I Bought The Cheapest "Mystery Tech" Box And Wasn't Scammed For Once...

I Bought The Cheapest "Mystery Tech" Box And Wasn't Scammed For Once...


3 года назад

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@marcusburns1973 - 07.12.2021 21:50

I'm still using a Q6600. It's a little slow now but still usable.

@terr0rwolf - 07.12.2021 23:09

That's actually pretty awesome! A Q6600 for a low price, nice! And still "better" or more interesting than a first gen i-3 or similar. And with a game as well!

@DoomOfConviction - 08.12.2021 00:41

Play call of Juarez goddammit!

@somemore9784 - 08.12.2021 01:16

Call of juarez is a great game!

@varkin794 - 08.12.2021 02:10

I always wanted a Core 2 Quad, I only could afford an Intel dual core though, not even a Core 2 duo, but I had great moments with it.

@mattfm101 - 08.12.2021 03:28

Its crazy how good that cpu used to be the only cpu better than that was the 2500k which on retrospective I probs should have held on till this generation.

@Darkangel01966 - 08.12.2021 05:05

Still rocking a Q9550 with a Gtx 560 in my Media Pc and yes it plays a decent variety of games.Obviously not Triple A titles maxed but considering the whole lot stands me about $20 I'm pleased.

@mrb5749 - 08.12.2021 16:00

I am interested in T600 could you make more benchmark in 1080p?

@GameslordXY - 08.12.2021 18:42

How is that opening up on camera without us seeing it you opening it.🤔🙄

@gavowassy7655 - 08.12.2021 22:46

U been dying your hair?

@vacanza11 - 09.12.2021 02:09

Call of juarez was one of the first dx11 games... i liked it's graphic but it was very taxing for the hardware of the time...

@trolco - 09.12.2021 03:27

Oooo, a tuningable(via ducttape :D) c2q processor, a bit old, but does this enough with a considerably good gpu for stalker anomaly for 1080p 144 hz?...
One fact is sure...an r9 270 wont be enough unless you choose dx8 or sg like that and minimal settings, and in busier arena, it even produces around 90 fps:$...

@jatinprasad7078 - 09.12.2021 07:42

you are doing great brother..


@jatinprasad7078 - 09.12.2021 07:45

i like your big forehead....🙆

Happy Christmas Brother...

love from INDIA..🙏

@DavidWilliamsThatsMe - 09.12.2021 09:56

“Dear Mr.HD…. “

Your full name is the channel, right?

@Blazs120gl - 09.12.2021 10:12

What a nice lucky bag pull! Both items worked! :D
I have two 775 motherboards and an E8600 dual core somehwere, so a Q6600 could make it a nice kitchen computer. :)

@ch.8682 - 09.12.2021 10:57

I like ya cut g

@ZipplyZane - 10.12.2021 01:49

Surprised you still have a compatible mobo. What do you keep it around for? Is it just leftover?

@sebaschan-uwu - 10.12.2021 06:17

Lmao that steam game is free right now

@SupremacyRaa - 10.12.2021 08:54

Dx and today that same game is free (100% off)

@AndyMitchellUK26 - 10.12.2021 10:24

I have a Q6600 just sat on my desk, next to an i5 2500k and a dead i5 4590s. I have dozens of old Core 2 CPUs just sat in a box doing nothing, maybe I should do some Tech for £10 sales on eBay too!

@homelessEh - 10.12.2021 18:09

..found out they mad a hd 6570 4gb ddr5 varient.. shit my pants because i thought the best one could hope for in the old hd6000 series was 2gb at best. but no

@GRGA4200 - 10.12.2021 18:35

i have core 2 quad still running today q6600 bet u have a better one LUL

@stevin47 - 10.12.2021 23:41

call of juarez gunslinger 2020 is also free on steam very good graphics and alot of fum

@FranklyAussie - 11.12.2021 06:55

at the date of this comment (11/12/2021) right now Call of Juarez is AU$ 2.90 Techland publishing sale.

@jazeenharal6013 - 11.12.2021 15:07

Call of Juarez is a fun game.

@LellePrinter82 - 11.12.2021 23:47

The q6600 cpu can be modded to 3ghz (it is called q6600 bsel mod) where you cover some of the contacts on the cpu and trick the motherboard into thinking it is a 1333 fsb cpu instead of 1066 fsb, but make sure that your motherboard can work with 1333 fsb cpu's otherwise the mod won't work.

@badnewsbruner - 12.12.2021 10:56

Nice deal for a tenner!
Call Of Juarez is a hidden GEM!
Love that game, you should cover it!!

@yukiskyhawk101 - 12.12.2021 10:58

it will play RE5

@anumeon - 12.12.2021 13:20

Ahh, Call of Juarez.. There is nothing better than gunning down the bad guys while quoting the bible in the voice of Gul Dukat.. :)

@fuelhemi426 - 13.12.2021 07:29

At the beginning of this year, i was still gaming on a C2Q.

@OldLebaneseNerd - 13.12.2021 17:49

while i never minded his pretty face, would have loved a POV camera view on this one.

@MrMickey2000 - 15.12.2021 00:35

That's a free game on steam which anyone can get for free lol!

@mrstarfire9336 - 15.12.2021 14:44

I used a q6600 for years after paying 20 pound for it ..I loved that cpu!

@W4NKER - 16.12.2021 08:37

The classic quad 😂

@jefmoesy - 16.12.2021 22:53

Nice totally forgot about that game, i think i had it for the ps3.

@slob12 - 17.12.2021 03:47

Glad it worked out....still have my E6600 CORE DUO tho there days its minus the mb and there just to look at and remember thise good old times

@danielpedersen1262 - 18.12.2021 18:46

i got that game for free on steam XD

@notpuddlehannic - 19.12.2021 01:22

your eyes are super reflective

@foc2241 - 28.12.2021 17:36

I am running a Q9650 as my Ubuntu server :D

@s.a.f.r.a6403 - 04.01.2022 16:02

Call of Juarez has alot of graphical settings even a choice of different DX shortcuts you didnt even come close to scratching that games graphical surface

@aaronnoneya8071 - 11.01.2022 08:09

No offense... but are you daft? Locking the frame rate to 30 FPS will NOT prevent drops... Vsync doesn't give you some magical FPS boost if the game can't actually hit that 30 FPS lock. You're better off unlocking the frame rate that way you can get a little bit more smoothness out of whatever you're testing and see the TRUE potential of the hardware. (I've been building PC's for over 20 years now and fixing thousands.. Trust me I know what i'm talking about)

@Originss_ - 22.01.2022 12:55

I always had a Problem to run Something on Roblox it was dipping to the 20FPS

@FunkyTechy - 26.01.2022 05:50

It’s the same cpu from your swap vid

@neverenoughguitars8276 - 20.02.2022 01:43

I rocked that cpu for 6 years lol. Served me so well. Excellent cpu for the time.

@sillyszili2593 - 03.03.2022 20:43

i played this game with a Pentium IV 631,Radeon 9600XT 2560MB and 1GB of DDR2-533 RAM back in like 2008 and it wasnt a too bad experience

@KineticKiwi - 15.04.2022 15:09

Man i used to love call o juarez when i was little

@Daveyengland - 01.08.2022 05:08

Call of Juarez was given away free on Steam around this time. I got it, downloaded it and had a quick look… reminds me of Rage, in terms of looks. Still, meant to be a good game that I may play in future.
