🌟Stoma- Ostomy - Underwear!🌟
✅Marks & Spencer’s Brand✅
Marketing & Promotion Video
What a proud moment making this video I tell you!
Nearly in my 10th year of living with a Stoma Bag and FINALLY we have merchandise coming out in the high brand stores for us ostomates! 😁
Thank you so much to the manager at the M&S - Kilmarnock store for letting me do this and ofcourse trusting me to market & promote this product as it is very important to me and close to my heart. What a powerful moment of not only being a women but being a young woman with a stoma bag and showing my true beauty. What a break through moment for my awareness work!!. Veryyy proud of myself right now
All information about this life changing product can be found in my video below ⬇️ Or drop myself or the store a mail. Can’t believe how quick they are being purchased! Get your order in now ladies and bring your sexy back😘. Thank you for watching and supporting the 200,000 ostomates in the UK 🇬🇧.
#stomaostomyunderwear #stomabags #marksandspencerskilmarnock #marketandpromotion #clothingbrand #awareness #selfesteem #selfworth #livingmydreamswithchronicillness