Athens: The Ancient Supercity (S1, E5) | Lost Worlds | Full Episode

Athens: The Ancient Supercity (S1, E5) | Lost Worlds | Full Episode

The UnXplained Zone

8 месяцев назад

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@MarshaAmmons-pe5kh - 23.06.2024 01:22

Thinking 🤔 about what you are telling us all about the Greek food,and the people who have been in their own place. 🥺 Please 🙏 understand that you have been able to see what it had looked like when it was a great big City. 😮

@joelmosier125 - 28.06.2024 04:15

People are still CLAIMING that people (Peraclise) constructed the Parthenon. Hahaha 😄 These people have NOT yet presented any TANGIBLE EVIDENCE to substantiate their CLAIM is factual as in a court of law. This is still an unsubstantiated claim today, 2024. Joel Mosier author J.Terran of ANCIENT MYSTERIES REVEALED.

@nasa6572 - 24.09.2024 03:59

who else is here for school

@Eric-qo8vv - 30.10.2024 12:24

Commission another Aethena
