This video shows one new feature in version 1.1.0 which allows to export your channels in a xml file and copy them across other devices. Move them from tablet to smartphone and vice versa simply by copying the export file. All exported files are stored on the device in the smarttv_channels folder. To import files from an other device, copy them into this folder and select it within the app before import.
It is also possible to create different export files and handle them like favorites. Simply export only sports channels in one file, news in an other, etc.....and than import only the desired ones.
Keep in mind, that these files are NOT deleted when the app is deinstalled. Thus, after a new installation of this app, it is possible to import the "old" files again.
#Smart_TV_Remote #Android #Remote_App #Samsung_Smart_TV #TV_Remote_App #Android_(operating_System) #Remote_Control_(Invention) #Phone #Channel #Mobile