the stuff I use (affiliate links*):


These are all products that I use myself in my back yard or kitchen - and the companies all support the channel in some important way. Many of them even offer you discounts - which I encourage you to take advantage of!

Rest assured that I would never endorse a product just for the money - if you see a link here it’s because I personally and professionally recommend the products. Please consider supporting the channel and the companies that support the channel by using the links and discounts below.

🌡 The Original and Best Wireless Thermometers from MEATER https://emv4.me/Meater

🔥GrillGun and Su-V Gun from GrillBlazer: https://emv4.me/GrillBlazer
💰 Use discount code EMV10 to get 10% off any order!

🔧 Grilling Accessories from SmokeWare: https://emv4.me/Smokeware
💰 Use discount code EMV10 to get 10% off any order!

🍖 Meat N' Bone: Japanese A5, American & Australian Wagyu, Iberico Pork, Heritage Lamb: https://emv4.me/MeatNBone
💰 Use discount code EMV10 to get 10% off any order!

* Affiliate links mean you pay the same price, but the channel may get a small commission when you buy using these links (thank you SO much for your support!).


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