ОтветитьWhat "deeper understanding" though? 🤔
Ответить*blissing out over here, enjoying v much the space and fractals taking up all my awareness (no audio once again really does something great for me inside- this is a new sensation for me, I'm so glad you made this intentionally with no audio). Thank you 🙏 😊 for this healing delightful experience.
ОтветитьI watched it while listening to the audiobook Food of the Gods by Terence McKenna. Taking a deep breath.
ОтветитьI understand now, I understand that this is trippy af and I want to live there forever.
ОтветитьThere's something extra special about this one! Yup!
ОтветитьFan for life 🌀♾️🌀
ОтветитьTrying to make sense of comments on this video are hilarious
Ответить<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Like love >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
Born As a, Quantum Mechanic,
researching, Human fractal structures,
creating, a Healing Modality,
I call the CURE,
Its not a pill,
Fractals, are, sacred cemetery,
the shape of things to come,
Much love for this, expression, Art,
rare understanding,
it is great to be alive,
Blessings all,
Hey do you use jwildfire at all? I know the creators of mandelbulb created jwildfire
ОтветитьCalming music please with this
ОтветитьIll buy some magic mushrooms and trip while watching these with psychadellic music
Ответитьi don't understand why but this shit scares the fucking shit out of me. weirdest phobia ever i swear. 10/10.
ОтветитьGreat work!
ОтветитьC.G., OR A.I. ??? I want to get my friend help, but we're after c.g., NOT a.i.
ОтветитьTripping rolling hard😂
Ответитьthis video was incredible on LSA, while listening to my spotify
ОтветитьPOV: You finally see the "Magic Eye" picture.
ОтветитьHello! Love the artwork. Can I include this into a background for an animation I am working on?
Ответитьrain forrest
Ответитьthis is your brain on drugs, any questions....
ОтветитьThe colors are gorgeous!
ОтветитьWhy no audo