Dermatologist Reviews VERSED Skincare | Dr. Jenny Liu

Dermatologist Reviews VERSED Skincare | Dr. Jenny Liu

Dr. Jenny Liu

1 год назад

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@jemaicastillo - 09.07.2023 16:50

watching from Philippines. Hello Dr. Jenny Liu

@jemaicastillo - 09.07.2023 16:51

Good evening from Philippines.

@mariannakump8857 - 09.07.2023 17:10

I hate to sound ignorant but what do you mean when you say a product is elegant? Thanks for the review! 😊

@NatalieG427 - 09.07.2023 17:14

Could you review the Derma E line, please? I’ve heard good things about their Vit C Serum. TYIA ❤️

@saimamalik7272 - 09.07.2023 17:19

Aaslam u Aalikum ( peace be upon you) Happy Sunday ❤
Does oral Glutathione help to lighten body pigmentation or it's a myth

@anum3702 - 09.07.2023 17:24

Doc u missed versed retenoid eye balm

@jessiehouston2008 - 09.07.2023 17:56


@kimgroslouis5587 - 09.07.2023 19:27

I have the brightening solution since almost a year and I think next week it's gonna be empty. I use it once or twice a week directly on my hand, NEVER ON A COTON ROUND because it is a waste of product totally and not effective. However, I have a lil' of rosacea and super sensitive skin and this product do not irritate me at all, it actually feels really good and quite calming. Personnal tip: never use this product if you just used a bha or aha cleanser otherwise you will feel the burning. Always use a gentle and even a hydrating cleanser before using this product. 😉

@wormald111 - 09.07.2023 20:19

Is this a paid/sponsored review ?

@barbowens8626 - 09.07.2023 21:17

Hi Dr. Liu! 🎊 You’ve got me excited to try this brand! I think I’ll start by comparing their moisturizers. Off to Target I go! Have a great day and thanks for this video! 🫶☮️

@tanuk2614 - 09.07.2023 23:43

Could the out of sight dark spot gel used on the entire face?

@deborah972 - 10.07.2023 01:00

Great video ,Dr jenny liu 😊❤ xx

@iamsoborrred - 10.07.2023 01:40

I love their retinoid eye balm. If you use tretinoin and can’t use it under your eyes, get Versed eye balm. It’s an amazing product. I did purchase the dark spot product that she mentioned in the video. 😀

@alexleee3885 - 10.07.2023 13:26

hi dr jenny! I have a question, Is taking 20mg isotretinoin 3 times a week same as taking 10 mg - 6 times per week ?

@carmela3691 - 10.07.2023 15:48

Great video! But please your Fiddle leaf tree behind u needs some attention 😢

@frescazzz7536 - 11.07.2023 06:17

Thanks for all the recommendations. Excited to try some of these. Would love to see peach slices and good molecules review next!

@ingrid48 - 11.07.2023 07:03

This Versed brightening solution toner is one of the only ones out there with actual dark spot lightening ingredients, and its fab! I like the cleansing balm too great smell, and all their packaging is cute

@ingrid48 - 12.07.2023 06:12

For good moisturisers, with the added benefit of lightening dark spots, a must here in sunny California, these are my fav, as an Esthetician, Shiseido White Lucent gel cream, Clarins Bright Plus emulsion or gel cream and Boots No 7 Vit C cream all fab

@veronagraham6816 - 12.07.2023 19:24

Can people of color use it, ?

@veronagraham6816 - 12.07.2023 19:25

Can you do a review on the inkey list?

@veronagraham6816 - 12.07.2023 19:28


@veronagraham6816 - 12.07.2023 19:33

I live in Florida it hot and dry here ,love a great moisturizer

@kavitarathore5879 - 16.07.2023 10:44

A video on pigmentation around and on lips please

@dontskiplegday3939 - 16.07.2023 15:48

Can you pls. Review Heimish All Clean Green Foam on your next uplpad. Its a korean cleanser that is Low PH and good for all skin types from oily, dry and sensitive skin.

@asmakanwal3126 - 13.08.2023 00:49

tell something which can give instant glow to skin

@asmakanwal3126 - 13.08.2023 00:50

Versed weekend glow toner is no doubt awasome

@asmakanwal3126 - 13.08.2023 00:55

can you guide which makeup products we should use

@christine1962ful - 12.10.2023 08:45

Can these products be used on a 12 yr old with acne?

@irenesimon7484 - 24.10.2023 17:31

I recently started using the versed retinol body lotion. What’s your take on Strivectin? I’ve been using it for years in my neck & seems like it’s working. My hubby is not into skin care but I noticed his wrinkled neck so I had him start using it years ago. I saw the change in a couple of of months. We don’t use the one specifically for neck as it gave me rashes. I’m thinking if I have to switch to retinol.

@marymckenna5524 - 16.11.2023 16:22

Has anyone tried the Pacifica Wake Up Beautiful Retinoid Body Serum and Lotion products? Both contain 1% granactive retinoid.

@rachelattack - 13.01.2024 05:57

The green tea aloe gel moisturizer is AMAZING. Perfect for in the morning because it absorbs beautifully and makes my face bouncy and hydrated. I use it as a primer kinda because it's tacky and for me but it absorbs so fast. I also use the retinol around my smile lines and hormonal acne areas but I still have to watch I don't do it more than 2x a week. Have tried a lot but today got the pineapple weekly peel and I have high hopes.

@theroman65 - 11.03.2024 07:14

Hello from Bohol

@pamorama - 13.04.2024 00:06

I checked out this review because I don’t know what’s happening with vers these days my three favorite products were the night cream with the blue tansy extract, hydrating serum and their restoring serum. None of those seem to be on the shelves. Oh I also really love their retinal eye balm. Took me a while to figure out how to use it, but you just have the smallest amount around your bone and migrates all around the area and up with really nicely, moisturized eyes. Plus, I’ve used it on other dry spots with good results.

@dime.overmatter - 02.06.2024 18:43

This wasn't a review, it's straight up an advert

@brittanymiller7830 - 05.12.2024 01:22

Doctors resurfacing or their weekend glow mask for sensitive mature rosacea type 1 ?
